My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 584 - The Night Before The Conference

Chapter 584 - The Night Before The Conference

Lilia nodded. "Didn't Aphrodite's Law Division give you a hard time?"

The contract would be reviewed by the legal division before signing.

Lilia supported the Van brand for free. So why didn't the legal division make a fuss?

"They lack the courage. According to them, your ability to get Van's support is a privilege. Besides, the cost of the endorsement is not their area. I can still handle this little thing, don't worry."

Apparently, Lilia cares too much.

After finishing the call, she sat in the living room while meditating for a while, then went to the dressing room upstairs.

Since she will be back at the event tomorrow, it's a good idea for her to make a face mask and take good care of herself.


In the afternoon, Harold came to the Lakeside Villas.

Lilia just finished lunch and was sitting in the living room reading the news.

All of the 'Chosen Kingdoms' promotional tours have ended, and there is less than half a month before New Year's Eve. As planned, the movie will be released on schedule.

She couldn't wait to see the effect after release.

At this time, Mei stopped from cleaning the kitchen after hearing the doorbell, then wiped her hands and opened the door.

After she invited Harold in, she returned to the kitchen and closed the door.

Lilia got up from the sofa, looked at him with the gift box in his hand and raised her eyebrows. "Are you here to give me a special gift?"

Harold placed the gift box on the table and stared at her. "The special dress that Van sent to the company was the only one in the world. They said your name was specially embroidered on the collar. It was purely hand embroidery. A tailor rushed over to make it for half a month."

Hearing his explanation, Lilia couldn't help but get up. When she pulled out the gift box in front of her, she removed the ribbon on it.

Harold sat opposite her in a very serious tone. "The Van brand treats you like this, so it's not in vain for you to support them for free. I heard there are 17 diamonds on this dress with a total value of over 6 billion."

Lilia carefully opened the gift box. Her eyes aimed at the silver-gray top and its collar. There, her name was embroidered with silver thread on one side.

This font was specially designed, and it paired well with the rest of the dress, looking like a black and silver embroidery pattern from afar.

Truly extraordinary!

After Harold delivered the dress, it didn't take long for him to leave.

He went to accompany Milia to take college-style photos for a bit.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to urge her and quickly began his plan to face Milia. It seemed that his patience had reached its limit.

Lilia said she knew everything, and after seeing him leave, she went upstairs with the gift box in her arms.

She wants to try this dress. Lately, she's been feeling a little chubby. Such a beautiful dress would be too ugly if she really got fat.


Tonight, the Van brand put out a press release and once again attached a picture of the official announcement that was in line with the "time."

This step also drew people's attention and curiosity, then they speculated about who the ambassador was.

It must be said that this official announcement inadvertently suppressed William's hot search. However, Lilia thought that it might not be on purpose.

It was less than six in the afternoon, and the man had not returned.

Lilia asks Mrs. Mei to prepare dinner later, planning to wait for her to come home and eat together.

As time passed, Lilia had calmed down, but then accidentally thought of Robert.

She took out her cell phone and received it in front of the window, looking at the sky. Then, seeing the quiet night outside, she called Dina.

"Dina, did you tell his family last night?"

Dina seemed to be outside, and the wind was blowing hard in her ears.

She walked quickly to a quiet place then answered, "Sis, I already called the woman. But ..."

Dina hesitated for a moment, and decided not to say anything in detail. "When she arrived at the hospital last night, the doctor had an argument with her. She called him a fraud and destroyed the nurse's medical carriage."

Lilia was speechless.

Why didn't Slyvia know how to handle things in such a simple way?!

Hearing the silence, Dina added, "Don't worry, perhaps she couldn't accept reality so she made a lot of fuss. Then, their son came, and I saw him and his mother hug each other while crying sadly."

Sylvia seemed to be telling Daniel to go there.

Lilia listened to Dina's statement, and after understanding the situation, she hung up on the call.

Her mind sank as she stood in front of the window for a moment. When she was just about to turn around, she heard the sound of a car outside.

Her husband had returned!

Lilia turned and walked towards the entrance. As she stood at the door to greet him, she smoothly adjusted her figure.

When the door opened, the wind blew in, showing that the night was a little cool.

Lilia then lifted her eyes and shifted her gaze into the man's eyes.

Almost reflexively, she took a slow step forward and reached out her hands to grab the hem of his coat, just like a normal wife at home. Then she said with a smile, "Welcome back!"

The man held her hand and still didn't speak. Finally, the sounds of footsteps approached from behind him, along with someone complaining, "Tsk tsk, Alex, we better just go home. Looks like we came at a bad time." josei

The smile on the corner of Lilia's lips froze in an instant. Then, from behind the man's shoulders, she saw Chris and Alex walk over.

Seeing Lilia dumbfounded, Jean smiled. His wife quickly let go of him and wanted to take a step back.

However, his arms caught her slender back and hugged her, making her effort to make a distance in vain.

The man gave a faint glance at Chris, who was walking to his side, and disgust flashed through his eyes.

After they entered the living room, Chris looked at Lilia from time to time. "Are you alright?"

Lilia smiled and nodded towards Chris's persistent gaze. "Everything is finished!"

Alex on the side was looking at her with a gentle expression. "Have you received the dress?"

"Yes! The dress is so beautiful, I can't wait to wear it, thanks Alex."

Chris immediately snickered, "Did you give her a gift?"

Then, where's the present for him?!

'Alex, what a jerk you are! I want free clothes too!'

"Yes." Alex could almost glimpse Chris's thoughts. He explained straight away. "It is a conference dress. Lilia has agreed to be the ambassador for the Van brand. The conference will be held tomorrow morning."

Chris looked at him for a while, then his eyes fell on Lilia. "Save a place for me in that place, I'll go."

Sometimes, running away from work is not a bad thing, right?

Alex didn't say much and just nodded in response. "Alright. Jean, do you want to come together?"

"I get confused by your stupidity? sometimes," Chris suddenly interrupted. "This Van brand press conference concerns Lilia's debut as your ambassador, how could Jean refuse to attend!"

At that time, Jean, who was sitting across from the two of them, nodded slightly, which was considered tacit approval.

These people sat in the living room and chatted with each other. Chris and Alex were still there, so Mrs. Mei brought out a lot of dishes.

At this time, Lilia glanced at Chris then thought for a moment, and smiled. "Brother Chris, there's something... I want to ask for your help!"

She still wants to speak to Chris privately about Lilia's Studio and the Hartanto family's company.

Chris reached into his pocket for a moment. "Is that about your studio?"

Lilia looked at him in surprise, and Chris raised his head. "My parents told me that there was no problem with affiliation, but .... What about the profits I made?"

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