My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

I made my way down the hallway and paused as I realized that I had .no idea which of these rooms led to where the Director was stay and I knew that many of these rooms once held talented magi and were obviously cursed to hell and back in order to protect their secrets.

For whatever the hell reason, much of this world's mage craft was powered by 'Mystery' and the more people knew about the inner workings of your mage craft combined with how most mages were die hard researchers and obviously took great efforts to note down and pass down their techniques and spells to the next generation in the family. So, people would curse and protect their laboratories and private stores of information to the death as the spreading of their mage craft to multiple people could literally cripple it.

Even with my Magic Resistance development ability I didnt fancy walking face first into a bunch of curses when I could just ask Romani who was the head doctor of Chaldea where Olga was.

As I made my way to the medical facility, I mused on how the timeline of this world has already changed and what will happen, what with how Olga wasn't dead or whatever nonsense happened when she was fused into Chaldeas the sun like orb that allowed Chaldea to cross space and time to get to the singularities.

'Bah so long as all the demon god pillars don't smash into Chaldea's bubble of reality we will be fine.' I mused shrugging as if such a thing happened, I would have zero choice but to flee as not even the likes of Scathach could deal with more than half a dozen of them before she was killed as shown in the movie.

Not to mention those demon god pillars would just be reborn unless Goetia was killed...

I mentally reminded myself to go back to Danmachi after the next singularity as the roman singularity was going to be nonsense and will continue to become more bullshit the further, I got into the singularity's

As I walked into the medical center, I saw Romani leaning over a tablet beside seven large tubes and I could see the frosty mist coming off the now recognized 'coffins' that held the Crypters/A team of Chaldea.

"Romani." I said just to get his attention as the man was engrossed in the data being shown on his tablet.

"Huh! Oh, it's you Jake." He jumped lightly and then relaxed seeing it was only me. "What did you want?" He asked somewhat brusquely but I wasn't offended with how he was likely seeing if there was a way to save the people encased within the coffins.

"I wanted to know where Olga was so I could speak with her about my status here in Chaldea and seeing as there is injured people held in stasis perhaps, I could be of assistance as I have divine elixir's from when I was around the Reverse Side of the World." I said pointing at the coffins in question with one hand and with my other I took out one of my healing elixir's.

Romani froze and it was clear he didnt truly trust me with the lives with the Crypters... But he had no realistic choice as even by the time they reached the last singularity they were all either still in stasis or died in canon and Romani was intelligent enough to know that they didnt have enough time for Da Vinci to make enough breakthroughs to save them while still clearing the singularities.

"The director has awoken from her Ray shifting troubles... And as for helping these people." He sighed brushing his hands through his hair and down his face and I saw his face crumble in defeat as he realized the impossibility of himself, or Da Vinci saving them and had to dump the responsibility on me.

"Frankly they are beyond our help with how their bodies were mangled by the bombings and their very souls were somehow harmed, and we are unaware as to how harmed their souls are damaged." Romani explained and I nodded in understand.

"Who is the most senior member of these people? Or just the most mature and wont freak out at their situation." I asked not even alluding to me knowing their identity.

"Hmm the most senior is Kirschtaria Wodime, but the most mature is likely Hinako Akuta..." Romani mused pointing them out.

"Alright I am going to summon her soul here seeing as their bodies have failed." I replied candidly ignoring Romani's curses for me to stop and take a moment for him to setup some machines.

"Akuta Hinako, I call upon you!" I said and flared my mana to be a bit chunni as I held the Resurrection stone within my hands and low and behold the fog filled coffin screeched and was rent apart as a blood red mist shot out of it and formed into a faded and almost see-through version of the Crypter.

She was rather short honestly as she didnt even make five feet in the large heels she was wearing that easily added a solid three or four inches and she was in her nerdy phase as she was wearing the thick sweater and equally thick glasses with her long black hair perfectly hid her natural beauty.

Like if you saw her crypter version and looked at her Servant version you wouldn't even think of them as the same person at all.

"What the hell is this!" Hinako snarled looking at her own blood red misty form.

'Well... I suppose this is what a blood elementals soul looks like.' I mentally mused as all the other souls I summoned had a white tinge to them until I filled them up with my mana and they became more solid.

Hinako franticly looked around recognizing she was in a sort of medical room and then saw Romani and marched at him. "Romani what the hell did you do to me and why are all the coffins here in the medical wing.

Romani threw me a dirty look as he began to explain. "Look Hinako, there was a major accident killing all the master candidates and only the more robust coffins the A team was within protected you all."

Hinako twitched and I saw her take a deep breath as she took in the coffins and then the mangled one she came out of.

"Help me open that one." She said softly and I moved forward and quickly fused the Coffin into a nearby chair allowing Hinako's form to drop within my arms.

Thankfully I wasn't squeamish so the wrecked remains of the woman didnt make me vomit or whatever.

"Alright Hinako, I am going to push your soul back into your body and then use some elixirs to heal you." I said confidently but Hinako shook her head.

"That will be unneeded..." She said softly and her misty form dove into her body, and I snarled as thorns made out of blood pierced my hands that were holding up the blood elemental.

Not only did I drop the bitch, but I also punted her like football denting the metal walls of the medical facility as my pure body skill flared up draining me of mana and very obviously telling me that her blood was corrosive.

Hinako stood up with a matching snarl, but I cut off whatever words she was going to say with my own snark. "Bah no difference from a blood elemental and Dead Apostle I see..."

To say Hinako Akuta's face went apocalyptic in her fury was an understatement.

"I am going to kill." She snarled but was cut off by Romani who stood between us.

"Wait!" He cried as he turned to Hinako leaving his back to me as I took a step back to get some space should the blood elemental snap at whatever Romani says and I need to defend myself. "Jake helped save your life and I get you may have needed to take a bit of blood to heal or whatever but a warning to us would have been nice." josei

As he said that I noticed the large gashes that covered Hinako's chest and neck were visibly steaming and visibly repairing as she calmed herself down.

"Romani, perhaps you should escort her out while I summon the rest of the souls and then we can peacefully calm the rest of the members down before they jump back into their bodies." I said as a peace offering but I had my own plans.

Beryl Gut another member of the Crypters was a literal monster being a werewolf along with being a total sociopath. Worse was how he took a knife to Mash as she was sleeping and even the levelheaded Romani swore to kill Beryl should he touch her again...

But summoning souls was such a difficult thing at the best of times and should his lycanthropy have rendered his soul into mush and be unhealable... Well, that would be a damn shame really.

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