My Werewolf System

Chapter 432

Chapter 432: The Red Team (part 1)

There was a relatively large room with several screens inside in an unknown location. Some monitors showed what was currently going on in the special lesson.

The cameras could rotate 360 degrees, zoom in, and they had so many that they could view whatever was going to happen inside from any angle.

On the outside of the plastic of the monitor, one half of the room, the monitor was painted in a slight blue colour, while the other red to indicate which room they were watching. On top of that, there were also several people inside.

A few men and women were in white lab coats with the letters NIRV, written across their shirts. They had tablets in their hands and were looking at other screens monitoring a number of different things. action

Finally, there were also the three professors that were also seen as the head of the entire AFA academy. Humfree, Wood, and Hao. They were busy people, but the three of them always insisted on being there at the beginning of everything.

When new students arrived, the assessment and now, they also wanted to view the first special lesson that was to take place as well. By their side, there was also a female teacher. Her hair was a light red that went up to her shoulders, straight and parted in the middle.

The current clothes she wore were quite sports-like, and were a dark red colour. As if she was ready for a fight at any moment.

According to the deal between NIRV and the AFA, there would also always be a teacher from the academy present while these lessons were taking place.

Just in case something had occurred that was outside their expectations. Currently, the four of them were sitting in seats, a little back in the room so they could see every single one of the monitors.

At the same time, a man was standing in the centre with round glasses, ready as if he was about to give a presentation. In contrast, the others continued to adjust levels, type away, and input data, checking everything.

"It always is fun for me at the start of these, sharing my passion with others." The man said in an energetic and upbeat voice as he pushed his glasses up. The screen behind him had suddenly changed and was no longer showing the room and instead had a 3d image of what looked like a beast instead.

"Before the lesson is to start, I wanted to give you some information about the beast that we have been able to gather for today." The man explained. "Of course, since it is their first lesson, we have tried to not give them something too

overwhelming, while at the same time we didn't want to give them something easy, as it could make them too confident in their next lesson. As requested by the AFA, of course.

"However, I do have to remind you, although we have attempted to gather as much information about the beast as possible in order to determine what difficulty your students might face, it is impossible as this is a new type of beast even for us."

The man looked down when he said this, avoiding eye contact with them all.

"A New beast…so you are experimenting with a new beast on the students? Why couldn't you have used one that you know all of the details like you have done before." Humfree asked.

"As you know, we have to get something out of this as well. A basic beast that can turn a person into an Altered isn't going to do much. We need to keep expanding our research, and our technology has always improved and has gotten better in terms of figuring out what the beast will be like before we..bring it back, let's say."

Humfree folded his arms and gave out a big huff showing that he was displeased. Although the three professors ran the AFA, they were not the owners of it. This lesson, the whole deal was set up between people who were much higher than them, and they could do nothing about it, but ensure that the students were safe.

Now that that was over, the NIRV employee turned to his screen to have a look at the beast. The 3d render showed its body in full. According to a scale chart, it was larger than a Lion, yet smaller than an elephant, about the same size as an SUV car.

Then, the beast had six eyes in total, but three eyes on one head, because this beast had two heads. They were split apart, and had two large fangs sticking out of its mouth. There was also a large tail that looked somewhat like a hammer at the back, but only a single tail.

The beast itself looked to be bulging with muscle, having next to no fat at all.

"This beast is meant to be difficult to deal with due to the two heads, but as a group, they should be able to figure out some way. Still, they will need to watch out for its powerful tail as well. It's the perfect beast that will promote teamwork between the three of them.

"We have yet to receive a crystal from this type of beast as stated, so we have no clue what a human Altered, or how they would be able to benefit from this. However, from our tests, we have determined that it is unlikely to have any powers, skills or abilities. This is why we have considered this safe for b

oth groups of students.

"As always, we have the gas set up and staff if we believe there's a chance of one of the students dying. Without further ado, it looks like the students are now ready."

Stepping to the side, the screen showed both teams entering and the doors opening up for both of them.

'With Apollo and Gary on either team…I doubt we will have to worry.' Humfree thought.


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