My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 633 - Come Here If You Dare!

Chapter 633 - Come Here If You Dare!

According to Lilia, when faced with such chaos, there should be someone with a clear mind by her side. If something really happened, the man could help her.

She wouldn't be as foolish as rushing to the scene, but she really couldn't sit here and wait for the results alone.


Besides, Merry said the incident was very serious, so she should go and see it.

However, Jean could not wait any longer, and the three of them ran down the road towards the sweet potato shop.

Lilia was a little left behind, because when she left the hot pot restaurant, the waitress almost mistook them that they wanted to run away because they couldn't pay.

In her haste, she gave them some money and asked the other party not to tidy up their room.

The view of Chinatown tonight was beautiful, but Lilia didn't intend to see it.

She rushed forward following the man's back, but she didn't dare walk too fast. It took about five minutes before she saw the crowd in front of her.


This time, Chris' cheeks were stained, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, making him look overwhelmed.

The large man opposite him was much stronger, the corners of his eyes were colored in black from the heavy elbows.

The two of them did not stop brawling, and even though several people were watching, they only saw and whispered to each other.

But perhaps the worst of luck fell into the sweet potato shop.

The place was messed up, with potatoes scattered all over the floor and the oven for roasting the sweet potatoes had collapsed.

The shop owner stood with a troubled face, looked left and right, but did not dare to speak.

The two men had just fought, and their huge stature scared everyone off.

Especially the big man, who punched hard and moved very fast. At first glance, he looks like a boxer.

Now the two people finally stopped, and the shop was basically destroyed.

The boss sighed in disappointment and there was a continuous sound of cry from his direction.

When she was running back from the hot pot restaurant, Merry happened to see the corner of Chris' bleeding mouth.

After the sadness in her heart passed, the little girl picked up the items on the table like a madman and threw them at the big man.

She shouted, "Don't hit my brother again, I will kill you, I will kill you…!"

Everyone who witnessed the excitement couldn't do anything about it.

But they have to admit that this little girl is so brave indeed!

They saw her take cutlery like forks and bowls then throw them away at the man.

Merry threw whatever was on the table at the big man, and then her little body stood before Chris and protected him.

Her eyes were red like rabbits despite the falling tears.

Seeing the big man covered in crushed yams, she turned her head towards Chris, crying bitterly. "Brother, are you okay? Are you hurt? Brother, you can't die!"

Chris was speechless. He had just returned a few punches for heaven sake!

Even though the blood was running down his face, he was barely injured. josei

The big man, on the other hand, took some of his punches but he seemed fine!

Chris' hair was messy. He licked the corner of his mouth and pulled the little girl to his side. His trembling fingertips randomly wiped his face twice. "Don't cry, I'm fine!"

Merry had never seen him fight, never.

After crying bitterly, she clearly felt her fingertips tremble, and the little girl's face turned pale.

She pinched Chris' slightly trembling wrist with her hand. "Brother, how was your wound? Tell me, I'll take you to the hospital."

How could he be okay, his hand was trembling like this!

Chris stared at his wrist, a little annoyed.

He had been trying too hard, and now his hands were shaking. It was his body's reaction.

Right now, he was still thinking whether he still needed to continue to miserably pretend to be tough.

However, just as he was still hesitating, a large chunk of dry sweet potato stuck to his opponent's face, then came loose after a few seconds and the veins on his forehead could be seen.

He glared at Merry's petite figure and gritted his teeth. "Are you looking to die?!"

The big man is angry!

There was still a lot of dirt in his hair from the dried sweet potato that Merry threw.

When Chris heard this, he immediately pulled Merry behind him to protect her.

After exchanging blows, he realized that he was fighting a difficult opponent.

He didn't know where this guy came from, he could speak Indonesian, but he didn't show any mercy when he started attacking him.

Chris looked to the opposite side warily, always on guard.

Why isn't Jean here yet?!

If the fight continued, he might really be unable to endure it.

The opponent's punches were too fierce, and it was painful for enduring his attack for a long time.

Just as Chris was silently thinking, the other party extended his hand and took off the hem of his shirt. Under the night light, he saw with his own eyes a gun hanging from the belt of the big man!

This is bad!

Chris' heart immediately clenched. Just as he was about to act, someone ran from behind the crowd. "What are you doing? Why are you buying sweet potatoes for so long?"

The young girl who ran out was the same age as Merry, she spoke a foreign language and looked like a mixed race, she had curly black hair and her round cheeks looked like a doll.

Hearing this voice, the big man squinted and said coldly to the girl, "Get away!"

The girl pushed aside the crowd and took a closer look. "Ah, you are so dirty! Are you hurt? It is unusual for someone to hurt you, does he want to die?!"

Chris fell silent.

The girl curiously ran towards the big man and looked around. She blinked and looked around with her big eyes, and finally stopped at Chris' face. "Was it you who hurt my brother?"

Chris sneered, he opened his thin lips and was about to speak, but Merry suddenly jumped out from behind. "Not him, but me!"

Merry looked at the girl intently, she wondered if she could win in case a fight broke between them.

The girl studied Merry with disgust, then turned to look at the corner of her big brother's eyes.

She smiled, pointed to Merry and said in Indonesian, "Are you sure you can touch the corner of my brother's eye?"

From her height alone, it could be seen that what she said just now was a lie!

Merry wanted to argue, but the smile on the girl's face gradually died down.

She sighed and then smiled. "Since you said you hurt my brother, do you want to finish the fight with me? If you can beat me, I will believe it. If you don't want to, just think of it as retribution for hurting my brother."

The girl's smile was not that of a pure one, but it was clearly contemptuous and mocking.

She was a Taekwondo champion, and the skinny little girl in front of her looked weak.

Right now, Chris didn't expect things to turn out like this.

He pulled Merry back and warned in a low voice, "Merry, don't talk nonsense!"

Merry grit her teeth and trembled with fear, she then accepted the girl's challenge with a loud shout. "Come here if you dare! Who the hell is afraid of you!"

She might not be able to beat that big man, but she might with his sister.

When the girl heard this, she smiled casually.

She took a step and walked towards Merry, while the big man behind her curled his lips. "Don't show mercy!"

Chris felt this could turn ugly, what the hell was wrong with these siblings!!

When he was thinking about whether to take Merry and run away, a low and gentle voice suddenly came from behind the crowd.


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