My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 63 Birth of a new Diamond Tier weapon.

Chapter 63 Birth of a new Diamond Tier weapon.

"Well, this thing is certainly a bit unwieldy." I murmured swinging around the entirely way too large great sword that was the result of fusing the charge blade pieces together.

"Fuse." I called again and this time I simply added the leftover dragon pieces from when we went on that camping trip as well as the blood of Freya Hestia and some others, they manage to get me to the three meter-plus long sword making the pieces glow and begin to merge.

The obscenely large blade started to condense and after the fusion ended, I was left with a much thinner and shorter blade as it lost a meter of its length and looked like a bronze version of Sephiroth's Masamune.

"That sword is entirely too long to be useful in a duel against skilled combatants." Ryuu chided me but as I looked at the stats I had to beg to differ.

Dragon Eater- Through a mix of several divine's blood and space materials this blade is held outside the boundaries of the world and thus is immune to all but the most extreme conditions and battery. Retains all prior fire manipulation abilities from prior form and through heavy use of mind allows wielder to send space crack blades along the length of the blade to attack foes. - Diamond+

"I have zero interest in fighting people as they are by far too inefficient to be getting stat points." I pointed out as she could only nod in acceptance to my quest system made fighting people worthless seeing as I didnt get stats for killing people through it. But on the other hand, I could get stats for killing people if it was considered 'Heroic...'

Thankfully Bell has returned from Miach's care but sadly he was still a bit sickly as the behemoth's toxins definitely did a number on him.

So, we were relegated to fighting in the Water Levels and keeping well away from the monster rex patrolling the floors.

"Alright when Loki gets here, I hope the elves are coming up soon in the world." Ryuu hinted heavily at the coming of meeting the elves with the Lord of the Ring's world and for whatever reason all the elves in Orario were fucking obsessed about seeing Rivendell after I showed them their counterparts fighting the armies of Mordor in the prologue.

Big thing to note though I noticed was that those people I was showing were closer to the depictions of the novel and less like the movie with how the elves were able to run across branches soundlessly and the generally superhuman capabilities all the races showed.

Which made sense as how else would a bunch of boring humans and elves defeat armies of Balrog's and Dragons in the olden days.

"Yes, Ryuu don't worry I assure you we will be seeing the elves unless the sorcerers of the land or the native gods decide to slap us out of existence as outsiders." I spoke cheerily to hopefully get her to drop it but nope between Ryuu and Lili wanting to see how the elves and pallums/hobbits were going to complete the grand quest I was firmly outvoted on what to do.

"Come on Jake, it's still fun to see this stuff, right?" Bell prodded and he like Tiona were fairytale nut cases devouring every book within their grasp should it hold a new tale. Honestly if they were both back on Earth, they would certainly be internet addicts.

I took a swing of my water canteen in lieu of answering making him snicker as we all went back inside to wait for Loki's Familia to arrive for our 'expedition.'

I was just relaxing on a couch with Haruhime in my lap and playing with her ears when a loud knocking rang out through the church as Hestia ran upstairs from the basement and called out. "I let them through the wards! Freya is staying in the basement with Syr and just want to relax." She yelled out running to the door and throwing it open excitedly.

"Heh Loki are you so poor you can't find any good entertainment?" Hestia sarcastically badgered Loki.

The trickster goddess didnt rise to her baiting as she responded dryly. "Like there is anywhere in either the lower of upper world where we can so casually visit other worlds." She had a point...

"Damn it, Jake. I wish I managed to snatch you up when you got to Orario." Loki pouted seeing him playing with Haruhime's ears and tail.

I couldn't help but snicker at her being obviously jealous at how affectionate my fox girl was being as all her girls hated her so called affections. "I am very happy where I am Loki." I said simply seeing the executives piling into the Church and looking around its splendor as I wasn't cheap with all the high-quality marble and beautiful stones, we paid to have brought back from my mining adventure. josei

I looked around and saw all of the Loki Executives had arrived, well besides Gareth but seeing as he died, he obviously wouldn't be joining us... "So you all healed up fine?" I asked seeing only minor bruising left over from my enhanced elixirs having a couple days to accelerate their healing.

Finn nodded in appreciation. "Yes, and it was in thanks to your elixirs that we were able to make it here today and not needed to be held up in bed and fed nasty concoctions costing us millions by Dian-Chet."

"Yeah, he is a bit of a scrooge and will take every valis you have." I muttered making Finn shrug in a what can you do motion.

Riveria coughed lightly. "So, I assume we will be continuing where we left off correct?"

"Correct, Riveria. I have already filled in the people who weren't there as to what happened, but you need to keep something dearly in mind as we go into that world." I pulled Haruhime to her feet and we were all outfitted with our adventurer gear, and we made sure to tell Loki's group to do the same.

"Basically, we will be literally within the world, and I have already learned that slaying the monster's within enhance your falna as it literally is a new world and you Loki will not be bound by the rules of not using your Arcanum so feel free to go nuts on the armies of darkness that will attempt to eat and humiliate you all." I made it very clear that at the depth I was going that the world was plenty real and was just as dangerous as going into the dungeon albeit mentioning that there was only a single monster rex within the first chunk of the story that was really dangerous to us unless the divines or The Witch King noticed us somehow.

I couldn't help but think of the danger of the pure numbers as the tens of thousands of orcs and goblins could still overwhelm us not to mention that Balrog was going to be probably as dangerous as Alfia if not more so with it being an immaterial body made of curses, flames, and malice or the massive octopus monster watching the gate into Moria.

But either way our goal was to dive deep enough for us to clearly be recognized by the world and be able to join the quest rather than just watching awkwardly from the side as I wanted to receive a gift from Galadriel later on and see if I could take it back with me.

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