My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Inari knew I was going to make a statement with how intelligent she was in working around the rules of Tenkai in making the Renard's and interfering with the mortals before the gods could actually descend down to Genkai, the lower mortal world.

The question was what in the world was she thinking as Hestia is the goddess of the Hearth... Those ninjas clans she has kept in the back pocket had no chance of sneaking into the goddess of the home, literal divine sanctum.

Even as I thought of Inari's plots, my body was a whirlwind of death as man and women were slaughtered wholesale with only the children thrown through the wooden walls of buildings or over the ramparts of the castle to the onlookers to deal with.

My armor protected me from the various desperate magics cast upon me as no flame, no icy wind, or even solid cutting blades of wind were able to harm me as my armor had been further enhanced by the demon Gyokko's diamond hard scales that brought its pure hardness to another level.

My sword was able to cut through any magic they could put up to defend themselves and I could only grimly acknowledge my sword absorbing the bloodline magic within the Renard's knowing that my mind stat was going to be augmented from this purging of highly magical entities.

"Stop!" A loud powerful voice yelled out from the main mansion I had been steadily working my way towards purging all who stood in front of me.

The Inari members who were in front of me desperately ran aside into the side alleys they had joined the main path from and as I walked towards a set of Renard twins, I saw down the alleys were almost apartment style buildings so the adventurers had their own mini private homes with the occupants staring at me fearfully. josei

But even as I absently noticed those details, I kept the sister duo in the corner of my eyes while I approached the twins.

"You know why I am here correct?" I said grimly as the blood of there Familia members dripped from my sword.

The twins took each other's hands and instead of bothering to argue sophistry I acknowledged their choice to instead kill each other rather than talking as in their minds they believed once they killed me that Haruhime would a fish on a chopping block they could do as they pleased with and even if it took years of abuse, eventually they would break her.

It's a pity they were my enemies with how beautiful they were with their eight blond and honey toned tails along with sharing matching strawberry blonde hair with voluptuous figures.

But beauty in the world of Danmachi is just another weapon as the amazons are the perfect example.

"With sun at our backs we call upon the great sun we-" They started some in unison chant and I could feel a massive amount of mana forming into was likely to be a massive sun of a fireball and instead of dealing with that nonsense I sent a high-speed space blade that made them hurriedly dodge and collapse to the ground for a moment choking in agony at the spell back firing in Ignis Faustus at not being able to complete.

"Stupid conniving foxes you should have just stayed in your burrows..." I snarled as I flash stepped in range of one of them and then showing my American spirit, I punted one of the renards in the stomach sending her flying through the gates of mansion creating a massive crashing noise.

I could hear the other Renard twin sobbing seeing her fellow level six sibling smashed through the thick wooden gate of the mansion and it was only her high level that prevented her from being a splattered mess upon the gate.

"You killed Yume!" She cried as she staggered to her feet and somehow pulled out a long katana from between her cleavage and coated it in lightning as she dashed forward to attack me in close range as she knew she couldn't get the distance she needed to cast spells.

I honestly wanted to yawn as she was obviously albeit proficient with her blade, but she was no master and nowhere near the casual grace of the Hashira's I had trained with.

As I met her powerful down slash with my own sword, I could only sigh at how physically weak she was for a level six as her lightning wouldn't travel through my sword and she obviously focused on getting her magic stat to high letter grades before leveling up as even with her being two levels higher than me I was soundly winning in the strength department.

But I have been holding back as I didnt want to simply burn down the whole Inari district but seeing the other twin stagger through the gate holding her obviously broken ribs after downing several elixir's about to start chanting magic from a distance, I sighed. "Let this land become naught but ashes." I muttered and the twin I was dueling rushed forward to obviously break my concentration and make me suffer my own Ignis Festus.

Pity for her as I have no magic with chants...

The woman was drowned in black flames as I palmed the screaming womans face and then hopped in the air a dozen meters and smashed her head into the brick pathway beneath us with all my strength and the downward momentum.

The twin named Yume I think her name was, screamed seeing her sisters burnt form with blood pooling out the back of her head.

Said twin was completely catatonic as she slumped to the ground staring dead eyed at the form of her twin and as I passed her I considered just taking off her head but she was already mentally broken at this point, and if what the guards were saying previously was true it was likely if Inari survived our meeting she would make the mind broken Renard into a broodmare to hopefully get another eight tailed Renard.

A fine fate for her then.

"Your sisters' brains aren't leaking out... Maybe you should try some elixirs." I said mentally exhausted after this event so wanting to get this over with so I could go hug Hestia I continued walking past the stunned form and into the mansion proper.

I mean high value elixirs made directly by Dian Chect could save anyone without there head taken off or there heart pulled out though the woman may suffer some mental damage from the battle.

As I walked through the mansion's entryway an old male Renard with three tails was standing at the end of hallway with his hands respectfully held against his chest and was lightly bowing in my direction.

"Lady Inari is waiting for you Jake Barris captain of the Hestia Familia in the back shrine." He said I could feel the man although obviously faded was a powerhouse in his time as he felt a bit like Alfia as was level eight when she came back and carried a faint wisp of divinity.

He was likely a peak level seven when he retired but at his age, he would be lucky to bring out the strength of a decent level six."

As we walked through the mansion, I asked the man. "Out of curiosity how long does a level seven live?"

I couldn't see the old man's face but there was no discounting the disdain as he spoke of his racial superiority as he explained. "Unlike humans and the other lesser species us Renards and Elves who share somewhat similar lifespans can typically live for a solid four hundred years at the max and that is for the unblessed but for us who walk the steps of divinity we can easily live for a thousand years once we reach level six and above."

I could only bark out a laugh at the arrogant words coming from the old man. "So with your physical aging you have obviously lived for more than nine hundred years... God you are truly trash having only gotten to level seven in nine hundred years." I wanted to say how his cultivation was obviously was wasted but it was sadly the wrong world...

"I mean seriously I have only been an adventurer for four months and I am about to reach level five and am stronger than you to begin with." I pointed out and as the old man was walking, I could see his veins rising under his skin in fury at my words.

"Spending centuries to get the same strength that other races can get within months... Doesn't that make your whole race trash?" I teased and that ignited the old man's fury to the point of no return and as he whirled around to attack me with his knife hand glowing an ominous purple, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward to meet my armored shoulder straight to the chin.

The old bag of bones collapsed to the ground and this time I didnt have the pity as the twins I broke outside and with one final stomp I splattered the brains of the Renard across the shiny wooden floors.

"Can't be too far outside..." I muttered as I continued to follow the long hallway until I saw bright light leaking through a paper wall door which likely was my exit.

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