My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

"So, Jake what development ability do you want for your third level? Wait actually the abnormal resistance ability is replaced with something else." Hestia told me as she was working on my falna to reach level three

"What is it?" I asked as she hummed in thought.

"It's called 'Pure Body' and it seems to use your mind to keep your body in as pinnacle of state as possible even through harsh environmental conditions as it would make your body acclimate to it along with nullifying any toxins you come into contact with."

'Hmm sounds like a much better Abnormal Resistance ability.' I thought and honestly none of the other abilities stood out to me as I still haven't gotten my own spell yet not to mention Grimoires aren't something you could just buy and apparently those Gulliver Brother's used the one Freya had in storage so that idea was a bust.

"Yeah, let's go along with that one." I said firmly as I was reminded that the skill may even help me fit in, in another world with how it could help me acclimate too the foreign atmosphere.

As soon as she pressed the divine equivalent of the accept button, I felt my ears pop as they adjusted to the pressure and my whole body felt horribly itchy as my skin literally peeled off and as Hestia started screaming at my molting bloody skin being peeled off me, I saw Bell run outside of his little side room with one of his old daggers till he saw my blood covered form and paused pale as death.

"Hestia killed Jake and he became a monster!" He cried out and slammed his door and audibly locked it as people streamed inside the church's main room from the basement and outside as they saw me literally pulling off my old skin in chunks.

Actually, I was making a bit of a mess let me go outside and do this in the shower.

Even the proud and almost unflappable elf Ryuu quickly scooted out of my way making me roll my eyes at how exaggerated everyone was acting.

"Ok I take that back" I muttered seeing the nasty stuff being pulled off of me in the shower and I was reminded about those body cleanse's that cultivators go through that pull any impurities out of them.

I felt like it took at least half an hour to get all the gunk off of me and had to ask Lili to scrub my back clean of any stuff I couldn't reach.

When I dried my hair, I realized that it had grown out from a hand full of dirty blond hair to luscious blond locks that reached my shoulders and would make Ryuu jealous with how they reflected the sun light.

"Yeah, this is some uber gay hair." I muttered as I walked into the church in new clothes and saw everyone gapping at me and after taking in my skin, I realized I was become one of those "Jade Beauty's" with how smooth my skin was and even Freya was giving me the side-eye at how fucking handsome I became.

Freya said something a man never wants to hear as she chuckled. "Jake if you looked like this at the beginning, I would have had to have Ottar rescue you before Ishtar kidnapped you to be her new pegging toy."

Yeah no... Death before pegging.

I had a helpless smile as I turned to Hestia. "Can we change it?" I asked covering my face and as I did, I realized my eyes were literally glowing and felt a tiny trickle on my mind as my eyes instantly adjusted to low light condition.

"No sorry Jake, its literally hard wired into your soul and unless you reincarnate even death itself won't take your skills as you go to heaven." Well shit... Now I certainly don't want to go to the upper world with there unchained gods that live unchained from any rules or morals.

After talking to Hestia and Freya about Tenkai I learned it was similar to Genkai but far larger and the world itself was incomparably more stable and could support the battles of even the supreme gods battling one another. And where do all us mortals who go to heaven who fought so hard for leveling our falna?

Our fucking Falna's are steps in divinity alright as gods in heaven are able to literally boost the person as many levels as they had in live and are basically bartered between one another but the god's brand on our back would determine where we go as being with Hestia would send me to the Greek territory.

In other words, with my now pretty ass, I am certainly not going to the Greek side of heaven, so I need to become immortal or gtfo. As even a level ten would be nothing to gods in there primal state.

"Well, I doubt anyone with second degree burns will be willing to flirt with me after such a firm no." Lili giggled at the thought of me lighting some poor sap on fire, whereas bell didnt seem to really care at all but then again, he himself was a pretty boy as well.

Now after my level up we had more important thing happening as the Hestia and all the other Familia's have been called to a War Council today and for a change the Familia captains have also been called to give their own opinions, so we had to prepare to leave for that.

Me Hestia and Freya were walking into the guild along with what seemed like other deities and already I was hearing whispers of me being the 'divine lay' as we passed by them to reach the meeting room and get a good seat before it got crowded.

As I sat down with Hestia and Freya on my sides, I heard a loud whistle as a beautiful blond woman cat called me and as we looked over at her side of the room she called out. "Man with how handsome your boytoy is Hehe, no wonder you got pregnant with how many times you must have slept together."

