My Werewolf System

Chapter 228 – 16 Minutes

Chapter 228 – 16 Minutes

Austin, with one hand, grabbed onto the closest adult’s head and quickly slammed it into the side of the wall before throwing him behind him. Then, he kicked another one right in the balls, no hesitation whatsoever. Now wasn’t the time to fight like gentlemen, not when the gangsters were using weapons.

A third man was about to hit Austin, but soon a hand had grabbed onto his arm, and pulled him out of the elevator, and the large teenager could see Gary by his side. The group got in and were quickly pressing the button, waiting to go down to the first floor.

There were no words spoken, and only the green haired high schooler’s frantic breath could be heard. Naturally, Austin couldn't help but look at his friend’s stomach, where he had received multiple stab wounds. Blood covered his shirt and was dripping onto the elevator floor.

“Are you-”

“I'm fine.” Gary interrupted in a pained voice. “We need to get her to a hospital!”

The elevator opened once again. Unsurprisingly, there were people waiting for the trio.

[16 minutes remaining]

[Energy points will be used to perform emergency healing]

[-30 Energy]

[173/300 Energy]

[64/100 HP]

[Passive healing will not take effect until you are no longer in combat]

While the elevator was still on its way down, Gary was checking out his stats. Once he no longer fought for a certain amount of time, his body would consume Energy and naturally start to heal himself.

Despite its name, Emergency healing was only useful to seal his wounds and mend his bones, yet it didn’t actually bring his Health back up. As such, the green haired teenager was currently in a rough shape, and had used up a lot of Energy healing the cuts on his body. action

‘Since becoming a Warrior Class Werewolf other than the fight with Billy, it's the first time that I’ve had to worry about my Energy a bit. I haven’t been using Controlled Transformation a lot but still if it comes to it might even have to use the new skill. Yet for some reason… I'm not scared.’ Gary noticed.

When obtaining Last Stand, the high schooler had imagined that if he would ever have to use it, it would be in a situation where he would be frightened out of his mind, but instead he was filled with anger. He was angry about the way they treated people, angry that they had hurt Stacy, who was just an innocent school girl, and angry at the gang that was doing all of this.

The elevator door opened, and the area looked to have been cleared, but there were a lot of gang members on the ground floor now, around twenty in total. After the earlier scuffles, Gary was aware that these adults were hard to deal with, and it was quite possible that there were of them as well.

Gary quickly took Stacy off from Austin's shoulder.

“Run!” Gary shouted, and took off towards the exit.

The guards here seemed to be relaxed, most likely assuming that those who had been sent down would have dealt with Gary and Austin by now. They were only two people, after all, and they couldn’t imagine how they would beat ten times their number.

Using the surprise factor to their advantage, the trio was able to make a break for the door. Now that Austin no longer had someone on his shoulder, it was easy for him to catch up with Gary whose legs were still strengthened.

A single person soon stood in their way, but at the same time, Austin and Gary threw their fists right in his face knocking him out cold, and bursting through the doors they were finally out of the establishment.

The two high school boys, could see Kai and the others, who had come back to wait for them. They made eye contact for a second. They didn’t have to say anything, Kai understood that something must have gone horribly. Then again, the blood on Austin's shirt and the girl over Gary's shoulder would have been a natural giveaway in the first place.

“Hey!!! Who are you filming?!!!” Kai shouted. “Careful, these guys have been filming you!!!”

Keeping it vague on purpose, the blonde haired teenager had assured that everyone who had something to hide, assumed that the gang members had filmed them. It was perfect to cause a commotion in the area, making people disregard Gary and Austin. Thankfully, with the busy street, many people got in the adults’ way and demanded for them to delete their footage.

[14 minutes]

‘Damn it, I have to get there faster, an ambulance isn’t going to be quick enough.’

“Look at them, is that blood?” A bypasser commented, as they had entered another area.

“Maybe something happened, getting a little too frisky.”

“Just leave it, the Pincers will probably deal with it.”

Hearing the comments of the others as Gary went by them, he could tell that to the public who went here, this was quite a normal scene. Nobody was panicking, nor did anyone show signs of wanting to call the police. There were a few frightened voices here and there, but they would quickly be calmed down by others. It was just making Gary think there was something deeply wrong with this place.

“Austin.” Gary shouted back at his friend, who was struggling to keep up with him. “I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to leave you. Tell the others I’m going to the hospital I saw nearby when I was running here.”

By now the large teenager was so out of breath that he could only give his friend a thumbs up. The next second, and Gary had picked up the pace, almost doubling his speed as he continued running.

‘How can he run that fast while carrying somebody? He even fought more than me… how is that possible?’ Austin wondered, but more than anything he was worried about the wounds on Gary.

Gary was running as fast as he could, yet the timer was brutally ticking down. The high schooler needed Stacy to a hospital. He had just gotten rid of a huge problem, and he had no desire to trade one Werewolf for another. Sure, she might not be as bad as Billy, but… what if she would be worse?

“Stacy, you can hear me, right? Answer me!” Gary shouted as he rushed along.

“Amy I mi…ss y…ou. So…rry…” Stacy mumbled.

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