My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 50 Jake Vs Goliath Electric Boogaloo

Chapter 50 Jake Vs Goliath Electric Boogaloo

I cheerfully rolled out of bed with Lili after our long night together and helped her get cleaned up as a form of aftercare from our rather rough joining.

Hestia leered at us as we walked upstairs, and I saw there were a few futons laid out on top of the pews which explained why none of the other ladies joined us as we slept but I didnt see Aisha, Bell, Ryuu, or Syr anywhere?

I stretched as I entered the church main and then asked Hestia my prior thoughts. "Oh, they all went to get some stuff. Oh, and Freya went to go collect a few things she said we would need." I nodded to Hestia and saw Haruhime walk through the back of the church who gently smiled seeing me.

"Soooo I just want to say all this stuff burning down is all your fault Hestia..." I clearly joked but even still Hestia clutched her chest as my words rang true.

She furiously pointed at me with a shaking finger as her face turned red. "What the hell do you mean Jake!" josei

I helplessly shrugged. "Hestia, I mean just think about it. Before you came from the heavenly realm did all this stuff happen in Orario without Evilus being involved?" Hestia froze as though struck but then she slapped me on my thigh in annoyance.

"Heh more like you are the one lighting things on fire, I am a gentle goddess and other than helping manage this Familia I don't even really leave this church." She grinned and pointed at me. "No, it's when you joined me that the world became chaotic."

I helplessly shrugged as it was true in her own way not to mention as an outsider with a golden finger, it was inevitable for me to make waves.

I decided not to argue with the goddess anymore and it wasn't at all that I didnt have rebuttal, I just wanted to make sure Haruhime didnt feel left out so I turned to the much gentler to my heart fox girl. "So Haruhime do you plan to join the Takemikazuchi Familia with your friends who have been looking for you?"

She looked down at her hands that were nervously twirling in her lap as she spoke softly. "I wanted to stay with Aisha, so I joined Lady Hestia last night after you went to bed." Huh well that's interesting, I suppose.

"Well in that case, welcome our family and I hope you are ready for our shenanigans..." Now Haruhime looked a little nervous but that didnt stop her from scooting closer to me.

"So how far have you gotten in the dungeon Haruhime?" I questioned making me facepalm at her answer.

She shrugged as she blandly replied. "Ishtar's adventurers would drag me all over the dungeon and would even bring me to buff them during battles against the juggernauts to help them level up."

So, I am going to assume she probably has the second most experience in the dungeon besides Ryuu, but either way she is going to join our adventure parties as she already has an ice spell at this point and combining me boosting her level up spell and then boosting my own fire could probably allow me to kill the Amphisbaena without having to make a massive minefield in the water.

'Actually, its best we test how that works before we decided a raid plan.' I thought and then poked Haruhime who without me even noticing had wrapped her tail around my waist as I was in deep thought.

"Haruhime, I have a magic boosting spell that can influence other people's magic so, I would like to test with your level boost spell and make sure it works just fine."

Haruhime nodded and as we stood up, I quickly infused her with my Overload Barrel magic making her glow and show her next magic was going to be boosted. she started to chant her chunni as hell lines "Grow. That power and that vessel. Breadth of wealth and breadth of wishes. Until the bell tolls, bring forth glory and illusion. -Grow. Confine divine offerings within this body. This golden light bestowed from above. Into the hammer and into the ground, may it bestow good fortune upon you. -Grow"

Soon enough my thoughts were removed from her words and more of the feeling of strength filling my body as I picked up my charge blade and I could feel it was no longer a strain to swing as my currently high level four strength allowed me to swing it around without it dragging my body around.

"Hmm so me boosting the magic allowed me skip two levels huh."

I am pretty happy with this result as otherwise if she was able to boost me to level five, people will flip there shit if I somehow kill Udaeus before being an adventurer for a year.

Checking my quests, I saw there were still a few monsters before Riveria that I needed to kill for the final tiers of the quests, so I decided to test my new strength.

"Girls I am going out to test my strength a bit before this powerup fades so I can learn my new limits as a level four."

Honestly, I doubted this was a good representative as my power as a level four because I would have gained at least two more development skills with my level ups that I have missed with this boost to my pure stats.

