My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 519 - Harold’s Frustration Sense

Chapter 519 - Harold’s Frustration Sense

The dark horse in the real estate industry!

This was a very high evaluation for a company that had just entered the real estate industry.

Galaxy Real Estate...

For some reason, Lilia unconsciously thought of Alfred's name.

Although it seemed a little forced, she remembered that she did overhear a bit of Alfred's conversation with his grandmother when they attended the Mayer family dinner.

Lilia felt that she might have overanalyzed everything because her mind was restless.

She sank the doubt in her heart for a moment. Seeing Kenny still staring at her with a confused look, Lilia smiled without explaining and said goodbye before getting out of the car.


When Lilia arrived at the Aphrodite Agency, it was ten in the morning.

When she walked into the company's door, the woman at the reception desk saw her, and her eyes blinked with surprise.

This difference from the usual response she usually received seemed to represent a lot of trouble.

She hadn't been here in a long time, everything in the company still looked the same, but at the same time felt so different.

All of the staff looked busy, but when Lilia walked over, she saw many new faces she didn't recognize.

Unsurprisingly, these must be the new recruits Rini described.

Lilia calmly caught everyone's reaction as she walked towards Harold's office, and through the clear glass window, she saw Harold's figure inside.

She stepped forward and knocked on the closed door lightly. Her action made the door slowly open then closed again, and the people in the office looked panicked when they saw her.

Oh, Milia was here!

The girl was sitting across from Harold, she seemed to be crying as she spoke.

After Lilia knocked on the door, Milia suddenly closed her mouth, but tears filled her eyes again.

Lilia stood silently at the door, turning her gaze to Harold's face and said with a smile. "Sorry, the door isn't locked."

Harold was still wearing his signature floral shirt. He was staring at Lilia with eyes completely absent-minded, and he unconsciously opened his mouth. "Why are you here?"

"You guys talk first, I'll be waiting for you in the conference room!"

He wanted to avoid her, but Harold shook his head. "Don't worry, it's over. You, hurry out!"

In the last sentence, he spoke to Milia in a cold tone.

Milia's mouth writhed, she left with great reluctance.

Unable to go against Harold's order, she could only get up from her seat angrily, and when she walked to the door, she muttered, "Then I'll come to you again soon!"

After she finished speaking, she heard Harold calmly answer before she left the office, "Don't come to me again. If there is anything you want to do, tell Mr. Albert directly, I will follow the company arrangements."

Milia turned her head in disappointment, as if she had heard something she couldn't accept.

Compared to the change in her mood, Harold was too calm and indifferent.

Milia tried to swallow all of her anger for a few seconds before finally turning around and rushed out of the office room while holding back her tears.

Perhaps she was so angry that she accidentally hit Lilia's shoulder.

She didn't have much strength, but this move meant too much.

Lilia smiled and entered the office. When she sat in front of Harold, she said bluntly, "If I hadn't come back, were you planning to carry all the burdens yourself?"

The expression on Harold's face looked terrible.

He was so haggard, he hadn't even shaved off his beard, and his usual handsome look was now replaced by a messy face that showed he had been sleep-deprived.

Harold's eyes flickered erratically. He was lying on the chair moving lazily. He took last night's tea on his desk and took two sips before joking, "What are you talking about? I don't know what you mean."

Lilia sat across from him, staring at him closely.

She did not speak, her clear eyes were fixed on the man's eyes that resembled dead fish. josei

Harold felt his scalp go numb as he endured Lilia's extremely focused gaze.

He could handle it all, but he couldn't hold back himself from staring at the serious gaze that the supermodel used to look at him. He wanted to light a cigarette to hide his emotions, but when he picked up the case, he realized it was empty.

Harold looked down and fiddled with the pack of cigarettes, he just opened them this morning. But he didn't realize that it only took a few hours for him to smoke all of them.

He didn't dare look at Lilia, so he lowered his eyelashes, as if he had decided not to say anything to her.

In the office, the strong smell of smoke still lingered.

Lilia couldn't stand the smell a little. She then got up and pushed open the window of the room, making the air from outside come and carry the unpleasant smell out.

After that, she stood by the window with her hands around her chest, watching Harold's expression that said, 'I won't say anything to you'. Lilia couldn't help but stare at him with a hint of mockery. "If you still plan to take everything by yourself, I'll go see Mr. Albert and talk to him about quitting work!"

Hearing that, Harold couldn't properly hold the cigarette case in his hand and fell to the ground.

He furrowed his brows tightly, and when he lifted his head to face Lilia's serious gaze, he wanted to laugh without a smile. The man then said in an extremely anxious tone, "You mean you want to stop?!"

"Why not?" Lilia meant her words. Her eyes were clear, but not very warm. Her hand moved back and forth, tapping the surface of the table. "Are you sure you can still work in your current state?"

Harold stopped talking!

As a man, he felt everything was his responsibility and that he could always handle anything that came to them. But who would want to go into debt so easily?!

Even though the current situation was not so good, he believed he could still solve it by himself.

Lilia sighed quietly then pulled up a chair across from him. After sitting back, she narrowED her smile a little and said carefully, "I've heard about the situation in the company,"

Harold's brows instantly arched. "who told you?"

"It doesn't matter who, the fact remains true! Including the fact that Milia imitated the dress I was arranged to wear yesterday. Do you think I won't suspect that someone deliberately planned all this from inside the company?"

Lilia's tone was very indifferent, and she was completely unfazed by it.

After Harold heard these words , his face darkened.

He did not respond directly, and only lowered his eyelids, seemingly approving Lilia's guess.

Lilia chuckled lightly while scratching the side of her mouth with her nails. "I think this is all planned by Albert."

Harold was very upset!

He put his hand on his head, and combed the hair that fell in front of his forehead to the back of his head.

Today, he didn't take care of his hair, and even if he straightened it, he still looked messy.

Lilia looked at Harold and felt uncomfortable with his reaction.

They were comrades, and after working together for so long, Lilia rarely saw him this frustrated.

Harold was very concerned about his appearance, he was always meticulous and he never looked like this.

Lilia tried to keep her neutral expression but she still voiced the doubt inside her heart, "I was so shocked, why did Albert suddenly target me?!"

"If it was because I had been suspending my work for the past few weeks, his actions were still unjustified.. Why was his reaction so strong this time?" She added.

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