My Werewolf System

Chapter 384

Chapter 384: A small meal

Chapter 384: A small meal

It was as if time had stopped for everyone in the Canteen as silence descended throughout the dining hall. Even those on the Rank 1 table were stunned and didn't know how to react to this. As for Gary, he just stood there looking down at Sty.

Sty was hurt, but not so bad that he couldn't get up and wipe the worms off his face.

"You bastard! I'll kill you. I'll kill you and your whole FAMILY!" He rubbed away the worms and shouted as he stood up from the ground.

His body was already transforming, but before he could fully get up on his feet, a sudden force enveloped both of them, and a shadow appeared between them, making Gary take a step back.

"Do not act!" A voice said. "Please stay calm until we resolve the problem."

As for the one speaking, it was one of the teachers who constantly kept an eye on all the students. One held Sty before he could take off, and another stood in front of Gary.

"Fighting is not permitted in the Canteen. The attacker and the victim must come with us to resolve this case. Please follow us." The teacher instructed.

A few students were shaking their heads at what they had seen, mainly Apollo and Izzy, because they both had the same fear.

'Gary...Gary, why don't you ever talk to me or think before you act? Doing something like this, attacking him out of the blue without challenging him, the teachers could kick you out of this place for this stunt.' Izzy thought.

Gary and Sty seemed to have complied and followed after the two teachers, leaving the rest of the students in anticipation of what would happen next. The whole dining hall was overwhelmed with commotion as soon as the doors closed.

"Did you see that? He smashed that plate right on Sty's face! Who is that guy? Wasn't he just a recruit, an assessment person?" A student asked.

"Yeah, I think he might have a screw loose or something. If I am not wrong, this is not the first time he walked to the top table. Honestly, I wouldn't be worried about getting kicked out. Instead, I would worry more about what would happen outside the academy after getting kicked out." Another asked.

At the same time, while listening to all the comments, Numba was still on the floor.

'Gary...Gary, what are you doing? Are you putting your position in this academy and your whole life at risk just because of one favour? Don't be an idiot!'


Outside the dining hall, a few others were shaking their heads as well after seeing what had transpired in the hall. In particular, the three professors who had their eye on Gary. They were being updated on everything going on and were even called to make certain decisions.

"This guy." Hai huffed. "He makes no moves in the facility, and then, the first thing he does is cause trouble and break the rules by doing this? You guys know what could happen now, right? That family might even target us for not looking after him."

“Stop being overdramatic.” Humfree said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Everyone who enters this place is made aware of the consequences. Just because the person attacking him has a low background makes no difference.

"Besides, there is a simple way to resolve this matter." Humfrey smiled while taking a sip of his coffee and then called a teacher to send some instructions.

For now, the teachers had detained both Sty and Gary in separate rooms. They were medical rooms attached to the facility, but the students didn't have access to them unless they were hurt.

Sty was getting treatment with the best available means to heal the wounds and swelling, and on the other hand, Gary was under observation while the staff decided on what to do next. In the room, Sty was currently in, the teacher standing beside him had received some instructions.

"There has been a resolution put forward to you." The teacher said, "To resolve the matter between the two of you, they wish for the two of you to have a match. This is the professors' suggestion to clear the bad blood between you.

"However, no such scuffle is allowed between you after the match unless it is in an official duel. If you pull off such a stunt once again, we will immediately expel the instigator, if not both of you, without any change of plea. Right now, someone else is explaining the same conditions to the other guy as well."

Clenching his fist, Sty thought it wasn’t fair. The other party had started it, but he stood up immediately, because this was what he wanted a long time ago.

"A forced match? That's fine with me. This way, Apollo can't say anything about me starting this crap. Bring it on. I will make that bastard wish he never came before me!"


While the staff was telling them about the decision they had arrived at, lunchtime was over for the students.

However, almost all the students were still preoccupied with the incident and were anticipating the decision made by the teachers.

And they didn't have to wait for long as the double doors were pushed open, and two teachers walked inside, with the two students following them right behind.

The teachers then brought both of them to the facility's centre, and soon, they were standing in the so-called Arena.

"An official match between Rank 42 and Rank 4 will now take place. No one is allowed to interfere with this match until one of them gives up, is knocked out, or if we decide any of the two to be a winner!" The teacher explained.

Sty walked over to the other side and turned towards Gary. His blood was boiling with rage after what had happened. He had never been humiliated like that before and publicly, no less.

"You have made the biggest mistake of your life. I'll rip out all your teeth, break all your bones, and beat the crap out of you until you beg for a swift death! But that won’t be the end of it! Because my anger won't calm just with your death.

"I'll find your family, your friends, every single person you care about, and make you watch as I beat them all to a pulp and take everything away from you that you ever owned!" Sty's words resounded throughout the arena, and all the students stopped talking.

Gary didn't reply and stood there, not acting, not showing how he was feeling.

"Gary, he can win this, right?" Ian whispered, trying not to attract any attention.

"He can, of course, he can," Izzy replied, "But it's going to be difficult, and I am sure Sty will do exactly what he said he would if he wins. He won't let Gary off with a simple beating."

In the arena, the match began. Sty had sprouted his wings and eyes. He immediately started flying right toward Gary as if he was about to hit him, but at the last moment, he changed direction.

'Sty... he's flying much faster than when he was fighting against me. He must be furious,' Numba gulped.

Flying from area to area, Sty was making it hard for Gary to predict the direction from which the former would come.

"I will torture you till the very last ounce of your breath!" Sty shouted, finally flying in once again.

"You made a mistake," Gary replied.

He then opened his mouth and let out a resounding howl, making everyone at the scene have a strange feeling run through their body.

'This is what I wanted...this is who I thought you were.' Apollo smiled.

At that moment, Sty was affected the most by the howl. He suddenly had the urge to fly straight toward Gary, There was no other thought in his head other than to attack Gary, and his speed had increased once more.

[Full Transformation Activated]

Before Sty could reach him, Gary's entire body started to transform this time. The hair on his arms and legs grew, and clothes ripped apart as his body enlarged. His mouth elongated, and his ears became pointy. josei

Some of the students couldn't believe what monster they were looking at, and at that moment, Gary grabbed straight onto Sty's shoulders mid air stopping him dead.

His sharp claws dug into Sty, causing the latter to scream in extreme pain, and made it so he was unable to break out unless he could rip his body away.

"Report report, what do we do!" Seeing the situation, the teachers shouted for instruction from the higher-ups.

Gary tightened his grip, digging in his nails more, making Sty cry for his life. No matter how much he struggled, Sty couldn't get out.

"You don't threaten my family or friends, no matter who you are," Gary declared as he opened his jaw wide and his razor-sharp teeth dug right into Sty.


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