My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 494 - Unexpected Truth

Chapter 494 - Unexpected Truth

"Quickly say it!" Mellisa said in a thundering voice. She poured out all the bitterness and pain that tormented her for five years on Trisa, she wouldn't go home until she found out the truth.

Trisa's body shrank, her courage crumbled at Mellisa's gloomy eyes. She was really panicked.

"Eric, Eric, save me!" A sharp roar came out of Trisa's mouth.

After screaming, she immediately tried to run away, her eagerness to survive causing her to push Mellisa away. She jumped over the back of the sofa chair and ran out the door.

Mellisa was pushed back two steps. Just as she was about to come forward and chase her, Leonard stood up and stopped her, then spoke in a heavy tone. "There is no need to chase her, she can't run away."

Leonard walked over to Mellisa and pulled her wrist, forcefully opening her tight fist.

Sure enough, her nails had pierced her palms under her exasperated emotions.

Leonard clicked his tongue in annoyance and sighed. "If you want to hit her, just hit that one bastard. Don't you want to vent your anger so that your heart feels relieved?"

Lilia's intention to comfort Mellisa was hindered by the words coming out of her future brother-in-law.

She pursed her lips and smiled silently, wiped the tip of her nose with a tissue, and tightly grasped her husband's arm.

At this time, Trisa thought she had survived by running away. Seeing that she had made it to the door, she didn't forget to shout. "Eric!"

Then, the door opened!

The door was kicked quite hard, as if the one kicking it had a grudge against it.

The door panel which suddenly opened then slapped Trisa's face at high speed under the force of a strong kick.

The door slammed her head down violently and made her fall to the floor. josei

If people had heard it, they'd instantly think that someone had just gotten their nose broken.

The person outside the door pulled back his leg, then looked at Trisa who was cowering and roaring in pain. He scratched his head in a daze. "Did you call me?"

This person was previously disguised as a servant, his name was Agung.

Leonard glanced at him with his head tilted. The two of them were former teammates that had worked together. Leonard naturally knew that the kick in the door was not a coincidence. "Next time you kick it, be careful. What if she dies? Don't throw away your future like that."

Agung stood at the door and tilted his head, then he shook his head and looked at him. "Hahaha looks like your habit of nagging has never changed, I'm not your subordinate you know!"

"Get out quickly and close the door!" Leonard gave a cold snort. Agung just curled his lips, closed the door from the outside with an annoyed expression. "You little tyrant!"

'That Leonard... he still likes to play boss!'

Then where was Eric? Apparently, the man passed out and was tied to a chair.


Inside the room, Trisa was lying on the floor and still groaning in pain.

After all, this was the first time she had experienced such a painful ambush. Her career was brilliant as she had married the Irwan family and enjoyed the magnificent life that her husband's erudite family gave her. In her entire life, however, she had never experienced anything like this…

She covered her face and wailed, her nose had been broken from getting slammed by the door. The pain made her twitch a lot.

Mellisa pacing in front of her, she bent her legs and squatted. Then she said lightly amid the howls that Trisa let out, "Last chance, do you want to talk, auntie? I'll give you 3 seconds!"

"You disobedient child, you will definitely pay for this!" Trisa was still cursing without thinking.

At this time, Lilia, who had been watching this drama for a long time, stood up from the sofa and rubbed her sore forehead. When she put down her tissue, her expression looked really annoyed. "Can you make her stop screaming? Her voice is very unpleasant to hear!"

Mellisa nodded. "Okay!"

In the next second, Mellisa immediately clenched her fist and hit Trisa in the stomach.


So sick, Trisa didn't have the strength to scream anymore.

Seeing this, Lilia's mouth gradually showed a cheerful smile.

The world finally calmed down again!

Lilia passed the coffee table and walked beside Mellisa. She then tapped her sister's shoulder and joked. "Since she didn't say anything, forget her then. By the way, do you think the thugs at this nightclub are loyal to this aunt? Remember, she used to ask those thugs to hurt you, so we can take advantage of this to get them confess and we can sue her legally."

Mellisa's gloomy eyes gradually recovered a glimmer of light, she laughed at herself. "I was just thinking about what happened five years ago, I almost forgot about it!"

At this moment, Trisa raised her head in fear.

Lilia caught her gaze, then turned around and lowered her head. She looked down at her condescendingly.? "I really wonder why you are secretly helping Leila so much? Why?"

"You guys, you really are..."

In the end, Trisa didn't say anything, because the pain in her stomach and her broken nose prevented her from speaking any more.

Lilia chuckled, but the corners of her eyebrows and eyes were cold and sharp. "You think we know nothing? Do you really think our presence here is just a casual visit?

"We actually understand what happened five years ago!" She exclaimed

"Mrs. Trisa, do you know why we didn't involve the police at all? Because we gave you a chance, but… you don't seem to know how to show respect!" She added with fierceness.

Trisa was startled by Lilia's words for a moment. She sat on the floor with her hands on her stomach, her tears were flowing down her face, and her voice was dull. "What do you mean?"

Lilia stepped forward, leaned forward and squatted in front of Trisa. Her eyes were bright and clear, allowing Trisa to see her reflection in her eyes clearly.

She looked pathetic and miserable.

After that, she heard Lilia in a daze. "This nightclub has long been surrounded by our people from the police department. Do you think you can run away? However, as long as you tell the truth, we will definitely protect you."

Lilia's warning left Trisa shaken a little.

"Really?" Trisa said with her lips trembling. The pain in her nose was really excruciating, she could only breathe with her mouth open.

Lilia looked at her with a suspicious look, she then frowned and stood up. "Yes, as long as you tell us everything! But since you don't want to talk ... Brother-in-law, let your subordinates in."

Lilia looked at Leonard who was nodding calmly. "Okay."

"Wait, no! I'll talk, I'll talk!" When Trisa saw Leonard take out the walkie-talkie from his black coat pocket, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

Leonard stopped taking the walkie-talkie after hearing Trisa's words.

Seeing this scene, Trisa's confused feelings subsided a little. She tried to get up from the floor by dragging herself back to her feet. Finally, she managed to stand unsteadily, without dignity and arrogance that was once owned by a member of a large family.

Trisa seemed unable to keep her balance, so she leaned on the side wall and breathed several times before walking to the coffee table. Then she picked up and folded a few wipes to cover the bridge of her nose.

She was almost looking the same as an old male lion, no more arrogance and cruelty.

"Since you want to hear what I have to say, you must be prepared. The story is a bit long, I should probably start from 24 years ago."

Lilia took Mellisa's hand suddenly, she felt a little nervous. What happened twenty-four years ago?

Did it have something to do with her birth?

Trisa gently pressed the bridge of her nose. Seeing the surprise in the corner of Lilia's eyes, a faint light flashed through her eyes. "Lilia, you just promised me to take care of me. So, are you wondering how your life could have flipped at that time? Then, do you also wonder how Mellisa's car accident happened five years ago?"

After talking about this, Trisa paused for a moment.. Then smiled mysteriously. "Are you all curious?"

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