My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Me and Di Vinci ended up talking a bit more about how I could help Chaldea fix some of their damaged systems by fusing some of the damaged and some other materials to make up for sheer quantity to compensate before I could eventually push her to show me too the summoning chamber so I could summon my own servant.

I did however learn that my fusion abilities failed completely when it came to combining complex machinery or in any words if it had a computer chip then fusing it would only result in the coding being warped beyond recognition and being inoperable.

Which could be its own weapon should I be dropped into a highly advanced technological world like Star Wars or Warhammer so long as the machines didnt count as 'sentient'

'Actually, with all the machines in Warhammer having some weird Machine Spirit, I better not chance using my fusion abilities on them.' I thought as I stepped over to the large marble slab in the middle of the room.

I was investigating the marble slab in the middle of the room as Da Vinci's voice came through the room's loudspeakers. "I will be over here in another room in order to not affect your summoning process, you simply need to input your mana and the runes engraved into the slab will take care of everything without you even needing to use the summoning chant." Da Vinci paused obviously taking a breath and i waited for a second and I was proven correct when she continued. "So will you be using a catalyst, to help your summoning Jake?"

I paused and a brief inspection of my space ring showed I had no such catalysts that would give me a Servant of value but then I remembered I had a whole city of gods who would love my 'enchanted weapons and such' back in Orario so I could get them to give stuff to Hestia and I could use it later to summon the likes of Karna or another demigod figure like Atalanta.

"Not this time. I am going for one more combability summon then I will use a catalyst next time." I said stepping onto the stand beside the summoning circle that was obviously where us mages were supposed to stand.

"Oh, any hints on who you plan to summon later?" Da Vinci said excitedly, and I shrugged as I had no real catalysts on me that could work but I could get some blood/fur from Amaterasu and Inari respectfully and better, yet I could use the situation to bully Inari a bit.

"I have some idea's, but it just depends on who I summon now." I answered and with that said the summoning pad's runes lit up as I began to pour mana within it. A few moments later large motes of light came off the summoning runes and combined sending wind to blow against me.

Lightning began to crackle and finally the lights were fully conjoined and lightning briefly covered the light form before fading away along with the light showing the figure within.

Seeing the form standing in front of me staring back at me with cool eyes I almost violently cursed at how awkward the situation was going to be when they meet Artoria Alter.

"So you have summoned me. Berserker Morgan, Queen of the fairy realm..." She scrunched up her face though not at me as she obviously was pondering something before she continued. "It seems Pan Human History hasn't been altered in this timeline... So I shall simply serve as your Servant if you understand that I am a Queen and respect that."

I nodded in understanding, but I wasn't going to bow and scrape to anyone unless they far overpowered me and even then, I would certainly humble that person when I got the chance even if I had to fuse a large number of poisons and toxins to get even.

"As I am your queen, I expect you to work properly as my vassal." My face froze hearing her arrogant words, but I wryly smiled as she continued to speak with a knowing smile. "Or would you rather be treated as my husband instead?"

Frankly with her silver hair and tight dress that showed off her more ample figure, I could see why Merlin used to tease Artoria about how undeveloped she was in comparison to Morgan.

But Morgan was a Berserker class Servant, and all Berserker's are literally insane in some way or another... Hers was the single dogged desire to rule Britain and fuck over Artoria and Merlin in life. Mostly Merlin though.

Like just imagine a woman spending literally twenty something years of her life doing everything in her fucking power to screw you over. She married king Lot to make the children she sent to Artoria under the guise of making them sabotage her sister and bring about the fall of Britain but she was so controlling that out of all the children she sent with the likes of Gareth and Gawain being too stupid and loyal to Artoria and Agravaine despised Morgan for her controlling nonsense.

Only Mordred brought about the fall of Artoria's kingdom and that was only because Mordred loved Artoria so much she couldn't stand the fact that she wasn't the heir to Artoria's kingdom basically.

"Morgan, I am not a weak mage or petty ruler for you to steer to competence. I am your master and whatever relationship we form will be after we... understand one another." I said very clearly, and the room went silent as Morgan's bored cool eyes focused on me and I saw her Fairy heritage shine through as her light blue eyes turned into slits. josei

"You believe yourself my equal?" She questioned gently and I nodded while mentally applauding myself to be in my armor minus my helmet as Morgans presence washed over me like a tidal wave.

Morgan wasn't just some powerful mage; this was a version of her who went full god mode and ruled over a world's timeline where the Fae laws of backstabbing everyone and everything was in full effect. Not only was she intelligent and crafty enough to survive two thousand years of constant betrayals she was powerful enough to attack other Lostbelts from her own.

But I have stood up to monsters and felt Ouranos's anger back in Danmachi, so her testing flex of power in comparison to the irritation of a god of creation didnt faze me at all.

"Hmm... You have potential. Maybe enough to be more than just a husband to be adored." Morgan mused as she took me in staring her down as she stood a few inches away from me and even with her wearing heels, she was a solid six inches shorter than I was.

"Jake, the Ray shift system is bugging out at the moment, so I need to go look at it. Goodluck with your new Berserker!" Da Vinci cackled and I could hear in the background, her slamming a door closed.

Da Vinci's little interruption however broke our confrontation allowing me to give Morgan a bit of space to get off the summoning platform without 'giving way' to her.

"Will you escort me to my chambers. I need to begin creating a Mage's Workshop." Morgan said walking beside me and then took my arm between her own as a sign for me to lead her as a gentleman.

Though she linked my arms together I have linked arms with enough woman to know the difference between attraction/seduction and general polite arm holding as women don't constantly allow their breasts to push into your arms as they walk, even in heels especially when you are walking on flat ground without any obstructions.

It was rather plain that she was playing another game or test, at least to me as rather than pretend otherwise she simply held my arm tightly to her chest as we walked over to the Servant Quater's.

On the way there I also told her the general outline about how Human History was currently incinerated and needed to kill the person who destroyed it and allow the 'powers the that be' to rectify it.

Once we reached an empty room she could take over and the door opened I remembered something very pressing and important to warn Morgan about. "Morgan you should be aware that we have recruited Artoria in our last Singularity. Will that be an issue?"

Morgan rolled her eyes as she snarked. "I am not the scorned woman who failed and lost everything in tearing down Artoria... So long as she doesn't insult me grievously and minds her own business than we shall be fine."

My face twitched and she sighed already seeing trouble afoot but still had the grace to assuge my fears. "As I said, I won't do anything unless she attempts to harm me or mine. Now excuse me, I must take my time to prepare for the next singularity"

I didnt even say she was going with me to the next singularity and before I could say anything the door separating us slammed closed and a moment later as I was about to knock and clear up that possible misunderstanding a glowing snowflake appeared in front of the door emitting a biting chill off it.

'I didnt even get a chance to explain...' I thought as my eyes twitched.

"Whatever... I need to go tell Artoria anyway." I muttered and walked off towards the cafeteria after knocking on Artoria's door and getting no answer.

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Like I said before for 10 dollars i will do double uploads for a day

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