My Werewolf System

Chapter 447 Leaving Slough

Chapter 447 Leaving Slough

Chapter 447 Leaving Slough

“No wonder you’re the leader. However, if this is what you all have to deal with every month, I guess I’m alright staying human.” Innu said. Marie and Austin just nodded along, sharing his opinion.

The horrible day had finally come to an end, and the three of them just spread out on the floor. All the built-up tension from watching the Werewolves, the lack of proper sleep and the adrenaline that had left their body, left them with no energy.

After filling up his own Energy, Gary carefully gave Olivia some of the meat to eat. Once he was sure that she wouldn’t become feral once more, he ordered her to keep watch over Kai, while he carried each one of his friends upstairs to a more comfy place.

Grabbing a phone, he called Tyler, telling him to bring over some burgers, pizza and other junk food, so the trio could have a feast. Gary was positively surprised when Tyler told him that there was no need for it. Apparently, Marie had informed her mother earlier that their ‘thing’ would take the whole day.

As such, Mrs Degrace, with the help of White, had cooked an entire feast for the Howlers and was just waiting for them to be done. A few minutes later, the three of them brought out all the food and Marie, Austin and Innu began feasting as if their life depended on it.

Never in their life did they want to feel the same way ever again as they had done during the last 24 hours. At some point, Gary left them and went downstairs, where Kai and Olivia were waiting for him. The Grey Werewolf was still injured, but it was clear that those injuries would heal on their own in due time.

“I guess Olivia was affected the last time because she had fasted for a couple of days before. Getting her body used to the pain.” Kai analysed, dressed in a new set of clothes he had brought along just in case. “Although, we survived the night with nothing horrible happening, we need to learn from this experience for next time.

“After all, Gary, you most likely won’t be here for the next full moon. If you weren’t here today… well, let’s just say, Olivia and I already have enough to apologise for…”action

After the ‘success’ of this turning, Gary was actually somewhat reluctant to leave. There was no guarantee that the AFA would let him be there for them next month. He knew that at some point he might have to leave them on their own, but was now really the best time?

“We will be okay without you, brat.” Olivia said, seemingly having noticed Gary’s sudden change in attitude. “Don’t we just need a bigger and stronger area to hold us during those 24 hours? Also, now that I’ve actually experienced it, I know what to do and not to do. I even have a plan where I can go the next time.”

“Great, I also have a plan on what to do for the next time. How about we discuss it together at a later time?” Kai offered. “She’s right. For now, the Howlers are doing great on their own. Because of your methods, the businesses in Slough are willingly seeking us out.

“Because we are the only gang with a confirmed Altered, the other gangs don’t dare to do anything but curse us. It’s actually funny, usually the large gangs use their power to bully others into getting more money, but we’re doing the exact opposite. In a way, I have to admit that I’m surprised how well all of this seems to be working out for us.

“Although we’re not flushed with cash, we still have enough for a few projects. And that’s even after I’ve made the arrangements you asked for. Your family will be safe during your absence, I promise. All you gotta do now, is tell her whatever you feel is right.”

With business out of the way, the trio of Werewolves went upstairs and joined the others. The Howlers continued their feast, with all three of their ‘wardens’ reminding Kai how obnoxious he had been during his hangry phase. Unable to defend himself, Kai just took it in, and kept apologising for his behaviour.

The merry mood continued for a while, but after Olivia excused herself, Gary quickly followed suit, since there was one thing he had put off for the longest time.


Walking through the broken door of their apartment building, up the stairs, Gary reached the Dem’s door, where the numbers were hanging crooked. He had lived there seemingly forever, ever since his father had disappeared, but it was finally time for them to leave this place.

Opening the door, he found Amy in the living room, having fallen asleep in front of the TV. Unfortunately, the creaking of the door woke her up.

“Hey, you’re back.” Amy groggily greeted her big brother. Although the teenage girl wouldn’t admit it, she had been quietly lonely these past few days. With her mother in the hospital, Stacy dead, and her brother hardly being at home, the previously cramped flat had felt too large for her.

When she saw her brother's serious face, Amy quickly became more awake.

“What's wrong, is it something to do with Mum?” She asked, starting to sweat.

“What? No, no, Mum is fine. She’s better than fine. In fact, they're moving her to a better hospital. She’ll get the best treatment possible.” Gary quickly answered as he moved to sit next to her.

“Huh, but how? No, why would they do that? Gary, we don’t have the money to afford that!” Amy said. Healthcare wasn’t free, and although her brother had allegedly been able to pay the bills with his part-time job, a better hospital would naturally cost a lot more money.

“This is why I wanted to talk to you,” Gary admitted.

Amy felt nervous, she already knew that he had been hiding a few things from her. Still, she knew Gary long enough to know that whatever he was doing was for their sake. Not wanting to get in his way, or worry him even more, she had promised him that she would stay out of his business and had merely offered him to listen whenever he felt ready.

‘Is he finally going to come clean?’ Any thought as she gulped.

“There’s going to be a lot of changes around here, and I know I'm not Mom… or Dad, but I am your older brother. So I want you to listen to me, and I promise you that everything is in your best interests.

“You’ll have a new apartment in Cipen. You will be staying there, but don’t worry, you won’t be alone. You’ll be living with White. I’m sure you’ve already met her a couple of times at the Wolf’s Pool Club. She knows how important you’re to me and since you're both nice people, I'm sure you will get along.

“You won’t have worry about anything. All the bills will be taken care of, and you’ll even get a weekly allowance to do with whatever you want. I know that Stacy’s death has been weighing on you, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you to talk about it, so if you want, I’m sure we can transfer you to a different school entirely. If there’s anything else that you need, just tell me, alright, Amy?”

It was quite a shock to the teenage girl. As someone who had lived her whole life in Slough, she knew that Cipen was the most expensive district in their town. To suddenly move there, and to live with a stranger after staying here all this time…

Still, there was one thing that Amy had picked up when Gary was speaking.

“Gary… the way you've been talking. You're making it sound like you'll be leaving… Are you no longer going to be… living with me?” Amy asked.

This was the hard part he still wasn’t ready to admit. The lump in his throat made it hard to swallow,, but eventually, he blurted out the words. “I’m sorry, Amy, but I’ll be going to the AFA.”


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