My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

The next couple days was a whirlwind of me pushing the kids with semi dangerous exercise along with flirting with Fleur a bit in passing but she was obviously focusing on her coming task so we didnt get enough time nor any privacy for another rendezvous.

But either way, if necessary, after my plan I can always go to Diagon Alley or whatever to borrow an owl to send her a letter should I need to up and leave.

I as a peasant teacher wasn't welcomed into the champion's tent but that didnt stop me from just waiting outside and as an odd shadow passed by and I saw the grass crinkling as someone invisible walked upon it and I waited for the appropriate moment to snag the invisibility cloak.

A couple minutes later after hearing Dumbledore telling the contestants about the coming tasks, I saw Hermione walking out hurriedly towards the stands with her bag.

"Oi Hermione come here for a sec. I got something important to talk to you about." I honestly felt bad as the gullible teenager walked up to me.

I held up a piece of paper to her. "This paper has valuable information you and your friends will need later in life. Do you understand." I said solemnly and then forced the paper into her hands.

"Ah ok sir? Thanks?" She said awkwardly but I could only sigh mentally as she was distracted heavily when she unfolded the paper to check the information written within and I could see her eyes widen in shock, but before she could scream or in confusion, I lightly shoved a potion stopper into her mouth, and she coughed as a small dose of Draught of the Living Death entered her system and she instantly fell into my arms.

I instantly felt the invisibility cloak as I pulled it out of her bag and put it into my space ring and I quickly made my way towards the stands where my next target was after setting Hermione in the opening beside the tent.

The note had the location and description of all of Voldemort's Horcrux's as well as a couple methods of how to possibly remove the Horcrux out of Harry for example muggle surgery to remove the part of the skull it is tethered to or maybe even a deep sedative so he can 'technically die' so it can be more easily exercised.

And most importantly where Voldemort was currently. If Dumbledore is smart, he will assemble a strike team and kill Voldemort so they can take care of the Horcrux's in the meantime. I imagine without a real body or even his monstrous homunculus form, his soul will quickly dissipate without anything tethering him to this world.

Though just to be safe I stuffed the letter into her shirt, but not like in her bra or anything as God knows how long it could take for her to perhaps fall upon my note if I just left it in her bag or something with the dozen or so binders she had for her notes and homework.

"Alright Jake you just robbed Hermione lets go snag the Death Stick and my goal of ruining my own childhood dreams are complete..." I muttered trying to psyche myself up.

I joined the rest of the teachers out on the terraces as Fleur the second contender started singing to her dragon and she successfully managed to pacify it until the cheers of the crowd as she took the egg awoke the dragon from the slumber and she had to dodge several bursts of flame, but I could tell the dragon was just establishing her territory and didnt even bother chasing Fleur so I didnt interfere.

I waved at Fleur as she was hurried into another tunnel to possibly treat any burns, she may have but as a Veela I doubt it would be anything bad plus she had no compunction throwing a triumphant grin my way at her victory.

Viktor however mutilated his dragon by permanently blinding her with that cursing popping the poor dragon's eyeballs with her skull so it was obvious that the beast would rage and destroy her eggs as she writhed in agony.

"Is that dragon just going to be put down?" I asked Dumbledore who was sitting in front of me during the short intermission between Krum's and Harry's coming match or more specifically the Dragon tamers blasted the blinded dragon with dozens of stunners to send her unconscious form elsewhere.

The wizened old man nodded lightly quietly speaking. "Yes, as the only place that would buy a blinded and enraged dragon would be Gringotts's and they prefer to breed and train their own dragon lines that live and die in the dark underground."

Well seeing how Dragon blood is used in a number of wizard products it makes sense, not to mention how they use Dragon heartstrings for wands and unlike the hairs or feathers of a Unicorn or Pheonix, Dragon heartstrings are in no way a renewable resource as you are only going to get so many of them out of a dragon.

I just put the fate of the dragon out of my mind as the final cannon went off with the larger Hungarian Horntail stalking around the entrance that Harry was going to walk out of.

I couldn't help twitch with my sword flashing into my hands as although I knew that fate would supposedly push Harry through this... Fate can't protect someone who unknowingly walks into a dragon's maw.

Thankfully no one noticed my actions as most people were either looking at Harry or looking at Dumbledore to see his reaction and with him in front of me, I couldn't see his reaction to this, but it also shielded me from other's views.

Harry's seeker reaction speed played a massive factor as he franticly dived to avoid the spiked tail that the dragon swung at the human invading it's nest and the following events pretty much followed canon as Harry led the dragon in circles as he called out loudly an Acio spell to summon his Firebolt though his voice was smothered out by the cheers of the crowd, but my adventurer senses allowed me to pick out his voice and actions.

"Woo!" The crowd screamed out in unison as Harry's summoned broom swept down beside him and allowed him to fly away to get some distance, but then the cheer from before turned into a scream of fright as the dragon's chains snapped like wet noddle's trying to pull a car and I mean literally the chains didnt explode from the force as it should have.

No the only sound they made was the metal clatter they made as the chain hit the ground. So obviously sabotage was involved

The dragon feeling it's freedom and wanting to kill the human that intruded upon its nest quickly flew into the air and with Harry flying behind the announcer/teacher area the dragons bottom half of it's body and the spiked tail smashed into the terrace sending wooden shards everywhere.

I and several teachers instantly reacted by putting up various form's shields with me putting up one in a more literal manner as I threw out a massive slab of flat stone I had stored for a disposable shield while Dumbledore and the other teachers made shields purely out of magic.

"Sorry Dumbledore." I said making him turn in surprise for my hand to whip forward at my full speed and I could only grimace lightly as my hand accidently broke the old man's wrist as I pulled the death stick out of his hand and then leapt backwards to dodge the resulting spell fire from the teachers and a couple of the reporters funny enough.

"Dumbledore I am sorry, but the wand is better off in my hands especially if you aren't willing to solve problems in a more permanently manner." I said as an excuse, which was still true as the world didnt need another wanna be dark lord getting this wand and going on a killing spree. josei

Dumbledore just sighed and held his wrist gently as the other teachers approached and fanned out around me obviously to try to pin me in to drown me in spell fire. "Jake, I knew you had motives to coming here but I suppose this confirms your prior words about your abilities." He said alluding to my supposed prophetic abilities but hearing the dragons roar I decided to wrap up my adventure in this world with a bang.

"Yup so just look for the clues Dumbledore." I responded, then with a loud bang my jet boots exploded into action shooting me a few dozen meters into the air and making my armored feet feel a bit numb from the force exerted upon it.

But just launching me into the air wasn't the goal and as Harry led the dragon on a merry chase around the castle I swiftly flew over and as Harry blinked in surprise, I instantly flew past him and just under the dragon with my sword held straight up with space cutting energy extending the length of the blade an extra dozen meters higher.

A cascade of blood and gore fell upon one of the Hogwarts buildings as the dragon was split in half from snout to its rear instantly killing the beast so it wouldn't suffer as well as sending a message about how I could use a spell or my own physical strength to cut the magically resistant scale/leather of the dragon.

"Goodluck Harry!" I called out to the teenager floating in shock and right before I used my ability to hopefully go back to Demon Slayer not long after I left originally, I had a thought that stopped me so I yelled another sentence at the now pale teen.

"If you marry Ginny. Just know that you are basically screwing a copy of your mother!" Honestly it was pretty true as both were feisty redheads who were very stubborn and headstrong.

With that said my form was covered in mist and I was sent back to Demon Slayer with all three of the deathly hallows in tow.

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