My Werewolf System

Chapter 373

Chapter 373: The high rankers

Chapter 373: The high rankers

The first day passed without any major problems for the green haired Altered. Surprisingly, nobody had challenged any of the newcomers. Due to the lack of decent food, Gary had felt hungrier than usual, but since there had been no need for him to act, it had been tolerable.

As intended, Gary had simply spent his time observing those who had been here for a longer period of time, and the Werewolf continued doing so on the second and third days. His Energy reserve had fallen to 178, but he had at least learned a lot in the meantime.

For one, those public fights in the centre had been a daily occurrence. However, the green haired teenager had discovered that the fights held there were mostly the ones following some secret agreement between both parties.

Far more interesting were the seemingly spontaneous fights that had happened elsewhere.

As it turned out, fights could take place practically anywhere and at any time during their ‘free time’, so outside of meals and bedtime. Interestingly, even if it was an awkward place that was relatively small, the teachers would come out to clear the area, making sure the other students wouldn’t get hurt. These fights were mostly issued by those who ranked highly, who didn’t seem inclined to show off necessarily.

The training facility was one of the places where fighting was prohibited. Gary had visited it, and he had to admit that it was filled with some seriously advanced stuff. At the time, around a dozen low-ranking students had been using it, all seemingly striving to get better. Of course, since he had no access to the higher ranking training facilities, Gary couldn’t compare the two, though most of the high rankers preferred to chill in the main area as far as he had observed.

At the same time, the Werewolf had kept an eye on those that had joined together with him. Izzy had taken a far more active approach than him, and whenever he had spotted her, it had been with a different set of students. She was obviously gathering information for her next move, but only a few had been willing to actually talk with her.

Using his hearing, Gary could tell that she was being looked down on, simply because she hadn't been scouted. Unsurprisingly, this wasn’t limited to her. Gary, Numba, and Ian all were being discriminated against since they had entered through the assessment.

Things changed on the second day after Ian had challenged a boy ranked at 105. Gary wasn’t sure whether Ian’s Altered was one that had great regenerative properties or the AFA had used some means to heal him up that well, but the teenage boy had been able to fight as if he had never been injured. What’s more, despite being unable to transform, he had easily won.

After that, there were those that had gathered and started to talk to Ian a bit more. Asking about his background and such. From the sound of it, there were even those that asked if they could do business with him.

‘I guess it's not all negative, then. If you can prove yourself here, you can even make connections for your gang, You don’t just have to be afraid of others.’ Gary thought.

This morning, Numba had fought a girl ranked 98, and he had won his fight without too much trouble, allowing him to upgrade from the chicken soup that Izzy and Gary were being served once more.

“Don’t get your hopes up just because they won.” The teenage girl warned, sitting next to Gary. She had taken an interest in the Werewolf, and given his strength, she was surprised he hadn’t acted yet.

“What do you mean?” The green haired teenager asked after slurping his soup, recovering his Energy to 180.

“Haven't you noticed how those ranked closest to us are on the older side? It's because a lot of them are like us, those who came in here after passing the assessments and have just remained here for a while. They all still seem to be hoping that they can get out of this place at some point.

“From my calculations, we are a long way off in strength compared to the others… I’m speaking just about the three of us, of course. You, Gary, are a different story, and honestly, I’m looking forward to what happens once you stir this place up.”

The Werewolf had a grin on his face, their relationship might have started off on the wrong foot, but after getting to know her a bit he had somewhat forgiven Izzy for what she had done. He didn’t want to hold a grudge forever, after all, she had just been using whatever she could to get through the test and in the worst case, he would have lost the opportunity to attend the AFA, not his life.

After their meal, everyone automatically went to the main area, but something was going on. A circle had formed, and a certain student started to clap. It was loud and was itching around the halls.

It was a lean student who had four others following him, all of them under the fifty number rank, and as for himself, why he had gotten the attention of the others was due to the number 4 on his badge.

“Congratulations on your fight this morning. Now I think you and I should have a little talk.” The rank four said, pointing at Numba. The Goat Altered looked straight at the person and eventually walked off.

He wanted to pass him and head to his new room, but as he did, the others started to follow. A lot of people thought a fight was going to start, and we're about to follow after to have a look, but strangely a few others came to stop them from advancing.

“Everyone, it's best if you just mind your own business and stay out of it!” Their leader with informed them. The students were quick to listen as they walked away doing their own thing, as for the reason why they had listened. It was due to the number on their badges. Number 8, 6 and 5.

Just then, Gary started to walk towards where Numba was, as he was interested in what they had to say. At the same time he owed Numba a favour so if anything was going on, Gary wanted to help, but after just a few steps he felt someone grab him by the arm.

“What do you think you’re doing. I know I said I was excited to see what you were going to do, but even crazy should have its limits!” Izzy whispered as she pulled Gary in. “You don't understand what's going on, but I do.”

“You remember what I said before, about how staying in the top 10 for a week would be difficult. From what I’ve gathered, we came at a strange time. The current top ten have all come to an agreement.

“They publicly announced that they would back up each other if one of them were challenged and to not fight each other for a week. Apparently, it's been hard for students to pass at the moment because of that rule, and that's why those high ranking students just jumped in just there.

“Once these ten are through, there’s always a large free for all that goes on for the next top ten positions. That's going to be our best chance, and yours, if you want to get to the real academy.”

Holding onto Gary’s sleeve tightly, she could still feel that the green haired teenager was going to pull away, despite the warning.

‘As I thought, gang members are crazy!’ Izzy pulled on his shirt again, trying to convince him.

“Whatever they're planning to do to Numba it won't be bad. They have nothing to gain from him. He’s from a small town, and he’s a low rank, so don’t worry.”

Gary pulled his arm away with just a bit extra force to the point where Izzy could do nothing.

“Worrying is what I do. Maybe it's because I’ve worried about my mother and sister for so long…but I just don’t like seeing this stuff. If it’s nothing, then you won’t have to worry about me either.” Gary said as he walked over to where the three high ranking members were.

“Stop!” The rank 8 shouted and placed his hand out in front of the Werewolf.


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