My Vampire

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Leonardo the werewolf

Werewolf, Leonardo

I call Rick after that and ask him to contact some of his friends who may be in Japan. With the contact info, I call and ask them to pick him up. Things are settled now, I guess.

It’s almost time to go to the clinic for the afternoon checkup. I need to have lunch first, because I don’t know what time I’ll finish after this. When I go to the cafeteria, the emergency room doctor is there. He calls out to me.

"Dr. Marc, are you starting now, too? If we don’t eat while we can, we won’t know when we’ll be able to go home. I’m on duty, so I feel like I have to eat now even more,” he said.

We eat together at the same table. This doctor is young but very talented. He deals with emergency patients being brought in. I wonder how many lives he has saved.

“Why are you an EMT, Doctor Kamiya? Are you a paramedic?"

“Yes. Yes, that's right. When I was a resident, there was a big disaster, and I was there when it happened. The scene was so bad that lives had to be exchanged. Normally, if I went to such a site, I would be so traumatized that I wouldn’t even be able to do my job. There were many I couldn’t save, but the lives of the ones I took care of were saved, and they thanked me. That made me very happy.”

As he spoke quietly, I sense a burning sense of purpose from him.

“Dr. Kamiya is a wonderful doctor.”

I really thought so.

“I heard that Dr. Marc was also active in Doctors Without Borders. I can't do that. Just doing what I do in Japan is enough.”

“I think I was able to do it because I was young. It was very demanding. I was there for about fifteen years, and I was able to learn the languages of many different countries.”

I would have stayed there for decades more, it was a very rewarding place. But I don’t age, and I can't stay in the same place for long.

“You were young, you are still young enough now, aren't you?"

He tilts his head in wonder. I’m in trouble...

“I might look like this, but I'm over forty.”

If I don't tell them that, they will be suspicious of my past achievements. My research papers have been published in medical journals. I could be over sixty, but I look so young. That's enough to make them suspicious.

“I see! I thought you were about my age, so I'm surprised.”

“Oh, no! You look younger than me. I thought you were in your 20s. Japanese people really do look young. And now that you are married, you must be having the best time at work.”

Dr. Kamiya replies, a little embarrassed.

“Yes, that’s right. I suppose so. It's nice to have a family. I'm surprise Dr. Marc is single. Did you know? You’re now the darling of every single woman in the hospital."

He says this with a smile. I had heard that from Yuki, but I didn't know it was that big of a deal...

“It seems so. I'm puzzled by all the female attention I’m getting. It's not that I fancy men. I like women. I just haven't had much luck with them.”

It’s really true. I never had such feelings for another vampire, either. I’ve never had feelings for a human woman, as Rick has. Until now… After lunch, I head to the hospital wing as usual in the afternoon.

Today was supposed to be Yuki’s part-time work day, but I don’t see her. I finish my work and I'm able to go home, as usual. Yes, let’s call that werewolf patient.

I need to talk to him!

Why is this happening? We’ve been living quietly, trying to keep our identities hidden from humans, so we can’t afford for them to make such a conspicuous move! I look at his contact info in the medical records. If he’s not faking this, I should be able to reach him. I get in the car and make a call.

“It's Marcus. Is this Leonardo?”

“Yes, it's Leonardo. You're talking about that issue, right? I'll meet you and we'll talk. I can't talk on the phone right now. Things are a little bit crazy over here.”


“I'll send you a message with the name and location of the restaurant. I'll also set up a time.”

“I'll be waiting. Bye.”


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