My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 509 - Delayed Return

Chapter 509 - Delayed Return

Hearing Julius' question, Lilia nodded earnestly. She didn't keep her feelings secret and said with a warm look in her eyes, "Yes, grandfather and everyone in the Mayer family have been very nice to me."

This was the end of their short conversation. After hearing Lilia's words, Julius didn't speak anymore and only looked at the girl opposite him closely.

Over the years, she had grown up to be a beautiful woman and now she had found the peaceful life she had been seeking for so many years.

Lilia's face didn't change, but everything about her seemed to have changed.


Julius didn't keep her in his office for too long. When he was escorting Lilia outside, he saw Jean standing not far from the door.

"Young Master Jean, long time no see!" When Julius saw him, he smiled and stretched out his hand in greeting.

No matter what happened, he still admired this man.

His laboratory was underfunded, and Jean was the only one who reached out to provide him with the funds.

Julius could see that Jean was indeed a very good man for Lilia.

Jean stepped forward and shook Julius' hand. Then he nodded without hesitation as he said, "Mr. Julius, nice to see you again."

Julius looked at him, then he saw Lilia walking to the man's side naturally. The man couldn't help but smile. "I have a seminar soon, so I can't talk to you for long. When we have time to spare, let's have dinner together."

"Okay, see you later." The man replied calmly, Lilia also smiled and waved at him.

After Julius nodded his head, he immediately turned around and headed for the elevator.

Behind him, Lilia stared at his figure with faint ripples in her calm eyes.

She felt that her uncle was still as gentle and kind as ever. Even when the two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time, he still took the time to exchange news with her. Lilia felt that Julius was among the few in the Pangestu family who loved her the most.

After Julius left, he ran into Lawrence who was seen panting in the corridor.

They had only met at the seminar and didn't know each other, but Julius still walked up to him and said, "Doctor Lawrence, can you give me a copy of Lilia's results after the report is out?"

Lawrence' steps were blocked, he could hear Julius' words before he lifted his eyes.

He looked shocked before he unhesitatingly replied, "Fine, but there are some results that are expected to wait a day or two. Should I email them?"

After thinking about it, Julius took out his business card from the breast pocket of his jacket. "No problem, you can call me when the time comes. I'll come and collect it later myself." josei

This uncle was very serious!

Lawrence thought about it, but he didn't feel interested about whatever that man wanted to do with the result and answered with a smile. "Of course, then wait to hear from me."

"Thank you very much."

After thanking him politely, Julius walked past him and went to the conference room where the seminar took place.

Lawrence turned his head to look at his back, then rubbed his chin and muttered, "Hahaha I didn't expect Lilia to have a professor as her uncle, and it seems he really loves his niece!"


At 10.30 in the morning, all of Lilia's examination tests were finished.

Lawrence reported some of the results to them, and there were no problems with the results of the blood tests.

For the remaining reports that had not come out yet, he would inform it as soon as possible.

Before leaving the hospital, Lilia texted Julius a goodbye message.

When she just returned to the parking lot, her cell phone vibrated.

Julius didn't say anything about the Pangestu family anymore, he just reminded her to pay more attention to her body.

Lilia was a little moved by such a very ordinary concern.

She returned to the car, rubbing her cell phone's screen while wondering if she should ask the man beside her. After a few seconds, she asked bluntly, "Is the Pangestu family bankrupt?"

Jean tightened his seat belt, then he turned his head to look at his wife. His lips curved in a soft voice. "Did Julius tell you?"

Lilia didn't hide it. "He just told me perfunctorily, I didn't ask any more details."

"Robert has gone bankrupt, he filed for bankruptcy last week!" The man explained. After he fastened his seat belt, his eyes blinked.

Lilia just said 'Oh', then said it back somewhat flippantly, "So they went bankrupt... It seems that the money Leila withdrew from the sale of her property was not meant to help the Pangestu family overcome difficulties."

How ironic!

Over the past few years, the couple had spent a lot of money on Leila's good, and they didn't even know how much money they had given her.

Now the 'bankruptcy' had pushed the Pangestu family into a stalemate.

And the girl they'd always thought was good-hearted seemed to have run away with their money.

The man caught the faint ridicule and couldn't help but lean forward. After properly putting on the seat belt, his soft voice said, "What would you like to eat during the day?"

Jean changed the subject, as if he didn't want Lilia's mind to remain on the trouble with the Pangestu family.

She hadn't eaten since morning. And now that it was nearing noon, this good husband was afraid that his wife would starve.

Lilia's misty gaze gradually disappeared, she had been suppressing her hunger for a while. The touch of Jean's worry melted her heart, her bright eyes sparkling and her face smiled sweetly. "I want to eat hot pot. It can warm our stomachs since today's a bit cold."

The man gave her a pampering look. "Okay,"

Two cars left the parking lot one after another. However, in the direction of the hospital building, a figure stood watching the car disappear from view.

This person looked lonely, his hands were behind his back while holding his cellphone. The cell phone's screen slowly dimmed, but it still showed the message Lilia sent to him.

"Professor, the material prepared for the meeting is ready. Can you check it again?"

The seminar assistant came out of the conference room, saw his figure, and walked over with the materials.

Julius put his cell phone back in his pocket, pulled the gloom between his brows, then turned and walked away.

After today, he didn't know when he could see Lilia again.


On the afternoon of the same day, Lilia was packing her luggage at the villa and accidentally received a call from Harold.

His voice sounded a little tired as he spoke. "When are you going back to Surabaya?"

Lilia glanced at the suitcase on her bed and chuckled. "Tomorrow."

Basically, their business in Jakarta had been perfectly handled.

Because of that, they didn't need to stay here anymore.

As for Leila, her specific situation was still unknown since she was currently in Malaysia. It was impossible for them to rush to Malaysia to catch up with her and suddenly arrest her.

After lunch, they discussed it and agreed to head back tomorrow.

Harold's breath stopped. "Why so fast?"

"Didn't you always urge me to come back before? Why are you even surprised like that now?" Lilia sat on the floor while continuing to tidy up her suitcase.

She faintly heard Harold's unusual tone, her nails rubbing the edges of the suitcase, and her brows furrowed slightly.

Harold chuckled, but he didn't want to overreact. "Don't talk nonsense! I always hope you can return as soon as possible. However, you can't come back tomorrow, unfortunately. The Chosen Kingdom tour promotion has started, and the first stop is the capital city of Jakarta."

"Shirley is currently overseas and she cannot return. The entire crew agrees and supports you to replace her role. Louis Septian also told me that you have to be there." He added.

These words made Lilia's expression crumpled in an instant.

During this lunch discussion, she had already agreed to come back tomorrow. Grandpa Caleb found out about this and asked Hansen to arrange a private jet for them.

She didn't know if it was just her intuition, she felt that Jean seemed to have a lot of business to be dealt with in Surabaya. Why did she know that? Because the man not only answered three calls only within one hour during their lunch earlier.

He received 8 bloody calls!

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