My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 564 - I Won’t Leave You

Chapter 564 - I Won’t Leave You

The man returned to the restroom and saw Lilia holding her cellphone in a daze.

She was sitting alone under the shadow, the incandescent light from the cell phone gave off a white gleam on her face.

The screen slowly got dimmer as her gaze shifted towards the door.

A slight smell of tobacco drifted off, and when Lilia came to her senses, she saw that the man's knuckles were supporting his face. "You look so obsessed, what did you discover?"

She didn't even hear the sound of the door opening.

Lilia grabbed his wrist, put his fingertips in front of her nose and sniffed. "Did you go out to smoke just now?"

"Yes." The man withdrew his hand and when he turned around to go to the bathroom, he took the cellphone in Lilia's hand. "I will be back."

Lilia was still a little dazed as her eyes kept following the man's back. Doubt emerged from her heart, deepening in her eyes.

At the sink, with the sound of running water, the man was washing his hands seriously.

After the light faded, the supermodel appeared by chance.

Lilia stood at the door and stared at him. "What did Vincent just say? Was there anything important?"

"What do you mean?" He asked meaningfully.

Lilia pursed her lips and blinked her eyes. "He just said something, didn't he?"

She thought about it for a long time, but there was no answer.

Lilia always felt that there was a secret between them, and she didn't know how to figure it out.

After the man washed his hands and dried them, he casually approached her and escorted her out. "Nothing important, don't think too much."

The two of them then sat down. Lilia looked down and rubbed her husband's fingers, pulled them up, and placed them in front of her nose. Unable to stand the faint smell of the hand soap, she coughed.

"If you don't want me to think too much about it, does that mean there's a secret between us? Is that what he's asking you to think about? You went out to talk to him, obviously you're trying to prevent me from figuring out."

Lilia's gaze had been fixed on Jean's large palm, her nails lightly tracing the lines, but her face was full of anxiety.

The man sighed, folded his palms and wrapped Lilia's fingers within. His eyes lit up like lights as he said, "You are so smart even though you are sick, I can't hide anything from you!"

After hearing this, Lilia trembled and said, "You really want to hide it from me!"

She turned her head resolutely, bumped into the man's indulgent eyes. Her heart felt hot, so she leaned forward and kissed his thin lips. "Vincent has been treating my eyes, is he asking for something back?"

Lilia knew that there was a price to be paid for this treatment. She heard from Jean earlier that Vincent had returned from overseas. But Jean didn't say much and she didn't ask many questions herself.

Lilia had never asked about Jean's life abroad back then.

Since it was a wound from his past, she didn't want to add to the pain for fear that the dark past would come back and haunt her man again.

Right now, a beautiful man came from abroad and had good medical skills despite his strange personality. If he really made such an unreasonable request, Lilia wouldn't be surprised at all.

Seeing her worried and anxious, the man grabbed her waist and pulled the person into his arms. "That's too much. He wanted me and him back to Parma, Italy."


She had heard of this city before. Lilia then looked up from his embrace. "Is he an Italian?"

"Actually he is of Chinese descent." The explanation didn't reduce Lilia's suspicion.

"Why did he ask you that? If you go to Parma with him, what about me?" She asked, Lilia didn't want to experience this long distance relationship with her husband.

"Of course I'm not leaving!" The man had a smile in his eyes, then he held his wife's face and kissed it between her brows. "Don't worry, this request doesn't count."

"Is it true?" Lilia still felt a little heavy in her heart. "He asked for such a thing because he took care of my eyes?"

"It could be, since he broke the rules by treating you." The man explained it with a smile and Lilia was dumbfounded.

After half a second, she blinked blankly. "What? But... Couldn't he recover from his illness?"

Lilia just found out that Vincent had a rule not to take care of a woman. His illness made him unable to touch a woman.

After hearing this, Jean shook his head slightly. "So far, there is no solution for him."

Vincent was 31 years old, and his family had been searching for all kinds of good prescriptions and secret medicines for him over the years.

However, none of them could help.

Lilia listened to the man's answer and embraced him angrily. "If you want to go, take me with you!"

She was not qualified to say whether Vincent's request was right or wrong. She recovered from her eyes and she could hardly repay this kindness alone.

But if Jean really had to go to Parma with Vincent, she would also go after them. However, this would be a big problem in her career.

The man held her cheek with one hand and gently stroked it. "I will not leave you." He exclaimed, as if he was a prince giving his words, so it was hard not to succumb to it.

"Then... if Vincent finds out you lied to him..." Lilia didn't finish her sentence because she felt the consequences would likely be serious.

"If he finds out, he can't change anything!" Listening to the tone of the man's reply, Lilia fell silent.

Jean never bungled the words he gave to her once, because he said it was the only way he could make Lilia trust him.


The two of them hugged in silence for a while, Lilia then touched her eyelids. "What about Clifford in Malaysia? Any news from him?"

Two weeks had passed. Before undergoing day-to-day care, she had spent most of her energy enduring the pain and she didn't even bother asking about Leila and Mike's problems.

She didn't know how Mike was in Malaysia, nor how his situation developed over there.

When Lilia mentioned Malaysia, the man's eyes sank. "Mike and Clifford have met."

"Then what did he say?" Lilia suddenly raised her head and almost hit the man's chin.

The man nodded and said, "Mike asked us to wait for news. He said he was sure Leila would return to Indonesia with him."

Of course!

This was Mike's real goal.

"Really? Leila is an extremely cunning person. Mike had never treated her well, and now he suddenly changed. Wouldn't Leila doubt him?"

Did he think catching Leila would be that simple?

The man pursed the corners of his lower lip and cast his gaze far ahead. "Clifford said that Mike wants to bring Leila back because of the marriage contract."

Lilia was dumbfounded.

This price was too high. josei

Would Leila believe in this love trap?!

There was no answer to this problem.

Lilia wanted to get her eyes back as soon as possible, and instinctively, she didn't want to see Mike in danger.

The people behind Leila hadn't appeared until now and what Trisa said back then was still clear.

Lilia didn't dare to keep thinking deeply. After a long silence, she could only lift her eyes and sigh. "Can you let Clifford stay in Malaysia and try to protect Mike for his safety?"

Mike was Mellisa's childhood friend. He had put his heart on her for a long time.

She could roughly guess why Mike was doing this. He was trying to find an opportunity to get revenge for Mellisa.

"Of course!" The man hugged her tightly and sighed.. But Jean didn't tell her that Mike had disappeared two days ago.

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