My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 562 - Unspoken Love

Chapter 562 - Unspoken Love

Jean remained in his place while looking at Vincent's back, his lips curved indifferently and an evil smile fluttering in his eyes.

After all these years, Vincent remained unchanged.

Of course, Vincent didn't know what Jean was going to do, he was casually sitting in the laboratory alone.

He was sure that Jean would agree to his request.

Finally, he could bring him back with him and everyone could be reunited again.

Thinking like this, Vincent felt butterflies on his stomach.

He no longer felt like excessively throwing up like before.


In the sterile room, Lilia was seen moving around freely. After her eye treatment, she slept soundly for a while and only woke up around four in the afternoon.

She sat up and moved her ankles. Nothing unusual. She looked at the palm of her hand and her vision was clear.

Indeed, Vincent's treatment was very harsh and painful, but the effect was different.

In the past few days, she occasionally looked in the mirror and found that the macula under her eyes had disappeared.

Even though her sight was still a little blurry to look from a distance, her vision had recovered seven to eighty percent.

At this time, she turned her head and looked around. The sterile room was quiet, so she looked back looking bored but unexpectedly saw a man outside the window.

She smiled, put on slippers and a sterile lab coat to go outside.

Lilia didn't know that she only needed to stay in the sterile room for the treatment a week after she was moved in.

After the medicine was absorbed, she was completely free to move.

Unfortunately, Vincent only said this the day before yesterday.

Lilia suspected that this was a joke Vincent said on purpose. She touched the corner of her eye, stepped out and closed the door. Then she straight into her man's embrace the next second.

"How long have you been standing here?"

The man hugged her and stroked her slender back. "I just came here."

Lilia raised her head and stared at him, her watery eyes reflecting the handsome man's face.

She raised her hand, her fingertips crawling between his temples. "Vincent said that my eyes will heal in a week."

"Alright, congratulations Mrs. Widjaya, finally you can see my face again," Jean replied jokingly.

Lilia pursed her lips and grinned. "Hey, I wasn't that blind before! At worst it is ... nearsightedness."

"Are you hungry?" Jean shifted the topic naturally.

Lilia shook her head. "I'm not hungry. My appetite is normal these days. But I feel like eating sour food. Do you think our child is causing too much trouble?"

While speaking, Lilia pointed her finger at her stomach.

She didn't know if it was her own illusion, he hadn't had much of an appetite lately, but it looked like her stomach had grown a little.

She hoped it was not a lump of fat. Lilia only wished it was a sign that her baby was growing up.

"Lilia." She was standing warmly in front of the sterile room with her man, then a warm call came from one side of the corridor.

She took the opportunity to push him away and took a step back, turning her head to look at the person who had come. "Uncle!"

Recently, Julius was at the Genetics Institute and never dropped out.

Perhaps because her eye treatment was so effective, she also felt that the heavy look on everyone's eyes was slowly fading away.

Julius walked slowly, nodded slightly at Jean, and then saw Lilia's clear eyes. "Looks like you've recovered pretty well, you can already see me from afar."

The corridor of the research institute was very long, but Lilia recognized him immediately, and it made Julius very happy.

The moment Lilia heard this, her brows arched and she teased without hesitation. "Even if I can't see clearly, I can still recognize your back!"

In the end, she added. "But you're right still. My eyesight has really recovered well. Sorry I was bothering you lately."

Julius stood in front of her with his hands behind his back, flames burning in his eyes.

He smiled softly, but the hands behind his back were clenched very hard, his heart was pounding.

Even if Lilia couldn't see clearly, she could still recognize his back.

These words awakened the deepest feelings in his heart for a long time.

How long had it been? Five? Six years?

When she grew up and became more beautiful and graceful, his eyes were fixed on her until it got out of control.

This kind of sentiment was not allowed in the education Julius received, even if they were not blood relatives.

He kept it in his heart for years and worked hard to play his role as an uncle.

It's not that he didn't dare to think about it, but in the end, Julius was still shackled by the world.

So, this was the reality now.

Lilia had a lover and a baby on the way. She'd gone through a lot and Julius was there to help her overcome her obstacles and clear her way from all that.

Seeing her smile that was like a blooming flower, looking all happy and peaceful, gave rise to a sense of joy in his heart.

Despite the subtle expression in his face,? the man still stood beside her and kept everything inside his heart, secretly choosing to remain silent.

After speaking for a while, Julius glanced at the sterile room. "Since you're out, go to another room and lie down. I'll arrange for someone to sterilize the room."

"Okay, thank you uncle."

After Lilia said goodbye to him, she led Jean to the restroom on the top floor.

In the past half month, she had become familiar with the research institute's building.

"Walk slower or you will sprain it again."

"No! You know my legs are healed so it won't affect me that much."

Julius stood on the spot and watched the figures of husband and wife leave together, with a slight smile on his mouth.

A happy ending indeed!


Returning to the waiting room, Lilia rubbed her hands in high spirits as soon as she sat down. "Where's my cell phone?"

In the previous week, she had basically never touched her cell phone.

While she was on her second treatment, Jean? allowed her to play with her phone only for ten minutes a day.

Guess what she could do when there was no cellphone? She could only stare at the ceiling in a daze.

Lilia even knew how many lines there were on the ceiling in the sterile room. josei

"Ten minutes." The man handed over the phone from his pocket, his voice was still firm as ever.

Lilia pouted, but when the phone was properly unlocked, she still didn't forget to mumble, "My eyes are about to recover, ten minutes is too short."

The man was silent, as if he had never heard of it.

Lilia glanced at him then laughed and leaned forward. "How about twenty minutes?"

Jean hadn't answered but Vincent was already pushing through the door.

He leaned against the door's frame and looked at the two inside. Finally, his eyes were fixed on Jean's face. "My medicine will be ready soon. How about it? Have you considered your answer?"

Lilia smiled a little, she was confused. Then she looked at her husband with suspicion.

What did Jean need to answer?

Jean ignored Vincent and instead said to Lilia, "Alright, twenty minutes."

Lilia was very excited, then she saw the man get up and walk towards Vincent.. His tone was light when he said, "Let's go outside."

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