My Werewolf System

Chapter 445 The Second Moon (Part 4)

Chapter 445 The Second Moon (Part 4)

Chapter 445 The Second Moon (Part 4)

The night of the full moon, or rather the day of the full moon, was putting an immense amount of pressure on the mental strength of every Werewolf in the room. It had been hard enough as it was already and as time got closer to the 6AM mark everyone was starting to feel a bit relieved knowing that it would all be over soon.

Alas, the moment Gary brought up the possibility that they might have to continue with the current situation for perhaps even the rest of the day, everything changed. It might have been a different story if it had been a few more hours, but this… this was simply soul-crushing.

“Alright, Gary, I can see where you're going with this, but maybe you're wrong,” Kai said after a minute of staying silent. He focused all his energy on breaking out of his cuffs. Fortunately, his he was far too exhausted at this point, so it only stayed at the level of attempts. All it was doing was making him more exhausted and annoyed, sweat dripping down his forehead onto the floor.

“Wrong about what?” Gary asked. He was trying to focus on the pain himself. In this situation, the only reason why he was doing well, was because he was afraid. As the Alpha Werewolf, and the only one among them who had gone through this once before, he couldn't show that it was affecting him in the same way as it was them.

“About your theory. Why don't we just give some food to us in the next 6 hours? That's 6 more than you originally thought, and then that would be okay, right” Kai bargained.

Gary stayed silent. Although it was true that it might work, he didn't want to test it, because any test they did meant that the others were put at risk.

“Stop f*king ignoring me!” Kai shouted.

For the others watching this from the recording room, seeing the usually calm headed teenager act this way was rather entertaining. Innu even suggested that they should keep the security footage and perhaps use this against Kai in the future, because it was almost as if they were looking at a completely different person.

“I'm not ignoring you, I was considering your idea,'' Gary replied, before he lifted his head and looked into the camera. “Alright, you guys, listen carefully, because I want you to follow my instructions based on what I say now. Ignore whatever I say in the future because it could be a different me talking to you.”

Based on Kai’s behaviour, Gary was worried that he was only a few hours off from acting the same way he was.

“Every two hours from now, come in and give us each a bit of food. HOWEVER, make sure that it is LESS than what you gave Olivia. Our Energy is already low, but with if don’t eat anything throughout the day, we could actually die. Also, make sure to NOT come into the cage like you did last time. Just chuck the food over so it’s close enough for us to eat it.

“It might feel wrong, since you'll be treating us like animals, but right now we're worse than wild animals.”

Although this was true, Gary imagined that if they got a little bit of food, then it could make the hunger harder for them to deal with. The Alpha Werewolf wasn’t sure if they should exclude Olivia or not. Right now she seemed fine, but who knew what could happen.

“Then, two minutes before midnight the next day. I want you to feed Kai, feed him until he’s full. If there are any signs that he’s starting to turn, you have my full permission to zap him. If what I think is correct, then even if he starts to turn, you will only need to survive a minute.”

The instructions had been given and they were clear. There was a lot of extremely loud moaning coming from Kai and Gary this time. Olivia, who had been complaining before, was still in pain, so she wasn't making too much noise.

Once the two hours were up, Austin and the others came and did as Gary asked, just giving each one of them a bit of food. The timing seemed quite perfect, as they practically collapsed on the floor, nearly unable to move.

The colour of their skin and some of their Energy was coming back, but none of them had transformed, and just like Gary had warned them, all three Werewolves were doing all they could to convince the trio to let them out or feed them some more.

Kai was the worst of them all, going from promising them everything they might ever want to threatening them all with kicking them out of the Howlers and even hurting their loved ones. It was tough to listen to, but they reminded themselves that this was the hunger speaking through him.

Another thing that Gary had gotten correct, was after eating, the pain seemed to worsen. The small taste of food made them even hungrier than before, and it was true for every one of them.

Once again though, although it affected Olivia not as much. Gary thought it couldn't have been a coincidence and had to have something to do with her fasting before. She was the only one that had done something drastically different from them all.

It had been a long and tough day, even Austin and the others were tired from watching, giving out insults and more. They had stayed up the whole day, only giving each other two hours sleep as they went on shifts.

When going into the cage, they didn't want to go in without the three of them, they all agreed this was the safest thing to do, so they couldn't sleep any longer either.

“Alright, it's time, we have five minutes until midnight, let's do this,” Innu stated.

They walked over with the raw food just like they did before. Then, both Innu and Austin had their spears ready to hit Kai at any moment, while Marie was the one that would feed him.

She threw it towards him, lots of it in front of Kai who began eating it immediately, ignoring everything around him. At the same time, Marie picked up the spear from the floor and pointed it towards Kai, waiting for any signs of him turning.

“Come on…please don't turn, please don't turn.” Innu begged in a low voice.

Eating the food at an incredibly fast rate. Kai suddenly stopped, and everyone's hearts started to thump louder for a second.

“Screw this!” Innu screamed, as he thrust the spear forward, unwilling to take any chances. Alas, having expected this, the Beta Werewolf grabbed onto the spearhead just below the tip, and looked up at the dark-skinned teenager.

Saliva was dripping down his mouth, as his now blue eyes stared at him.josei


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