My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 550 - A Doctor’s Logic

Chapter 550 - A Doctor’s Logic

The next morning, doctors from each department conducted a comprehensive consultation with Lilia, and their final results indicated that Lilia was able to be discharged from the hospital and receive home treatment for recovery.

In the ward, Lilia was so happy when she heard the news. She hurriedly called Mellisa to help pack up her luggage.

When the doctors left the ward one after another, Jean also came out.

Outside the corridor away from the ward, Doctor Marco looked serious. "Young master, your wife's eyes are not in a good condition, there is already a sore macula in the fundus. How will you discuss this with her? According to my observations, if the surgery is not carried out immediately, I'm afraid it could lead to permanent blindness."

Hearing this, Doctor Michael held his breath from the side.

After they presented their previous plan, Jean never gave them an answer.

Unexpectedly, only a day later, Lilia's fundus was already sore.

The man was standing in front of several doctors with his hands beside his waist, his palms clenched into fists when he heard these words.

His Adam's apple rolled over, his eyelids lowered and he answered in a deep voice, "There will be no surgery for now. Lilia will take Chinese traditional treatment."

Doctor Marco was surprised. "Have you found a suitable practitioner for it? Actually, I asked my colleague yesterday, but a good traditional Chinese doctor who specializes in ophthalmology is not available for now. I am really sorry that I can't help."

"Doctor Marco, thank you for your hard work. A friend of mine is good at traditional Chinese treatment."

The man replied briefly and clearly, but he did not reveal much about his friend's origins.

In this case, Doctor Marco didn't ask anymore, but before leaving, he deliberately told him. "Young master, I have asked Doctor Elva before. Due to your wife's special condition, she has prescribed several anti-inflammatory drugs with minimal side effects."

"If her eyes continue to worsen, consider giving her some extra medicine. Actually, you and your wife are still young, so even if you really love your child... There is still a chance in the future,"

In Doctor Marco's view, choosing not to abort their child was too stubborn.

These young people… Why were they so persistent for a child?

If the eye treatment was delayed due to pregnancy, causing the condition to really worsen and the patient becoming blind later, what's the point of giving birth to even the perfect child then?

In Doctor Marco's eyes, he couldn't understand the couple's approach, but he didn't dare to talk too much about it.

Doctor Michael also heard his suggestion and couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Due to the professional ethics of doctors, they would definitely choose the best plan when treating patients.

According to them, abortion and eye care wer the most appropriate.

At this time, Jean nodded slightly at them. "I respect my wife's decision."

His wife had decided.

Hearing this, the two doctors only opened their mouths without letting out any other sound.

Not long after, Jean thanked them then turned around and walked back to the ward.

On his way there, his cell phone rang.

Seeing the name of the caller, his steps slowed down.

When he connected the call, things fell silent.

The other party was also silent for three seconds, then a low whistling sound came from across the line.

Perhaps since it was too cold, the other party couldn't help but say in a hoarse voice, "I am here."

At this time, Jean suddenly let out a breath. "One minute."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and pressed her thin lips tightly. He also silently averted her gaze from the bright window in the corridor.

In the distance, he seemed to see a figure he'd been looking for in the hospital.

The man moved his legs and headed towards the lift.

On this day, the traffic police unit in Surabaya reported two serious incidents regarding vehicle smuggling.

According to reports, someone drove a luxury car with foreign licenses around the city. The steering wheel was still on the left side, which did not meet the standard configuration of a domestic vehicle.

The traffic team suspected that this was a contraband vehicle. And at this time, many traffic police and anti-smuggling police were rushing to the car's parking location.

Surprisingly enough, they were at the Minerva Hospital.


Three minutes later, Jean reached the first floor.

At the hospital gate, many people were already pointing around the car from a distance. josei

This red Italian Fornasari looked so smooth and flawless. The super sportscar looked like a Porsche, but the logo clearly said something else. Even car lovers rarely knew this car brand.

What was most surprising was the license plate.

Not only was it not black, it didn't even have the same number in Indonesia. The number plate was MQ-01-00.

Currently, a thin figure was leaning outside the cabin of this car.

Ankle-length brown coat with black scarf around the collar looked so good on him, along with his shiny black leather shoes.

He leaned against the car's door with his right foot placed in front of his left. His head slightly bowed, and the long bangs covering his forehead parted near his eyebrows, showing a rather lazy and a little unruly posture.

In the distance, the sound of a police car approaching could be heard. But the man remained in his place, ignoring everyone's curiosity and awe-inspiring eyes.

Until finally...

The sound of steady footsteps walked towards him, making his eyes move slightly. And when he looked to the side, even his creased hair immediately floated in front of his forehead.

He slowly raised his head, showing his surprised look.

Even people on the sidelines couldn't hold their breath when they saw that face.

They thought, perhaps that was the most indifferent a face could get.

Ignoring the movements around him, the man indifferently raised his jaw aloft and stared at the man from afar. His lopsided, arrogant and cold attitude, along with his pupils dark like a whirlpool could sweep the world.

Two men with extraordinary appearances were standing in front of each other at a distance of three steps, no sounds coming out of their lips yet.

It seemed that after countless years, they had retreated from the levity of their youth.

After a while, the man leaning on the car's door opened his thin, light-colored lips. "You're two minutes and forty-three seconds late!"

The man put one hand in his pocket, while the other was holding the cellphone. Hearing his accusation, the corners of his lips called out his name, "Vincent!"

Vincent, 31 years old, heir to the family of Chinese medicine company, has participated in nearly all of Jean's treatment during his ten years abroad.

Vincent chuckled when he heard what he had to say, After hitting the corner of his lower lip, he stepped forward and greeted Jean like a boy.

He reached out to Jean, then a cold light flashing through his eyes.

Jean looked down at the posture of his handshake, pursed his lips and stretched out his hand for a moment, A sharp wind immediately blew up his cheek. "Our business is not over!"

Vincent moved and raised his fist quickly. It was aimed at the corner of the man's mouth accurately and quickly, but his wrist was caught by the sturdy hand.

"We can fight if you want, but not today." When Jean squeezed his wrist, he turned around and let go of his hand.

Vincent raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth were forming a smile. "I haven't seen you in over four years. Apparently, you haven't changed."

The man was about to speak, just at this time, many police cars had arrived at the entrance of the hospital, and they surrounded the red luxury car.

Vincent turned and glanced nonchalantly, then turned his gaze back to Jean. Sure enough, he curled his lips and said, "Hurry and drive them away!"

"Yes, but you have to heal my wife's eyes!"

The words had come out and Vincent narrowed his eyes in surprise. "What?"

Jean didn't answer, he just looked at him with a playful gaze. "I'll get rid of them only if you take care of my wife's eyes. How about it? Do we agree?"

Vincent's face grew grim. "Are you my boss? I don't serve women, you know my rules."

"Then you finish your business with them yourself," after speaking this way, Jean turned and left.

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