My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 94 - Message From Sasha

Chapter 94 - Message From Sasha

Vivi took a sip of the juice from the glass she was carrying before looking at Lilia closely, "Lilia, don't you feel like your marriage is too rushed? Did you know that my heart almost stopped when I read the news on the internet? You really make me worried!" Vivi scolded her best friend.

Vivi was worried about the leaked news' impact on Lilia's reputation and career. If the woman was just a casual model, the news of her marriage would not have had a big impact. But Lilia was now the most popular model in Indonesia. The more popularity she gained, the greater the excitement that would result if her marriage were made public. Although the news itself had been erased, traces of it remained on the internet.

Rachel nodded too when she heard Vivi's scolding, "Lilia, I agree with Vivi. I also feel that you are too hasty to marry Jean. I mean, I know he is a good man—"

"He is the ideal man that all women desire!" Vivi shouted fiercely.

"… Alright, Vivi. I know Jean is a rare ideal man, but isn't Lilia under a contract to marry him? She signed the marriage certificate once she got to know him better!" Rachel continued.

Lilia was silent for a moment. She looked up and stared at the star-studded night sky. The corners of her mouth lifted into a smile as she recalled what Jean said when he came to pick her up in Jogja. Her expression looked so peaceful, showing confidence as a woman who was loved and cherished so greatly by her partner.

"I do admit that my action was too hasty." Lilia replied calmly, "But I'm also sure that I won't regret it."

Lilia turned to Rachel, "I didn't expect Vivi to understand this feeling, but I know you understand what I feel, Rachel." She said.

Vivi was at a loss for words when she heard that. How could Lilia mention the painful fact that Vivi had been single for 24 years when she was really worried about Lilia!

Vivi drank the juice out and put it on the table loudly. She remembered that one of her coworkers at the office offered to introduce her to a single man. Vivi might want to consider accepting the offer.

Rachel smiled when she heard Lilia's words. As someone who had fallen in love, she understood that feeling very well. If you loved someone, you definitely wanted to announce to the whole world that he was yours and you were his. This was even more so if your partner was 'the ideal man that all women desire', as Vivi said.

Rachel shook her head and patted Lilia on the shoulder, "Looks like you have been blinded by love!" She said with a laugh.

"I think you're right." Lilia joined in the laughter, but her tone was serious as she said that.

After chatting for a while, the three friends finally separated as the night was getting late. Vivi had to work tomorrow and Rachel had a job interview scheduled in the morning. They made an appointment to meet again before Lilia escorted them outside.

Lilia stood in front of the gate and waved at the car that was driving away. Rachel waved back in exchange for Vivi who was driving. Lilia smiled a little while watching the car until it disappeared from her sight. She felt lucky because she had two friends who were always worried about her and cared for her.

The sound of footsteps from behind her made Lilia turn around. She stared at Sasha, who appeared from the villa. The woman looked as elegant and beautiful as before. Sasha's slender body was clad in a black sleeveless dress that accentuated her good figure. Her white skin contrasted the black dress. josei

"Miss Lilia, I didn't have time to say this at dinner last night. Congratulations on your wedding."

Even though Sasha was smiling broadly, Lilia could see the pride hidden in her eyes. The woman made absolutely no effort to sound sincere. Plus, Sasha deliberately insulted her by calling her 'Miss' even though Lilia had officially married Jean. Jean's childhood friend made it clear that she didn't acknowledge Lilia as Jean's wife.

However, Lilia was used to this situation when she was dating William in the past. Lilia put on a big smile as she replied, "Thank you very much, Miss Sasha. By the way, when did Miss Sasha herself plan to get married? Jean and I will definitely come if you invite us."

Sasha's smile was about to collapse when she heard Lilia's words. The woman in front of her clearly implied that she needed to forget Jean and get married. Sasha coughed lightly and continued, "I'm not planning to get married. After all, I'm glad that Jean forgot his past and is willing to marry you."

Lilia raised an eyebrow. Forget the past? Did Sasha mean to tell her that she and Jean used to have a special relationship? However, Lilia didn't say a word and just waited for Sasha to continue her words.

Seeing Lilia's flat expression, Sasha made a surprised face. She opened her mouth, then closed it again as if she was at a loss for words. After repeating that several times, Sasha finally spoke in a tone full of doubts, "Miss Lilia must know that there is a woman whom Jean has always loved and cannot forget, right?"

Lilia struggled to keep her facial expression neutral. Sasha must have said this on purpose to shock her— and she did. Lilia's heart wavered when she heard that Jean, who had never shown any interest in other women, actually had a woman he had loved for a long time.

"I know who my fiancée is. And I believe her."

