My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 544 - William Awakened

Chapter 544 - William Awakened

Mellisa leaned forward slightly from behind the wheelchair, carefully watching Lilia's expression in this quiet ward. Only the sound of medical equipment could be heard.

When she saw Lilia's expression, her face didn't show any expression. Mellisa then looked at the nurse and asked, "What did the doctor say about the situation?"

This nurse who was about forty years old, looking honest and kind. She rubbed her hands carefully. "It's said that the patient has suffered a fracture of the spine and has undergone fixation surgery. The next step is to wait until the patient is fully awake before checking his leg function."

Leg function?

When the nurse's voice was over, Mellisa and Lilia looked at each other.

These words made Lilia's heart feel heavy.

They stayed on the ward without a sound for a while. A moment later, Lilia said, "He's not awake yet, we better go back first..."


Lilia hadn't finished speaking, but William's voice came and filled the ward that was too quiet.

He muttered that name in his dream, but the sound of his breathing got faster and faster. Even the monitor of his medical equipment machine began to show elevated heartbeat.

She frowned at the call, but before Lilia could speak again, the nurse had rushed over and rang the bell.

Not long after, all of the doctors and nurses in charge arrived.

When they saw Lilia and Mellisa, they were pretty much shocked but didn't say much. They passed the two of them and ran to the bed to check on William's condition.

To the doctor's surprise, William woke up during his examination.

The doctor drew closer to his ear and asked, "How do you feel?"

William's gaze was still very hazy. He looked limp and weak after surgery and taking a lot of painkillers.

Faced with the doctor's question, he just tightened his brows and didn't answer.

But his eyes that were gradually focused passed over the doctor's shoulder and stared at the woman in a wheelchair not far away.

He writhed his thin lips and let out his hoarse voice as he called, "Lilia ..."

The doctors and nurses turned their heads to look at Lilia.

Since yesterday, they had been following the news and rumors on the Internet.

However, due to professional ethics, everyone could only discuss privately. No one was allowed to discuss others' openly in public.

Most of them had heard of the relationship between Lilia and William.

The way the patient called for her name when he woke up made them think that the rumours might've been true. What other reason could explain what they witnessed just now?

The doctor then turned his body to the side. He also took a glance at Lilia then gently reminded William, "Mr. William, if you've fully gained consciousness now, try your best to feel your body, especially your legs. This is very important."

William didn't seem to hear his words.

His eyes, entrapped within the red veins, were locked on Lilia's body. His current position caused his breathing not smooth enough and he couldn't move easily either. After being silent for a long time, his reaction slowed down and his body became tired. But with his last strength, he managed to ask, "Lilia, how are you... Are you okay?"

Lilia nodded calmly in response. "I'm fine, listen to the doctor's words first and try to feel your legs."

Even though she wasn't a doctor, Lilia understood how critical the injury that William suffered was.

Spinal cord injuries most likely caused paralysis of the lower body.

Regardless of her past with him, Lilia would never wish William to be paralyzed for his entire life because of this.

Lilia put her hands on her laps and weakly clenched her fingertips.

Thanks to William's help, she was able to avoid serious injuries. The sight in front of her undoubtedly made her feel guilty. If William was completely paralyzed, she would not be able to repay him!

Compared to Lilia's restlessness, Mellisa was much colder and indifferent.

She saw through William's gaze and calmly moved to Lilia's side.

"Lilia, since he's awake, we better not interfere with the doctors' work!"

When Mellisa said this, Lilia glanced at her and then said to William, "Take good care of yourself and listen to the doctor's words, I will see you in two days."

"Lilia, don't go..." William stubbornly called out her name. josei

He shed tears even in his critical condition, and it seemed that he was still infatuated with his ex.

Lilia was sitting in a wheelchair and it was uncomfortable for her to move around. Besides, she had poor eyesight now, so she could only narrow her eyes and warn her. "You don't talk anymore, just follow what the doctors told you to do."

William shook his head, realizing that he was indeed very weak. After a few simple words, his breathing became fast.

Lilia looked at him with a serious look before letting a faint sigh. Then she nodded at Mellisa. "Let's go back quickly."

She wanted to leave quickly so that the doctors could treat William.

Apart from that, the man didn't show her what she expected of him.

Lilia didn't know how to deal with William at the moment, especially when he kept calling out her name. She could feel the ambiguous look that the medical staff put on their faces after they heard him call her.

Mellisa pushed the wheelchair out of the ward, ignoring William's hoarse voice behind her.

He sounded so affectionate, and melodramatic.

Mellisa's face turned even grim. She felt that William was a little ignorant of his situation. To her, what he did just now completely destroyed his good intentions for saving Lilia.

After leaving the ward, Lilia sighed softly.

When the door behind her closed, Mellisa rubbed the tip of her ear with a cold face. "His cry makes me very uncomfortable."

Lilia didn't answer.

Mellisa approached her suspiciously, squinting her eyes and raised her chin. "Lilia, are you sad for him?"

Her sister's expression remained calm indifferent, but her eyes showed a hint of helplessness and depression.

Lilia shook her head then took Mellisa's hand and shook it. "Don't joke like that, there's no way I can say that I'm sad for him, right?"

Mellisa sneered at her reply. "I think that's the best. My impression of him has been slightly changed when he saved you, but now I want to take everything back. Don't you think he's a bit weird? When seriously ill patients awaken, they should've been more concerned about whether his legs are still able to move or not."

"What's wrong with him? He kept calling your name over and over, and I think that's unnatural. This makes me wonder, is he trying to save you or trying to get revenge?" She added.

Lilia looked down and was silent for a few seconds. "He did save me. But all I can do for him is try to make up for it."

After waiting for a while, she turned to look at her suspiciously without waiting for Mellisa's reply.

Seeing Mellisa moving forward, she lifted her chin.

On the other side of the corridor, a tall figure moved closer.

Lilia couldn't see his clothes clearly, but she clearly remembered in her mind that it was the shirt and pants that Jean wore from yesterday.

Last night, Jean didn't come home and stayed with her in the hospital.

His shirt was no longer neat, wrinkles could be seen here and there.

Her foggy vision gradually became clearer as the man drew near.

Her husband was dressed as she thought.

Lilia smiled knowingly, the strong bond they shared was like a bridge that always connected the two.

She didn't feel indebted to William before, but she might thank him for saving her today.

However, she had no other feeling involved than gratitude.

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