My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 443 - Coming Back

Chapter 443 - Coming Back

While smoking his cigarette, Jean's pupils stared at the dark night outside the window.

He gave Sasha a chance to have a life, letting her live as a member of the Peter family would be a good end for her.

How could that woman think she could trick him into falling into her trap. But Jean regretted that other people had to fall victims to her. The incident left Tom heartbroken as he realized that he had been used from start to finish and Alex lying in the hospital after an accident.

Jean pinched his cigarette, exhaled the smoke, and slowly got up and walked towards the window of his room.

His sharp silhouette was reflected in the glass, his cold pupils melted the darkness of the night.

Sasha Hiroshi was finished!


The next day at 8 am, Lilia got up in a hurry.

Her eyes were still hazy when she woke up and when she saw the ornate ceiling above, she was a little surprised.

Today should be the day they returned to the Widjaya family house.

Everything about last night was still alive in her mind, and without needing to say it out loud, Lilia could feel Jean's big brother change in attitude after finding out her identity.

Lilia was quite confused, she didn't know what would happen when they met again.

She never told the truth about that year, nor did Jean. And they didn't want to use this incident as a way to change the Widjaya family's view of her.


Lilia's mind was surging uncontrollably, a soft sigh could be heard escaping the corner of her lips. She pulled up the blanket and turned to the eyes of the man beside her. She saw him smiling while gently patting her in the head with one hand. "Why are you looking upset early in the morning? What are you thinking?"

Lilia was dumbfounded, she clutched her blanket to cover the tip of her nose and left only her pair of clear eyes visible. She arched her brows and shook her head. "I didn't think about anything. By the way, aren't we going back to your family's house today? When do we leave?"

The man bent down and approached Lilia, he stroked her warm cheeks and said softly, "If you are not tired, we will go now."

"Come on, let's go quickly. Isn't it better?"

As Lilia just said, she saw a warm smile from her husband the next second.

Lilia stopped standing and turned towards her husband and caressed his cheek gently. "Why are you smiling like that?"

The man's thin lips slightly lifted, he squeezed Lilia's hand and said with a smile, "I can't wait to introduce the real you!"

Lili's gaze stopped, she turned and sat back on the bed. Her eyes were full of cunning plot as she muttered, "Actually, I'm also looking forward to it...."


—Quarter past eight at the Widjaya family house. josei

In front of the marble-covered table in the living room, James Widjaya was seen wearing a brown Tang-style Chinese suit and sighing as he folded his legs.

He rolled his eyebrows and looked at the clock in his hand, his gaze shifting to the living room's window. Coughing softly, he shifted his gaze back to look at his maid named Jimmy. "Are the foods ready?"

Jimmy nodded with a smile. "Sir, don't worry. I have prepared a lot of cakes and appetizers suitable for conversation partners."

'You've asked this question eight times!' He thought.

James nodded his head in satisfaction, then he looked at the time again and continued to ask. "Has the room been cleaned?"

Jimmy patiently answered, "It's finished, sir, no need to worry."

"Good…." James was silent for about three seconds, then he asked again, "What time is it, why isn't he here yet? Go and tell Jean that I've been waiting for him."

"Yes, sir!" Jimmy hurried out of the living room as if he were running away.

From seven in the morning until now, James couldn't stop being restless.

Jimmy had been with the Widjaya family for many years, and he had never seen his master so worried.

However, this personal servant could only grumble in his heart. After leaving the living room, he called young master Jean to ask what time he would be coming.


At nine o'clock, James managed to calm himself down. He got up from the sofa in the living room, walked around the table with his hands behind his back, looked around, and walked toward the main room.

At this time, his wife Irene had just stepped down. The woman still looked as graceful as ever, her hair was neatly combed, the dark purple cheongsam dress she was wearing made her look even more beautiful.

As she walked down the stairs, she saw her husband was taking a walk around the hall. While pursing her lips, the woman smiled and stepped forward as she said warmly, "Honey, what are you doing?"

James' footsteps paused for a moment, and when he looked back, his face looked displeased. "It's hot outside so I'm here to cool off."

Irene didn't bother replying to her husband's words. She just stared at the many cookies and other preparations this brother had made for her little brother. The sight could only make her smile. "Honey, Jean should have been busy until late last night. Even if you rush like this, he won't come any sooner. Let's just go in and rest in the room."

"Who is waiting for him?!" James unconsciously denied it. As Jimmy happened to walk out of the side hall, James immediately asked him, "What did my brother say? When will he arrive?"

'You shy cat!' His wife thought.

Jimmy stepped forward quickly and said soothingly, "Sir, they will be here soon."

James' heart fell to the ground in an instant.

Standing where he was, he immediately straightened his collar, trying to ease the anxiety that was evident on his face. The man then put on his cold, indifferent expression again.

He looked at Irene and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Let's go greet them."

Irene sighed and walked over to him. When she reached his side, Irene couldn't help but tease her husband. "Why can't you be honest with your own feelings?"

...… ..

Five minutes later, Lilia and Jean finally arrived at the Widjaya house.

They were both welcomed by the view of a beautiful green garden that was well maintained.

When she got out of the car, Lilia was seen wearing a long cream coat. As she stood up, a cool wisp of wind faintly brushed her face.

The location of the Widjaya family house was far from the city center and only a few buildings could be seen around them. Lilia could also see a large pond in the yard with many fish swimming in it.

Lilia was mesmerized by the beautiful sight for a few moments, her shoulders suddenly sank into her husband's warm embrace.

Jean's slender and strong figure followed his wife's movements well. His cold pupils turned warm and dazzling. It seemed like he was in a good mood today.

The man lowered his head slightly and his thin lips lifted as he said, "Are you nervous?"

Lilia shook her head. "Not at all!"

After she answered him, Lilia took Jean's palm and walked together towards the front hall of the Widjaya family house.

She might not even notice that her hand was slightly pinching Jean's. Maybe this was Lilia's natural reaction when she was nervous but she didn't want to admit it.

Of course Lilia felt nervous, but her feet slowly continued to step forward together with Jean.

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