My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 517 - Guilt In Lilia’s Heart

Chapter 517 - Guilt In Lilia’s Heart

After Kenny hung up, he stood outside the door of the conference room and stared at Jean from the window inadvertently.

He let out a heavy sigh, then quickly returned to his office and continued to search for relevant information.

He was completely dizzy with the events that had happened recently. One of the government projects that was supposed to have a contract with the Widjaya family suddenly vanished.

This incident was truly very unfortunate. After being investigated, it turned out that a fatal accident had happened in the middle of the negotiation. The amount of the bid was accidentally leaked. This immediately led to their rivals offering lower prices.

Kenny had always felt responsible for this problem, but he found no errors from beginning to end.

The thing that embarrassed the company the most was that the price offered by its rivals was only 100 million lower than them.

This must be a planned scheme meant to insult them!

Since Jean returned from Jakarta, he held an executive meeting to investigate this accident that eliminated the billions worth of contracts. Every related personnel was also being thoroughly investigated.


Tonight, Lilia was sleeping alone with a cold heart. In the midst of her gloom, she always felt that the man next to her had returned. She woke up several times, but the other side of the bed was still empty.

The next morning, she woke up at seven.

After taking a shower, she didn't even have breakfast. Before eight o'clock, she called Dina to get the car and drove straight to the company Jean was in.

Her husband did not return all night, and his cellphone was still turned off. Was he really busy that his meeting lasted overnight?!

It was 8:20 am when she almost arrived at the company.

Lilia got out of the car, and before stepping into the company, she stopped by a nearby cafe to buy two cups of coffee and a sandwich.

When she was waiting in line to buy, her mind was filled with many questions. She wondered if a problem could change people's hearts?

She felt that it was not only the company she worked for that was in trouble. It seemed that even the Widjaya family had experienced a hard time at the same time.

Lilia walked into the lobby carrying a white crackle. Since she wore no makeup and didn't sleep well last night, she looked a little tired.

It was too early in the morning and the number of employees was still very few. After the receptionist saw her at the front desk, Lilia was politely led to the elevator.

The president's wife came here looking haggard. Last night, she heard that the rest of the management was working all night and the president was not returning to his house. Could it be... they had a fight?!

There was also a hot search on the internet yesterday. Nobody knew if this president's wife had found out about it.

After the end of the first "Chosen Kingdom" promotional tour, a number of journalists suspected that the Van brand outfit Lilia was wearing was just imitation and not authentic.

The content of the dubious news collected all the pictures and details of the clothes on the Van brand website in detail, but they could not find the dress worn by Lilia last night.

No one had officially responded to this news, including the agency Lilia worked for. josei

Some magazines and newspapers also stated that their team tried to reach for the Van brand and yet they didn't get their calls or texts answered.

Apart from the wild speculation, many people in the fashion industry had analyzed high imitation dresses with their detailed opinions. Their words were much harsher and they were sure that the dress was definitely not authentic.

Of course, Lilia had no idea that her uninformed words yesterday caused so many chain reactions.

Right now, she only cared about a man in the president's office of this building.

Taking the elevator to the top floor, she felt a different atmosphere the moment the door opened.

Even though it wasn't time for work yet, there were a lot of people looking busy on this floor.

Employees traveled from time to time with documents in their hands, they were seen constantly going in and out of various office rooms.

Lilia was standing on the spot, watching the scene with her eyes fully wide open. Finally, she walked to the president's office in front of her without a word.

At this moment, her heart became restless.

"Madame?!" When she just stood at the door and was about to knock on it, Kenny walked out of the conference room with two dark circles under his eyes.

When Lilia saw him, she stopped at the same place.

She pointed her finger at the president's office and asked, "Is he there?"

Kenny wanted to answer but he couldn't help but yawn first, looking very unsightly. "Yes, the president has just finished the meeting at seven this morning. He should be resting inside."

When Lilia heard that, she felt so depressed.

After she nodded and thanked him, she pushed open the door and entered.


Nobody was there to welcome her in the president's office.

Lilia looked around quickly, put the coffee and breakfast in her hands on the table, then ran to the restroom at the back.

She did not know what was wrong with the Widjaya family business, but it was clearly not easy for her husband to hold meetings all day long after he returned from Jakarta.

She gently opened the door and there was a faint smell of smoke.

There was no one in bed, Lilia then looked at the window and saw the man standing in front of it, smoking with his back to her.

His broad back carried an impression of loneliness, the smoke of his cigarette made all the things that clogged his head go with him.

Jean looked like someone who had just finished fighting, what a complete mess. The clothes on his back looked slightly wrinkled, but that did not spoil his extraordinary aura.

Lilia hadn't spoken a word. But when the man heard the sound of the door opening, he raised his hand and inhaled a cigarette. His voice was hoarse as he said, "Are the materials ready? I'll be out in ten minutes."

Hearing this, Lilia's heart ached even more. 'Do you still want to continue?'

She stepped forward on the carpet and lightly took an accidental step. As she walked slowly behind him, she raised her arms and hugged her husband's waist. "Jean, you've been busy all night, don't you plan to rest?"

When Lilia approached him, Jean could already smell her familiar scent.

He let Lilia hug him, making his tense body slowly loosening up. His hands then moved to cover the back of his wife's hands that were circling him. "When did you come back?"

Lilia pressed her face against his back and answered softly, "Last night, I wanted to surprise you. But ... I couldn't reach you."

The man was silent for a few seconds and touched his trouser pocket, only to find out that his cell phone was left in the meeting room. He sighed and explained, "I had a meeting all day yesterday and I don't seem to realize that my phone might be dead. But Mrs. Widjaya came here this morning because she was worried about her husband. What a pleasant surprise!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Lilia's arm and slowly turned around. He stood in front of her in the dark, making his entire figure look so unreal.

Lilia raised her head and stared at her husband's glowing pupils, then stroked his brows sadly. "Why are you suddenly so busy that you have to work all night without a rest?"

The man stared at her, his thin lips slightly hooked. "This is the price of an error."

Lilia raised her eyebrows, wanting to ask something, but she swallowed the words.

Sure enough, there was a problem with her husband's job!

She fixedly stared into the man's red eyes, and stretched out her hand in the next second. "You've been busy all night, have you eaten yet? I bought coffee and breakfast, so you have to eat with me now!"

The man glanced at his watch subconsciously, but Lilia looked back and caught his movement.

Worried that Jean would work on an empty stomach, she pouted and said, "If you don't eat with me, then I won't eat!"

"Okay, I'll eat with you." The man let go of his tense look and squeezed his wife's cheek comfortably.

Lilia then pulled him over to sit at the sofa. After sitting next to him, she brought out their breakfast and two coffees. When she handed it over to him, she didn't forget to say, "I bought you a sandwich because I didn't want your stomach to hurt from eating heavy meals later. Oh yeah, this coffee is a little sweet, if you don't like it, I'll make you a tea."

"Don't bother, I love all the drinks you buy."

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