My Werewolf System

Chapter 353

Chapter 353: Howlers Rule

To most students, today was just a regular day, with only a handful actually looking forward to attending. Among them was Tom Green, though just like the majority of those type of students not cursing whoever had come up with the idea of school as an institution, his reasons had nothing to do with the classes being taught. No, he was just happy to finally be back in Slough.

His internship at NIRV had come to an end, and he had learned far more than he had ever thought possible, yet all of it was protected under a very restrictive NDA. Keeping all of those secrets was killing him inside, and so he was looking forward to sharing some of them with the one person he knew would never let anything slip. The fact that they both now had such big secrets made Tom feel as if they would finally be on equal footing again.

As soon as his father had driven him back to Slough yesterday, his best friend had been the first person he had contacted, inquiring whether everything was alright in his hometown. However, Gary’s reply had been lacklustre to say the least, as if Slough hadn’t been attacked by crazed Altered, an event which had made it on more than just the local news. action

Before first class began, each of them gave the other a giant grin, but both understood that what they had to say wasn’t something either one could risk being overheard, so both agreed to have their lunch on the rooftop.

The first one to speak was Gary. He had decided to come clean and tell Tom everything about the gang business now that the Underdogs were no longer a thing. After what had happened between him and Kai, Gary no longer wanted to keep any more secrets from his oldest friend.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me?! I’ve been gone for a week, yet you’ve basically saved the whole town from those crazed Altered, defeated THE top gang, created two more Billies, both who are working under you, and one of them being THAT Kai?! You’ve pretty much gone from local gang leader to head honcho?” Tom’s eyes were basically popping out of his sockets. The teenager had to pinch himself multiple times to make sure this wasn’t just a dream.

“Man, with this kind of news, you should’ve let me go first. In comparison, the things I have to say barely holds up to anyone of those things.” Tom sulked, but he decided to spew his guts out anyway, and ultimately told Gary everything he had seen, even the minor things he hadn’t planned on revealing initially. Just to be safe, he had intentionally left his phone in class, on the off-chance NIRV might have planted a bug in it.

“So that's how they are able to make Altered? They seriously have a crystal that can bring beasts back to life? Hang on, with how many Altered there are, and with other organisations, does that mean everyone has access to such technology? How is that possible that people can create monsters, but nobody knows anything about it? You think there would be videos or something.” Gary wondered out loud.

This train of thought made him curious if Jayden knew about that as well. The AFC was known to work quite closely with the NIRV who sponsored them after all.

“I know, but if you had been there, you would have seen how serious they are about secrecy.” Tom agreed. “Their NDA alone forbids anyone from talking about any kind of stuff. The scientists themselves are not supposed to talk with each other about their respective projects, and I only found out about this because my Dad used up a few favours. Heck, the entire internship I got was actually some sort of exception they made because of him knowing the right people. Honestly, if you weren’t you, I would have probably taken all of it into my grave.”

It was quite amazing the two of them having their own journeys, and the more they thought about what the other was doing, the more happy they felt about the other.

“You know, I plan to go and work at NIRV.” Tom eventually said. “I bet the things I saw were just the tip of the iceberg, and I want to know more about this world. At the same time, I want to help you, Gary. They should know more about what was inside the package that you had to deliver. Perhaps there’s even a way to change you back.”

“Change me back…” Gary repeated. It was a thought that had popped in his head a couple of times, but nowadays, he was content being what he was. The only downside so far was the full moon, but he had a plan for that, and he believed there was a good chance it would work. Well, he would find out in a couple of days…

“Anyway, what is the next step for the ‘Big Bad Wolf of Slough’?” Tom asked jokingly.

“Please don’t call me that.” Gary shook his head and hands vehemently. “Besides, I’m about as useful as a CEO who just signs up on everything, Kai and Olivia are the ones who take care of those things. According to him, we took over ninety percent of what the Underdogs used to own.

“However, unlike them, we’re not extorting businesses. In fact, both of them keep complaining that we are far too nice, to the point where it majorly eats into our profits. Still, for the shop owners it means that rent is low, and we’ve even given them back their land deeds.

“Unfortunately, the Underdogs seem to have used up most of their money to purchase those Anti-Altered weapons, so there aren't many funds left to do the changes that I wanted in this city, to really make it a safe place.

“At the same time, we have to try to protect it from outsiders getting involved. We're going to have to try to get new business to move to this city somehow, at least with a promise that we can protect them or give them something in return. With how much stuff there is to do, I’m really happy I have the two of them to help me out.”

Hearing all of these words, Tom couldn't help but pat his friend on the back.

“Gary, I’ve heard that people can change in the face of responsibility, but your change is a bit too drastic, don’t you think? You who had average grades, were average at sports, yet now here you are, pretty much doing the mayor’s job for him. I was gone for such a short time, yet you’re all grown up.”

Gary playfully punched Tom’s arm, though he made sure to hold back. After such a serious talk, the two of them spent the rest of the break actually eating something, before they returned to the classroom.

During one of the lessons, Gary received a text on his phone from Kai. The others hadn’t come back to school after the infected Altered incident, and the Howlers’ leader was also considering just dropping out. As Tom had put it, with his newfound responsibilities, school did not really fit into his schedule.

[Meeting at the Wolf’s Pool Club. Everyone will be there, important you come today, Gary]


At the same time, a vehicle was leaving the town of Slough. A bulky student was looking back, aware that he would not return here anytime soon… if at all.

“You really think that guy will help us?” Gil asked Raven who was driving the car.

“He’s our best shot. Even if the Grey Elephants had not been dissolved, we would not have stood a chance against Damion’s crew, yet those Howlers have defeated them. There’s nothing for us to do. My stupid brother had a tendency to piss off the wrong people, but it’s just my luck that the last person to have seen him alive happens to be a freaking Altered who even defeated Kirk Summerfield.”

“What are you planning to do now?” The dropout asked. “I mean in case he won’t help us?”

“We will come back, don't worry about that. That information should be worth something to that Sin, but even if he won’t interfere, we’ll just have to make our name somewhere else… and when we return there will be hell to pay.” Raven answered, throwing his cigarette out the window, as he drove off to start a new life in a Tier-2 city.


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