Hestia snorted. "Yeah and no matter how many 'pigs' you lay with Aphrodite, you will never be getting a child." Ooof that's harsh but then again even with how anti-social I am here in Orario I heard rumors of how Aphrodite heavily looks down on mortals and simply calls us regardless of talent and gender, pigs.

Its only her charm magic that allowed her to build a Familia to support her on the mortal world.

Freya just chuckled lightly as she sent a killing blow. "Maybe if your breasts weren't so much smaller than Hestia's Demeter's and my own you would be able to attract a capable man."

Loki who just walked in hooted, and laughed at Aphrodite's ashen expression, and sat down on the other side of the room from us.

Soon enough a heavy weight reached our shoulders as a cloaked man slowly walked into the room and sat down gracefully into a chair that just appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the floor. Before I could connect the dots on who was the cause of the pressure that exceeded Hestia when she went full Yandere and had her hair become almost red as she turned back to her divine form.

"That's Ouranos." Hestia whispered to me, and I nodded my assent as the supreme god rapped his fingers on his stone chair making the whole room go quiet.

"Divines and Mortals of the great city state of Orario we are facing what seems to be the largest crisis since the inception since the construction of this great city." He spoke grandly and I could feel my body vibrating from the sheer power in his words.

But what can you expect from a god who helped create this world? Not to mention I could see what looked like level ones sitting beside there deity's who looked like they were about to faint at his pressure.

"As much as I would love to allow the divine's present to smite the army of behemoths coming... Sadly I have determined in my meditations that they are being driven by the dungeon and are no longer tamed or being leashed by the mortal named Alfia" In other words any divine interfering with the monsters of the dungeon would provoke said dungeon to unleash a monster tide...

"The behemoths are being ordered to return to the dungeon by whatever will resides within the dungeon, and we cannot allow them to pass through Orario lest the land be eternally tainted like the Black Desert the land where the original Behemoth died and become uninhabitable without Abnormal Resistance. Therefore, I am calling for a new Great Quest for the slaying of those Behemoths and the slaying of the rouge adventurer named Alfia, so she doesn't create any more of those abominations!"

I couldn't agree more despite her being Bell's aunt she was literally called the Queen of Neurosis and almost plucked Bells eyes out of him as it was the one part of Zald he carried, she thought it apparently tainted her beloved picture of dear sister Materia and would have been done it if Zues didnt force her to leave Bell with him.

With Ouranos here we all basically played a background role as He setup our roles and sent us literally off to war and didnt leave any discussion to be had. Honestly, I think he had the gods bring there captains that way they couldn't lie about there orders or skive off.

Finally He turned to Hestia and me as he called out with a light smile. "Jake Barriss level three and captain of the Hestia Familia congratulations on your level up first of all..." The room was stunned in silence after hearing how I leveled up again but as the whispers started taking over Ouranos knocked his knuckles on his chair, and it rang out like standing next to a huge gong making me choke on my breath as all the voices died. "The Hestia Familia will be stationed with Loki to provide support as they spear head the battle."

"Oi why should my children spear head this damnable quest!" Loki cried out and twitched heavily when Ouranos turned a glowing sky-blue eye on her.

"You seemed so content to kick Zeus and Hera off there pedestals after they fought battles of legend against the other great beasts. So, you can have the honor of saving the world now..." He smiled and I could see the millions of years of experience that smile had as he casually plotted essentially the downfall of the top Familia but there wasn't anything anyone could do to him as he was literally one of the most powerful gods out there and was barely leashed down here and was needed to keep the dungeon tame.

"Loki your quest isn't hopeless as it may appear as you will also be joined by several other Familia's in your charge, but I admit with Freya's Familia being now defunct, well we frankly don't have any other options." Ouranos sighed at how Orario was becoming weaker with the loss of Ishtar and Freya's Familia.

Ouranos stood up from his chair and slowly turned around the room and took in all the occupants as he grandly spoke. "Today rest and recover as tomorrow I will close the dungeon personally to ensure there will be no entity's using the dungeon to attack us while you all are gone while you all leave for war!" josei

With that dramatic speech he left the auditorium as all the deities rebooted and whirled onto me.

'But not expecting the creator of the falna system to be able to remotely view it was a bit of a misplaced hope I guess.' I thought sighing

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