My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 522 - Character Growth

Chapter 522 - Character Growth

When Daniel finished speaking, the other party repeated his words in a mocking tone, "Get away from you?"

He sneered at him as he replied, "Daniel, do you think people will listen to you the way you did when you were basketball captain? You still think you still have influence in the campus, huh? Your family has gone bankrupt, and you look like trash without money."

This was really cruel to hear.

At the very least, Lilia's eyes went cold.

Daniel really felt insulted by him, but he still suppressed his voice and warned in a low tone, "Hugo, if you just came to ask me to fight, just get out of here!"

His name was Hugo. Before Daniel was chosen as basketball captain, Hugo was always the main player and captain of his school basketball team.

However, when Daniel arrived and showed his abilities, Hugo lost his position and the relationship between them immediately took a turn for the worse.

Previously, since Daniel had a good family background and his basketball skill was also very good, Hugo couldn't push him and mess with him. For the time being, Hugo could only harbor his hatred.

However, after the news of the Pangestu family going bankrupt had spread, Hugo took the opportunity to humiliate him.

Hugo really didn't hold back. Every word he said was so 'spicy'.

He was deliberately putting pressure on Daniel, even in a public place like this, he didn't mind insulting him. josei

At this time, Daniel was really hurt by his words. He gritted his teeth and glared at him. "Hugo, why do you keep bothering me? Do you want to fight with me?"

Hearing that, Hugo smiled broadly. He stretched out his index finger, and pointed at his forehead. "Come on, hit me. I just came to test you today. I was curious if you could pay for my medical bills after you hit me for real!"

"Hugo, you really are a jerk..."

"A jerk?" Hugo stepped forward and grabbed Daniel by the collar. "Daniel, you don't seem to understand your situation, do you? If your family is broke and has no money, you have to learn to stay humble, do you understand?"

"Didn't you brag about having a supermodel as your older sister before? I'm so curious if she will save you or disown you? Haha! Come on! Hit me! I want to see if that sister you are so proud of will come and pay for my medical expenses!"

The entire University where Daniel studied was aware of the situation with the Pangestu family.

When Daniel's fans heard about this, they left him and no longer flocked around him.

What's more, many of the friends he called brothers had left him.

In this very disappointing world, Daniel finally realized what it meant to be human after he lost everything.

If he kept his old temper, he wouldn't have spared Hugo so easily.

It's not uncommon for a young and energetic blood like him to have a fist fight if they disagreed with each other.

But today, he no longer had the confidence to do anything.

If he was insulted, humiliated, or even beaten, he had no choice but to hold back.

Because if he hurt others and sent them to a hospital, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

Daniel could only clench his fists tightly when Hugo didn't let go of his collar. His mounting anger made his eyes red and his teeth creak.

Hugo grew bolder when he saw that Daniel didn't dare to do anything. He then added, "Daniel, are you scared? You were so brave when you snatched my position in the team, but where did that arrogant look of yours go now?"

"I heard that you are working part time in the library every day to earn money now? Isn't this sad? How could our famous university have students who don't even have money to eat? Quit school quickly and work your ass off so you won't starve! Hahahaha!!"

At the end of the conversation, the two friends beside him also laughed at the right time.

Their contempt for Daniel was cruel. It seemed that such oppression satisfied their ill intention to bully him.

When Daniel raised his hand to get away from Hugo, he heard Hugo screaming wildly, "What are you waiting for? Hit me! Why are you being such a coward just because you don't have money for my medical expenses? It doesn't matter because the one who will be treated is you, not me! Come on hit me! Or I'll beat you to a pulp!"

Anger, arrogance, and jealousy— these young teens shamelessly showed their ugliest side in front of many people.

Daniel really wanted to ignore him, but he was completely helpless.

Students at other tables could only watch the scene. Then their whispers could be faintly heard from afar.

"I didn't expect the Pangestu family to really go bankrupt! I thought it was fake before."

"How could it be fake? The news was announced everywhere, they couldn't have faked it!"

"Poor him. He used to have a good family background and good looks. I didn't expect him to fall so fast now."

"That's karma for ya. Didn't he always say that his sister was Lilia the supermodel? Honestly, when did we ever see him together with Lilia? Maybe he made it up because he wanted to get people's attention. Just because they had the same last name, did he think they could become siblings? After all, Lilia's name should be a stage name."

At this time, Hugo also heard the surrounding whispers around them. He became more and more dared for having the upper hand, as if bullying the desperate Daniel made him satisfied.

But at this moment...

Not far behind, loud stomping footsteps could be heard approaching them.

Then, the angry voice sounded loud in everyone's ears. "Daniel, didn't I always teach you to remain humble, but never let yourself be bullied like this! How come you ignore your big sister's advice?!"

Hugo turned his head in surprise, his gaze suddenly shifted to Lilia. He stared at the beautiful figure who had removed her sunglasses and got him stunned in an instant.

Hugo felt like he was just receiving a death blow to his guts after he heard what the woman just said. Right, did he just get 'tombstoned' by her last sentence?

She really called herself big sister!

In this instant, Hugo looked at her with his eyeballs moving rapidly. He realized that he'd just clowned himself!

When Daniel saw Lilia, he immediately got up and pushed Hugo. He stepped up then came forward and said anxiously, "Sister, the atmosphere here is not good, let's move to another place!"

"Don't worry!" Lilia tapped his shoulder. This made Daniel a little confused, but he decided to keep his mouth shut.

There seemed no way for him to hide this problem anymore.

Daniel bowed his head like a child who had made a mistake. He didn't dare look into Lilia's eyes for fear that she would see his weakness and shame.

Daniel never blamed her, the Pangestu family bankruptcy was entirely his parents' fault.

Daniel could see the things inside his family clearly precisely because of that.

He felt that this was an unusual character growth experience in his life, so he chose to accept it with grace and abundant patience.

"Hello guys, my name is Lilia!"

Lilia walked past her brother and stood right in front of Hugo.

Her eyes reflected her calm demeanor and her lips curled with a sweet smile. She looked like a really kind older sister.

For some reason, Hugo couldn't help feeling frustrated when he saw her eyes.

"Hello, my name is, uhm, I ... Hugo!"

Lilia stared at him calmly for three seconds and said bluntly, "I've heard everything you said about my brother Daniel."

"I…" Hugo glanced at Lilia, and only felt embarrassed that he was feeling unreasonably nervous for facing a woman. He shook his head and said, "What do you want? Everything I said is plain fact!"

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