Jean's words when he defended Lilia in front of Nora flashed back in her mind. Lilia took a deep breath to calm herself down. If she doubted Jean just because of Sasha's words, that would mean she hadn't learned from her mistakes.

Lilia lifted her chin and gave Sasha a provocative gaze. She would not let her see herself shaken by her words.

So what if Jean had a woman he loved in the past? Lilia herself also had another man she once loved. But feelings from the past could not change the present. Jean and Lilia were husband and wife now. She had no intention of letting anyone change that fact. Even if the woman Jean loved appeared, Lilia wouldn't just give up her husband!

"Now I know." Lilia answered with a chuckle, "So what?"

Sasha almost choked on her breath when she saw Lilia could still act so calm, 'She must be just pretending to be calm.' Sasha thought as she tried to hide her panic,'If I keep cornering her, she won't be able to pretend anymore.'

Sasha tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She frowned with a guilty expression, "Ah, it turns out you don't know. I'm sorry. I thought that you already knew about this, so I didn't think that my words would hurt your feelings." Sasha said, her tone was pitiful.

Lilia raised an eyebrow. The woman in front of her clearly didn't know what she was talking about. Her words and gestures were misleading.

"I don't know what you mean talking about it, but I don't care what happened in the past." Lilia said firmly.

Sasha shook her head, "I didn't mean anything! I won't go into it again, so sorry if this topic inconveniences you. I'm sure Jean will tell you someday when he's ready." She said with a sympathetic expression as if she was really worried about Lilia.

Lilia was starting to get sick of seeing Sasha's two-faced attitude. If that woman wasn't Jean's childhood friend, she would have kicked Sasha out of this villa. But Lilia's face suddenly brightened when she saw the figure approaching them from behind Sasha.

"What are you talking about?" Jean asked as he took turns looking at the two women.

Earlier, Jean became restless because Lilia didn't come back into the house. That woman should only be dropping off her friends, so why was she taking so long outside?

Jean's worries grew worse when bad thoughts filled his mind. Since Lilia's kidnapping incident in Milan, he had become increasingly overprotective of his wife.

Tom laughed and hit Jean on the back, "Just relax, Bro! Why are you so nervous? Maybe Sis Lilia is still chatting with her friends outside! What the hell could happen? No one would dare to kidnap Jean Widjaya's wife!" Tom said, trying to convince him.

Jean frowned as Tom reminded him of the unpleasant incident, "… Lilia was kidnapped when she went to Milan." He said dryly.

Tom immediately closed his mouth and busied himself with watching the restaurant staff cleaning in the kitchen.

Chris put his wine glass on the table and looked at Jean, "If you're worried, why don't you just catch up with her?" He suggested in irritation. Seeing the overprotective man stole glances at the door made Chris unable to enjoy his wine.

Jean nodded and got up from his chair. As soon as he left, Alex looked around as if looking for someone.

"By the way, I haven't seen Sasha since earlier." Alex commented.

"Ah, she went out earlier." Chris said as he poured wine into his glass, "Looks like she has something she wants to say to our new sister-in-law."

When Jean stepped outside, he saw Lilia talking to Sasha. The man frowned. He knew the two women weren't getting along, so what could they be talking about?

Jean walked over to them and Lilia immediately noticed his presence. A broad smile spread across the woman's face, making Jean's heart beat faster.

But when Lilia answered his question earlier, Jean's heart almost stopped beating.

"Miss Sasha told me that there is a woman whom you have loved for a long time and you cannot forget." Lilia answered in a light voice.

For the first time ever, Jean was afraid of Lilia's smiling face.

Meanwhile, Sasha was looking at Lilia with a dumbfounded face. Was this woman stupid?! Why did she immediately say that to Jean?! Did Lilia secretly find out about that woman and confront Jean with her anger?! After all, Lilia shouldn't say that, much less with a twisted smile in her face like now!

Sasha shuddered as an icy wind blew her nape. She slowly turned towards Jean. Sasha's heart sank when she saw the man's cold expression. She knew that Jean hated it the most when other people spread rumours about him.

"I… I don't…" Sasha stuttered, trying to defend herself. But she seemed to be caught between her words when faced with Jean's sharp gaze.

Lilia was watching Sasha's pale face with satisfaction. She decided to end the round with one last hit. Lilia stepped past Sasha and stood beside Jean. She put on her sweetest smile as she said, "Thank you for telling me this, Miss Sasha."

Those words destroyed all of Sasha's defense. The woman gritted her teeth while glaring at Lilia. Even though Sasha didn't want to admit it, tonight she lost so badly to Lilia Pangestu!


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"Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO" :

"Trial Marriage Husband : Beautiful Wife For Satisfy The Wild CEO" :

"The School Prince Is My Beloved Pet" :

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