My Werewolf System

Chapter 395

Chapter 395: Bending the rules

According to protocol, the facility staff had to send a report of everything that was happening within the facility to the main school. Usually, that report was nothing more than a formal listing of the students’ changes in rank. Occasionally there would be some notes, for example when an Altered managed to exceed expectations by improving far faster than anticipated.

Today, the report included the special incident that resulted in an announcement by the lead supervisor. Since that note mentioned a certain green haired teenager who the professors had been actively keeping their eyes on, it had raised more than a few eyebrows.

“In essence, you’ve voided a match due to the interference of the student named Gary Dem in that active match, correct?” Professor Wood summed up the note that had made the three of them call forth the lead supervisor. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but that doesn’t seem to be standard procedure. What’s more, effectively the only one who appears to have been disadvantaged by this is the party that had been challenged, even though both parties have reportedly fainted.” action

The supervisor, sat up straight, seemingly not intimidated by the three opposite him. “Should that student be deserving of the rank, he is more than welcome to fight once more after he has recovered. With all due respect, Professor Wood, but I don’t think the nullification of one match is something that should warrant your concern. After all, the assessment had just been completed and the student had already jumped several places.”

The supervisor took a sip of the tea that had been served to him. However, unlike the polite tone and calm voice in his tone, his heartbeat was above that could be considered healthy. He was biding his time, waiting for one of them to speak, still unaware why they had taken such an interest in this case.

“If what you claim to be the case is true, maybe we professors should see the video in order for us to see if the punishment received is appropriate.” Professor Hai suddenly said with his arms folded. “I take that there should be no problem with that? ”

The lead supervisor nearly spat out his tea on the red beret before him. He barely managed to trap the liquid in his mouth, gulping down hard as he let out a few coughs. “I’m afraid that the footage no longer exists. While we reviewed it, my subordinate accidentally overwrote it when I asked him to zoom in at one moment. I intended to punish him internally for that mistake, but I can let you take matters into your hand if you insist.”

“... there’s no need for that, we don’t wish to interfere with your way of handling things in the facility. Since we only have your word to go on, we’ll agree with your course of action. You may leave and continue doing your job as always.” Professor Humfree waved his hand to send him off.

The lead supervisor didn’t even finish his tea. He quickly grabbed the beret hat, and with a short bow, he left the room.

“Well, how shall we proceed? Should we tell the director to swap him out? It's clear he was acting strange.” Professor Wood commented.

“Hmm, for now, let's see how things play out, but we should also make sure that no evidence ‘disappears. Since one of his subordinates made a mistake, use that as a pretence to get one of our men inside.” Professor Humfree decided.


The next day, when everyone had gathered for their breakfast meal, there was a new topic of gossip for the students to talk about. Last night they had already been talking about how unfair the result was… only to find Numba sitting at the table with the rest of the top rankers. Not only that, but he was sitting in Gary’s place… and his badge was displaying the number 1!

“Gary, are you sure this is going to be okay?” Numba asked, burdened by all the stares he was receiving. “Everyone is talking about it, and they might think it's unfair.”

“So what?” The Werewolf scoffed as he grabbed another steak from his plate. “They were the ones who cheated you first. All we are doing is making use of the existing rules. If anyone has a problem with the current situation, they’re free to challenge me.”

Before breakfast, Gary had challenged Numba and let him win once more. This way, the Goat Altered was free to reject any challenges for the rest of the day. Still angry with the decision the facility had made, it was the Werewolf’s way of protesting.

Sty was one of the last students to appear, and the first thing he saw was the latest top ranker sitting among them. He had already expected this kind of situation after seeing that he had dropped a rank. Clenching his fists, he turned around and left without uttering a single word.

“Did you see the look on his face? That's the look we want to see!” Gary jeered as he slapped the back of Numba, cheering him on. “Now let’s enjoy our meal.”

The other students were aware that those two had quite a strange relationship. Based on the fact that they hadn’t heard or seen a fight, they could only guess what had led to the current situation. Honestly, after seeing Numba’s performance they weren’t too bothered by it, though most of it might have to do with nearly everyone being baffled that Gary was actually okay in giving up his rank 1 spot.

Just as they were about to finish breakfast and head over to Izzy and Ian, though, the lead supervisor came storming into the canteen unannounced.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” The man questioned Gary.

“I was about to eat a steak. Why? Want some of it? I wouldn’t mind, but you don’t strike me as someone who would appreciate blue steak, more someone who fancies it well-done.” The Werewolf cheekily answered and bit into the meat.

“I’m not talking about your meal, but this!” The supervisor pointed at Numba, more specifically at his badge. “This place is meant for you students to EARN your ranks, not get them GIFTED!!!” He went and motioned to remove it from the Goat Altered’s clothes, but before he could, Gary grabbed his wrist.

“That’s a pile of bull if I’ve ever seen one! On the very first day I entered this place, there were students ‘fighting’ each other. Before their match I heard them come to an agreement about exchanging benefits for their rank! Neither you, nor any of the other teachers cared about any of it, yet suddenly this facility is supposed to be some righteous place that cares about its rules? Is there something wrong with your head?” Gary went off on a tirade when faced with the audacity of the adult.

“Let go! The rules might not allow me to remove his rank, but if you continue to injure me, as a member of staff, I’m well in my right to kick you out!” The lead supervisor threatened, staring into the green haired teenager’s eyes.

Hearing this, Numba pulled at his friend’s arm and whispered to him. “Please stop, it's not worth fighting him over this. Not when you came so far already.”

The moment his wrist was freed, the lead supervisor just turned around and headed out. Like everyone, Izzy had watched this sudden confrontation and like everyone, she thought there was certainly something strange going on for the lead supervisor to personally show himself twice in such a short amount of time.

‘He only found out about this after Sty had left… and he came in here bursting in the room. This can’t just be a simple coincidence…’ Izzy thought. It was at that moment that she decided to leave the canteen early. Seeing that, Ian followed her. After all, his childhood friend was always up to something interesting and given what had just happened, he was dying to find out what they might uncover.

Izzy waited until no one seemed to be looking her way, before opening the door slowly back into the main area. The two of them exited the room and looked around. The angry adult wasn’t exactly hard to follow, given that his frustrated steps were loud enough. Izzy and Ian eventually hid behind a large shelf that was used to store books. Hearing voices, they peeked around, and that's when Izzy saw what she had suspected.

‘Just as I thought, that guy is definitely on Sty’s side. Just what could that fly bastard have to make someone inside this place follow his instruction.’ She wondered.

“We have to tell someone!” Ian whispered in her ear, realising the same thing.

Before the two were caught, they thought it was best they get out of here, and perhaps inform Gary, but when they turned around, they collided with something.

“You’re not telling anyone squat!” Another supervisor told them off.


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