My Werewolf System

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Marie’s struggle

The building used to be a dock for ships. However, it had been ages since it had been used for that purpose, so these days it was just another abandoned building. The only things reminding anyone of its past function would be the many empty shipping containers that had been left behind.

Those were one of the reasons why the Grey colour gang had chosen to use it as their base. Many of their members were runaways, homeless, or just had nothing else to do, so they used the shipping containers as their sleeping quarters. They were filled with quilts, sheets, and small cooking units here and there.

Not only could these containers be found inside the warehouse, but outside as well. In their ones though they were filled with the more high ranking members of the Grey colour gang. The better equipped ones were reserved for those with more say. The most ‘luxurious one’, the one at the very back, had a steel door so the gang leader could enjoy his privacy.

However, right now, he had three visitors, two teenage boys, as well as a tied up teenage girl. Her arms were lifted above her tied up to the corners of the room, strapped to some large iron nails placed in the corner. Her wrists were red, her skin a bit rubbed due to her repeated escape attempts.

“One of you explain to me how a simple scouting mission, which I assigned you YESTERDAY, resulted in THIS!” Buffin pointed at Mary, as he looked at the two red haired twins, Sren and Leng. “Not only that, but somehow you decided that it was a good idea to TRASH the whole place! How do you suppose we’ll be able to make any income off of them, huh?! For two newbies, you already have had a bad start.”

The two looked to be holding back their anger. It was the first time they had been in a ‘Gang’ Other than their own, and they weren’t used to being the ones having to receive orders rather than give them.

“Sir, the establishment was actually being run by a new up and coming gang.” Sren answered. “They didn’t accept your offer, and it looked like they weren’t going to accept the other gang’s offer either. Their owner seemed to be away, so to remind them and to let them know that we were serious, we decided to bring one of them here to call out the others.”

Hearing their explanation, Buffin let out a big sigh.

‘These two… they really are great liars. I would be inclined to believe them, if Bowden didn’t tell me what had really happened. They probably ruled their school with their smarts and think they can do something similar here… Sh*t, why couldn’t Raven dump them on Riv? Why do I have to be the one to look after them?’

“Alright, but once they come to collect her, you’ll have to be the ones to deal with them!” Buffin declared. “If it comes down to it, you better not hesitate to take those.”

The two twins looked at each other and reached into their pockets. Each one of them had a small container with a special syringe inside. It contained a very small amount of the liquid that had been given to them by Raven.

Surprisingly, the Grey Elephant leader had been more upfront with them than they had expected, claiming that it was a type of drug that was in the experimental phase that could turn them into Altered. They didn’t take it there and then, but he said that if they wanted to beat the green haired teenager who had defeated them, it would be an option.

The idea was to eventually send the twins into a dangerous situation like scouting out the Underdogs until they were forced to use it. The only thing was he had asked Buffin to keep an eye on them to verify the effects of the medicine.

‘He really must have lost his mind, if he believes I’m going to tail them into the Underdogs’ den and get myself hurt, pfft.’

“Just get out of my sight. I’ll call on you once you’re needed. Make sure not to create another mess.” Buffin said as he heard the door close behind him, and he looked at Marie, who was tied up. She was conscious, and wriggling about, her mouth had been sealed with tape, so she didn’t make too much noise.

“Hey, you better hope that gang of yours will come over soon.” Buffin crouched down and stroked the bottom of her smooth face. “If they don’t, we won’t be able to strike a deal and then… well, I guess we could always send you back as a ‘warning’ but I guarantee you won’t be in as good of a state as you are in now…”

Hearing this Marie struggled towards the man trying to do anything to hit him… Seeing the pathetic act just made Buffin smile. He lent in closer to her to see the look in her eyes. Using this opportunity, MArie swung her body forward and managed to head butt him, hitting him in the nose.

Wiping his nose to check if there was blood Buffin could see it was okay, but his mood was clearly soured.

“Let me show you what a headbut is like!” Buffin said, grabbing the back of her head and holding onto her hair. He then swung his forehead forward and smashed it against her face, hitting the bottom part of her jaw and lips. They had hit her own teeth causing her lips to swell and bleed.

“This will be your only warning! I never gave a crap about all that chivalry crap! Don’t think you’ll get any special treatment. Right now, you’re nothing but a hostage.” Buffin stated.

Outside, the two twins were making their way to their room, thinking about what they had done. They were the ones that had trashed the place with some grey colour gang members that had been brought along.

They had actually scouted out the place yesterday, at which point they had seen Gary and the others. Seeing that they had a connection to this place, even though they hadn’t found it belonged to them, they hatched the plan to attack it during school hours.

The two brothers had lost a lot of money, not once but twice, and everything was going downhill for them ever since they had met a certain green haired teenager. As such, they had used today’s opportunity for some payback.

‘Unless we met some type of monster I don’t think we’ll ever use these things.’ Leng thought.


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