My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 446 - Lilia’s Indifference

Chapter 446 - Lilia’s Indifference

When Lilia saw her phone's screen dimming, her face was soft as her head bowed.

At this time, the car stopped because of the red traffic light. Jean looked to the side and noticed his wife lowering her head. With one hand on the steering wheel, the other stroked the top of his wife's head gently. "If you don't want to then don't pick it up."

Jean's warm hand offered comfort and care, his soft voice was filled with affection.

Lilia raised her eyes to look at him, and subconsciously rubbed her thumb on the screen. She didn't want Jean to worry, so she smiled. "I just feel weird. After not saying anything for a long time, why did he suddenly call me?"

The man she once called as her father gave her room to Leila at h. He didn't care about Lilia and threatened her to let her sleep in the living room.

This different treatment had long erased the relationship between father and daughter that had existed for years.

Lilia never thought of seeing him again in her life, but… why now her father suddenly called her?

The red light at the intersection had turned green, Jean started driving back up. After a moment of silence, he couldn't hide it anymore and spoke honestly. "Last week, the Widjaya family suspended all projects involving the Pangestu family. At the same time, investors also withdrew their money. So it can be said that the Pangestu family's finances are not good."

Lilia was still deep in thought then opened her mouth in surprise when she heard that. "All projects?"

If so, the purpose of her father to call her earlier was very clear.

Perhaps, her father wanted to use her to persuade Jean? josei

At this time, the man looked straight ahead and just glanced at her quickly. "That's right, all projects have stopped."

Lilia muttered nonchalantly. "No wonder he called me."

"The Pangestu family's capital chain has been severed and it's no wonder their other projects will be completely suspended due to a lack of funds."

Jean tried to explain Lilia with these lines, but he only got a faint 'oh' in return.

The man didn't say much anymore, Lilia didn't reply anymore either.

Jean couldn't figure out his wife's intentions for a while, so he lowered the speed of the car a little. His deep eyes stared at her as he said in a joking tone, "Don't you want to know why I did it?"

Lilia regained her senses from her daze, she looked into Jean's eyes and shook her head briefly after a few seconds. "There's nothing to say, you must have a reason for doing this. I also didn't mean to interfere because business is an unpredictable world. If the Pangestu family asked for my help, honestly…. I thought it would be pretty funny."

Lilia was silent for a long time, she felt a little ironic.

Jean listened seriously to his wife's words, he immediately stopped the car on the side of the road.

"Why did you stop?" Lilia shifted her gaze to Jean, looking a little confused when their car suddenly stopped.

The man did not speak, instead he looked down to see that his wife was still rubbing her cell phone's screen. He sighed and asked, "Does my action make you sad?"

Lilia's shocked expression quickly turned into a smile. "How could it be? Didn't I already say that you must have your reasons?"

"Then try to explain, what do you think about the current Pangestu family?" The man was still holding the steering wheel and glanced only to the side, but his sullen expression was reflected in his dark pupils.

Lilia blinked and the next second she leaned on his shoulder. While kissing her husband's hand, she laughed. "To be honest, I don't really care about that family anymore, but there is one thing that still makes me think about it. It's Leila,"

"Sylvia can't wait to give her affection to her daughter Leila and feels that her family is finally complete and perfect. In the past, I also wondered that if the Pangestu family had financial difficulties, what would Leila do to save them?" Lilia continued.

When the voice fell, something flashed through her mind and reminded her of one thing. She couldn't help but press her lips, and said slowly, "However, what happened was that Leila fled and returned to Jakarta. Instead of helping, she started selling her property. She didn't seem to care about the Pangestu family at all,"

Was Leila completely devoid of empathy for her family?

As a former member of the Pangestu family, she deeply regretted Leila's action.

Jean kept looking at her thoughtfully. His gloomy expression turned slightly more relaxed.

His wife was really smart and sensitive.

The man's eyebrows were slightly tinged with a sense of calmness, he pinched his wife's cheek gently. "On the contrary, I believe that Leila is up to something with the money from the sale of her property."

Hearing those words, Lilia nodded and agreed immediately. "That's right, I'm sure that woman has an ace in her hand and doesn't really care what happens to the Pangestu family."

This was the end of the story of Lilia who no longer wanted to get involved with the Pangestu family. But in her small heart, she still had hope in Leila. Lilia wanted to see what Leila would do about the misfortune that befell the Pangestu family.

It was still afternoon, their car was still parked on the side of the road.

Lilia casually glanced at the street scene outside the window. When she saw the Plaza Building not far ahead, her eyes lit up and she turned her head towards her husband. "Are you going to the office later?"

It's 4:30 pm now and today was not the weekend, Lilia didn't know whether her husband needed to go to his company or not.

Lilia was clearly worried because her husband hadn't come in the past two days so he might be busy.

"No, today I will be with you all day!" The man answered simply.

Hearing this, Lilia's cheeks were smooth. When she looked at the man again, her voice turned so soft. "Are you aware that we've never gone to a cinema together?"

No matter how mature Lilia was, she was just 24 year old.

It seemed that keeping a good relationship required only a series of simple activities such as eating out, shopping and going to movies!

However, for some reasons, the couple still had little activity to do.

Watching movies, eating ice cream while watching TV, snuggling in each others' warm embrace on a cold night— even though they sounded simple, Lilia wanted to do these couple things. Seeing the shopping center in front of her, Lilia decided to watch a movie together with Jean.

The man looked at his wife's happy face, he then pursed his lips, leaned over and kissed her without holding back.

After kissing Lilia, he took her hand and his voice could be heard clearly. "What movie do you want to watch? I'll buy the ticket!"

Lilia's lashes drooped and her heart felt warm from the sweetness.

...… ..

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them walked towards the cinema in the Plaza Building.

Lilia was not wearing her sunglasses, she was only wearing her beige coat and walking hand in hand with Jean.

Their relationship had been announced long ago, but this should be the first time the two of them had gone public.

Lilia's small hand was held by Jean's warm hand, the two of them were strolling around this shopping mall in peace.. Since today was not the weekend, this place was relatively quiet.

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