As I quickly went through the fire portal and landed inside the base, we built into the side of hill I was almost clobbered over the head by a rock as the dungeon was obviously pissed off with how much it was shaking, and the ceiling was dropping rocks down around me making me franticly dodge and was unable to get back to the lantern to retreat back home.

"I swear I fucking had nothing to do with this..." I helplessly cried out as I saw the lantern get submerged in fallen rocks and even with my reflex's boosted by Haruhime's magic I knew I needed to get out of this damn death trap so I sprinted out of the cavern and saw the whole Eighteenth floor was bathed in a crimson light and with a mighty roar my vison was taken and saw a massive Black Goliath fighting with what looked like a woman flying around it with winged shoes.

"Wait a minute... Thats Asfi!" I muttered and then it hit me. Hermes must have come in the dungeon and tried to investigate something and got caught with his pants down and did something stupid that pissed off the dungeon.

'Well, this was basically the perfect opportunity to test my new abilities as Bell was able to use it to hit level three in cannon so why can't I?' I thought grinning at this perfect opportunity to fight a mutated monster rex and not be responsible for the calling of it

I blasted off at the Goliath and didnt spare my mind as I was launched like a rocket towards the Goliath that had its back turned to me.

The Goliath sent a wave of sonic energy at the screaming girl who was franticly dodging the waves of pure force being ejected by the Goliath's mouth.

For a moment I considered slowing down my approach to watch the funny actions of the normally so taciturn Asfi Andromeda freaking out, but this was a golden opportunity to sucker punch the monster as I above the mutated Goliath and with a roar I flew straight down with my body and Charge Blade wreathed in purple fire.

Asfi gapped as she saw a purple meteor bloom into existence and collide with the back of the Goliath's head splitting it open and making it fall as it lost its motor control.

Asfi cried out to me seeing me pull back from its split open head. "Keep hitting it! It will regenerate!" 'Yeah I know that...' I thought grimacing at the throbbing in my hands after slamming my axe through the hard as hell skull of the monster.

But even as I was shaking some feeling back into my hand and ignoring her incessant complaining I saw the monster's head explode into steam and before the steam could even fully dissipate it was fully healed and was already crawling back its feet as it roared at me.

This time I had no interest in testing my armor's capability at blocking the sound waves as I saw the wave literally dredged the ground and throw tree's aside like it was nothing, so I franticly dodged by flying sideways around the monster and then shot forward and sliced open its Achillies heel making it crouch on its knees.

A series of loud explosions greeted me as the residential adventurers living in Rivira casted their own spells and blasted me aside from the force of the various elemental effects.

I could faintly hear them cheering in the distance, but it was short lived as the Goliath soon staggered out of the smoke screen of the spells.

Thankfully the Goliath was now walking towards the crowd of mages who were franticly taking mind potions to prepare for another volley, but I made that unnecessary as I remembered that the monster's core was in the middle of the waist, and I just rammed into the small of the Goliath's back and started pouring my purple flames into its back which were obviously more powerful than it's regeneration as it couldn't heal the charred portions of its body.

I could feel its death was announced as a loud crack rang out throughout the floor and the monster poofed into smoke leaving its drop's but sadly no monster stone and making me fall to the ground in exhaustion as I didnt want to chance using my jet boots with how low mind I had.

"Ughhh this was a terrible idea." I moaned as a set of boots stepped beside me and likewise collapsed to her knees.

"How did you get in here? The exit to the floor is blocked and I would know if there was a level five around here?" Asfi questioned me.

"Fuck Hermes." I said simply making her chuckle and if I had to guess she thought I meant that Hermes somehow brought me down here, but I wasn't going to correct her.

"Actually who are you to begin with as I should know of you with that kind of strength...' She muttered.

I just ignored her and after grabbing my drops I staggered off as she tried to likewise stand up but failed having probably fought the monster for a long while as the only level four in attendance, she was probably not far off from just falling unconscious right then and there.

"Hestia I am back!" I called cheerfully after getting back to my feet from being launched from the fire portal.

"What the hell happened to you!" Hestia and Lili cried seeing me stagger in and just drop into a pew exhausted.

I had a lovely idea... "Blame Hermes for whipping his metaphorical dick out in the dungeon and calling out a mutated monster rex in the middle of Rivira." I groaned sinking into a nice soft chair as the room looked ready to grill me as everyone was back from there morning errands.

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