My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 534 - A Little Sacrifice For A Mother

Chapter 534 - A Little Sacrifice For A Mother

Inside the ward, Lilia called Julius and wanted to hear his opinion on her current situation.

"Hello, who is this?"

When Julius' voice came from across the line, Lilia was gasping for breath as she kept holding back the tears that threatened to come out of her eyes.

After exhaling a few breaths, she whispered weakly, "Uncle, it's me..."

"Lilia?" Julius was sitting in his laboratory at the moment, he couldn't help but glance at that unknown phone number again. "What's with you? Your voice sounds weak. Is there something wrong?"

He was busy with his medical research all day long, so he didn't have much time to pay attention to the hot discussion circulating on the Internet.

When Lilia squeezed the corner of her dry lips, her voice was choked as she asked, "Uncle, can you tell me the impact of CT examinations on pregnant women? Will it have a big impact on the baby?"

When this sentence came out, tears immediately fell from the corner of her eye.

Too many uncertainties dragged her down to a bottomless abyss called self-blame.

If she had paid more attention to her physical condition before, wouldn't this accident not have happened?

Even when she found out that she was pregnant, she was still grateful that her child was strong enough.

Even when she was almost crushed by the background board, her baby still grew strong in her womb.

However, Lilia had had two very intense CT examinations in the last few days. She wondered if her child was alright.

On the phone, Julius' breath immediately caught as soon as he heard these words.

He was silent for a few seconds, and after he calmed his emotions, he asked softly. "Are you pregnant?"

He could guess it at once.

Lilia raised her hand to cover her eyes. Her head hurt a lot, her vision was still blurry and her ankles hurt a lot. But it didn't hurt as much as her heart.

"Yes... Uncle, tell me the truth. Can this child survive?"

Julius heard Lilia's heavy voice and raised his eyebrows sadly.

He pinned his phone over his shoulder and quickly took off the white glove on his hand. Julius then got up and left the laboratory.

In the corridor, Julius thought and asked, "Apart from the examinations you had at the hospital that day, have you had any other examinations recently?"

After he finished speaking, he heard Lilia's soft yet sad voice. "I just did a full body scan in the emergency department..."

Julius' handsome face immediately tensed. "What happened? Why are you doing a full body scan? CT examinations should only be used on patients with severe trauma in the emergency room."

Lilia didn't answer his question, she just hurriedly asked, "Uncle, tell me first, can I keep this child?"

Noticing her persistence, Julius stood in the corridor with his back against the wall. He forced himself to calm down and after a while, he calmly asked, "How many weeks are you pregnant now?"

"The doctor said less than four weeks!"

Julius sighed. "The situation is not bad! We have previously studied the genetic effects of radiation on the next generation. In fact, at 4 weeks old, the radiation effect will only have two outcomes— all or nothing. So in short, the child only has 2 options: survive and keep growing healthy or die."

"In addition, the relative radiation exposure in CT inspections in Indonesia is controlled by a very high safety standard. If your child is 4 weeks old, you don't need to worry too much. After a while, you can work with your doctor to examine your uterus and observe your baby's development. As long as the embryo continues to develop, it proves that radiation has no effect on it," he added.

Julius' statement was like the sun after rainy days.

Lilia felt the light shine on her misty face.

She lifted the corner of her lips as her eyes shone with hope. "So… Can I keep this child?"

"Yes, I don't think it's a problem. You still can't hear the fetal heartbeat for now. But you will after 8 weeks with the ultrasound examination. As long as the heartbeat can be heard, your child should have no problem!"

After that, Julius asked about her physical condition. Lilia explained briefly to him before hanging up the phone.

At this moment, there was a wave of joy in her eyes.

She stroked her stomach lightly and talked to her baby in silence.

'My dear, please stay strong…'

After she heard Julius' explanation, Lilia calmed down and made a plan in her heart.

'No matter what, the two of us will make it through!' She believed, convincing herself that she could make it with her child.

The fetal heartbeat could only be heard in a month.

Lilia was willing to bet on this possibility.

When the ward fell silent again, Jean came back from outside and stepped in.

His deep and gloomy eyes did not give off the slightest optimism, and they were dark like the sea at night.

Lilia heard the sound of the door opening and met the man's silent gaze. She immediately opened her hand to him and casually demanded, "Hug me..."

The man accelerated his steps and bent over, giving her what she wanted. "What did he say?"

Lilia sniffed and conveyed what Julius said.

She hugged the man's neck tightly, kissed him on the cheek as she breathed irregularly and said, "Our child... We have to fight for it ... okay?"

Jean didn't hesitate. "Okay, all decisions are yours." josei

It was undeniable that his hoarse and tense voice sounded relaxed a little.

After a moment, the man held her arm gently and stared deep into her clear black eyes. "If you want this child, your wound can't be treated with medicine. Aren't you afraid it will bother you at work?"

Lilia let out a shallow smile. "Don't be afraid. You can put ice on my sprained ankle. Besides, I don't like taking medication. It's only a minor injury and it's just a small sacrifice for me."

She said that she didn't mind it, but Lilia didn't notice the pity mixed with affection that was flashed in her husband's eyes.

Jean lightly hugged Lilia's shoulder, he didn't dare to use too much force and could only hold back his strength. Apparently, this was harder than embracing her like usual. His veins almost exploded from holding back too much.

But he still felt lucky that someone as tough as Lilia came and brought colors to his life. He'd sworn himself he'd protect her and their child for the rest of his life.


When Lilia was brought out of the ward, the corridor seemed to be packed.

Lilia was still conscious, but she was a little tired and her vision was a little blurry.

However, the worry and fear on everyone's faces were still visible to her.

Lilia waved her hand from the bed and smiled calmly. "Everyone, thank you for coming. I'm fine, don't worry!"

Almost all people she held dear in her heart had come.

There were Tom and Chris whom Lilia hadn't seen in a long time. She also saw Alex who came in haste, and Vivi and Rachel who ditched their work and ran from their office as soon as they heard the news. Even Alan stood beside Rachel with a worried expression.

"Lilia, how are you feeling? Do you still feel sick anywhere?"

Vivi's eyes turned red, and if it weren't for being outside, she would have been crying uncontrollably.

The accident at the scene reported in the news was so tragic that she drove fast and nearly ran over someone.

At this time, even though Lilia was smiling and waving to greet them, the bump on her forehead and her squinting eyes inadvertently showed that she was not feeling well.

Doctor Michael had been silent for a long time while walking beside Lilia's bed.

He had also only learned a few details while he was waiting outside? just now. It turned out that his patient was a big star!

No wonder her face was so beautiful!

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