My Werewolf System

Chapter 429

Chapter 429: Special Lesson (part 2)

Chapter 429: Special Lesson (part 2)

From the size of the large steel doors, everyone thought that they would be entering a fairly large room, but instead they were now in an even smaller room, with another locked door in front of them.

The room was hardly large enough to fit around twenty people. There were a few seats, and a TV, where Mr Corvus was standing at the back.

“You have been specifically chosen by the academy for this task. It is a job that not everyone can do. If you have a problem please ask. Which is why, before we are even to proceed, I must hand you all the documents you need.” Mr Corvus waved his weird staff, and from below the seats where the students were sitting a piece of paper emerged, landing in their laps or hands.

It was like magic, but clearly that wasn't the case. Gary assumed it had something to do with the Teacher’s Altered forms power.

“Please read all the terms and conditions carefully before proceeding, and remember you have the option to accept or decline.”

Honestly, Gary didn't like all this mystery mumbo jumbo. He would much prefer just getting a straight class, but remembering the words that Apollo said, he at least wanted to see what this class was like. After all, this was most likely what had allowed Xin to improve at the rate she had.

Perhaps, all of those that had become big and well known in the AFC had gone through this, it was just hard to ignore such a special class.

{By signing this document, I hereby agree to all the stipulated rules.

I understand that this is a contract that binds me for life, and I hereby give permission for NIRV to hand out the consequences should I break any terms of the contract.}

The company name, NIRV, stuck out like a saw thumb. Although they had all heard that NIRV had certain connections to the AFA, they had all just thought that they were one of many corporations. Now, this document made it look like the whole special lesson was somehow connected with them.

{Rule #1: Whatever happens during the special lesson is to be kept completely secret. The only exemption from this rule are those who also took the special lesson, as well as your handler, Mr. Crowley Corvus.

Rule #2: No electronic devices, nor recording equipment of any kind are to be taken into the lesson. All personal items will be left in a basket before entering and will be returned upon the end of the special lesson.

Rule #3: NIRV will do its best to ensure the safety of every student that agrees to take part in the special lesson. In the unfortunate case of a student’s death, their respective corporations, sponsors or family members will be compensated greatly. Please read the terms and conditions on the next page for more clarification.}

“Gary, did you read Rule #3?!” Numba exclaimed. “Just what type of lesson is this? What do they want us to do that we might end up dead?!” josei

The Werewolf had just read the same rule, and was wondering the same thing. At least now he knew why they only allowed the strongest students to participate.

“Stop being such a baby!” Sty sneered from the side. “As Altered there’s always a risk of dying. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that when you chose to become an Altered. People don’t enter the AFA just to become a better fighter to protect themselves out there in the real world. You can't just keep hiding behind your friends.”

Numba closed his mouth, unable to retort that point. He gave the Fly Altered a dirty look, but otherwise continued to read the rest of the rules. Gary wanted to say something, but he had promised the professor to let bygones be bygones. As long as Sty was merely running his mouth without threatening him or anyone close to him, he would overlook those antics.

{Rule #4: Anything found or obtained during the special lessons, will be regarded as property of NIRV. Students will still be rewarded with an appropriate compensation.

Rule #5: By agreeing to every rule, the student will automatically become an Apprentice Recoverer. This means that NIRV is able to call upon you at any point and time, to do Recoverer related tasks. Please read the terms and conditions on the next page for more clarification.}

‘What is all of this Recoverer stuff? Signing this basically means I work for NIRV? They make it sound like there is no way to back out of this, and they don't really make the consequences for breaking these rules clear, either.’

When looking around the room, Gary saw that Apollo, Snow and Wu had already signed their pieces of paper, and handed them over to Mr. Corvus. Numba was still wondering what to do, while Sty was also signing it, after noticing the other three had done so already, and quite aggressively as well.

“What will the two of you do?” The adult asked them. “There is no second chance. You can either sign it today, or leave it forever.”

Looking at Apollo, thinking about Xin’s rampant growth, and then thinking about the future of the Howlers, there was a chance that if NIRV called on him, he might be unavailable. This would mean he would have to face the consequences... whatever those might be.

With NIRV being involved it just made everything more dangerous, but there was something inside of Gary that told him he shouldn’t miss out on this opportunity. There was no way of telling whether there would ever be a time conflict in the future, but even if there was, he would just have to deal with it then.

Having made up his mind, he signed the piece of paper. Seeing this, Numba plucked up the courage and did the same.

“I’m looking forward to the special lesson, Mr Corvus.”

“Excellent. With all six of you, your survival chances should be great!”


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