My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife’s Bragging!

Chapter 73 - 73

Chapter 73 - 73: Shouldn’t you kiss me as a reward?

Chapter 73: Chapter 73: Shouldn’t you kiss me as a reward?

Translator: 549690339

As Suri Drew was pulling Yigol Novak into the house, she angrily said, “I’ve seen shameless people, but no one is as shameless as Bob Presley.”josei

“Honey, that guy really needs a beating. Next time we see him, even if you don’t, I’ll beat him up myself,” she continued.

Yigol Novak responded indifferently, but deep down he was extremely irritated by Bob Presley. No wonder Suri couldn’t stand him; he was immature and detestable.

Suri told Yigol the backstory between them both. Apparently, Bob had been pursuing her since college, but she never responded to his advances. While he was flirting with other women, he was also chasing after Suri.

Suri never liked him to begin with; his behavior only made her dislike him even more.

After graduating, Bob still liked to annoy her occasionally, which she found annoying, but he was somewhat well-behaved, so she simply ignored him.

She never thought that after finding out she was married, he would become so unreasonable.

Actually, Suri had long been used to such rumors and gossip. She didn’t care and was too lazy to pay attention to them.

But things were different now. She was married to Yigol Novak, and she didn’t want him to misunderstand or be influenced by those rumors.

With Yigol Novak in her life, she suddenly cared a lot about her image in his heart.

Suri was already an able woman. She would never like a rich family’s son who relied on his family, but Bob never understood this truth.

This bastard, after doing such a horrible thing, even wanted to protect himself by occasionally taunting them. With his behavior, it would be justifiable to throw him into jail and make him eat free food. This was slander and defamation of character.

Yigol Novak was always curious about how Suri would counterattack. Unexpectedly, she took out their marriage certificate. After taking a picture of them holding it together on her phone, she let go of Yigol and pushed him away.

Yigol said with a wry smile, “Wife, you’re too much. you used me and then just tossed me aside. Couldn’t you at least give me a kiss as a reward for cooperating so well?”

You…” Suri’s angry face, after Yigol’s words, instantly changed 180 degrees, from anger to blushing.

Suddenly, she came up to Yigol’s face and gave him a light peck, almost like a dragonfly touching water, and then ran away.

Yigol was stunned for a moment and subconsciously reached out and touched his own mouth. Was he just kissed by Suri?

Moreover, it was initiated by her?

Yigol suddenly laughed in a good mood. If she took the initiative, it meant that their intimacy had progressed further, which was very rare.

In the past, their intimacy consisted of holding hands and hugging. Suri would already be extremely nervous just to be held while sleeping. The fact that Suri could take the initiative to kiss him like this took Yigol by complete surprise.

Yigol thought, should he run after her and do something?

Kiss her back?

However, before Yigol had a chance to act, he heard the sound of Suri leaving the house from the front door.

This woman was too quick to run, giving him no time to react.

But Yigol didn’t feel comfortable letting her go out alone like this, so he took out his phone and sent her a voice message.

“Wife, calm down. There’s no need to panic. Drive carefully and slow down.”

Suri replied with three words: “Got it.”

With Suri’s reply, Yigol felt much more reassured.

When Suri finally reached her car and closed the door tightly, making sure Yigol didn’t follow her, she finally allowed herself to relax.

Seeing Yigol’s message, she calmed down for a moment and slowly raised her hand to touch her own lips, laughing unconsciously.

In all honesty, she hadn’t really thought much about her actions. It was only after she did it that she realized what she had done.

Afterward, her first reaction was to run away.

Now looking back, it felt pretty good. So, that was what kissing the one you love felt like.

After sorting out her emotions, she found the picture she just took and complained to Yigol’s image in it, ‘You bastard. A gorgeous woman like me taking a picture with you is such a great honor. You should at least smile.”

“Who are you trying to impress with that serious expression? Didn’t I want this picture to show off our love?”

While venting her frustration, Suri couldn’t help but notice that the more she looked at Yigol, the more appealing he became. Even his serious face didn’t hinder her from flaunting their relationship. In fact, the seriousness added a sense of security.

After a while, Suri suddenly put down her phone and quickly calmed herself, “Suri, you’re too pathetic. It’s just a picture, and he’s not even smiling. Where did you see his good looks and sense of security? His face is just a poker face…”

She barely snapped back to reality, scolded Yigol a couple of times, but her voice subconsciously got quieter in the end.

Afterward, she opened the group chat and sent the picture she just took.

“I am already married. Bob’s words are complete slander. Do not believe him. Look closely at the video he posted. Why didn’t he take a frontal shot? Because it was taken secretly.”

“What’s the point for a grown man to sneak around and spy near my house?”

“Oh right, he claimed it was a coincidence. Really? What a coincidence to end up right below my apartment building. I don’t think my residence would be that convenient for him.”

“So why come to my place so early in the morning? Oh right, since Bob sent such a video, I have something else to tell everyone. Was it really just a coincidence for him?”

“Yesterday, Bob ‘accidentally’ came to my house to harass me and ended up getting beaten up by my husband. I hope that certain someone can behave like a human being, stop appearing near my house, and stop harassing me.

Otherwise, next time it won’t be just a simple beating.”

After Suri sent the picture and the statements, the previously lively group chat suddenly became quiet.

Clearly, Suri’s words had caught everyone off guard.

Then, Suri performed another surprising action. She sent a password lucky money.

“Wishing Suri Drew and Yigol Novak a happy marriage and eternal happiness.”

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