My Werewolf System

Chapter 243 – A Challange To The Alpha

Chapter 243 – A Challange To The Alpha

Chapter 243 - A Challange To The Alpha

“What have you done to me? What are you?!” Olivia questioned, noticing that her body refused to listen to her. She had been confused as to why she had knelt in front of Gary, but this time there was no doubt in her mind that he must have done something to her to make her listen. And whatever it was… it seemed to have done a lot more than just make her obedient.

The teenager noticed that while the Lady Boss remained in position, her eyes darted around the surrounding bodies. He also didn’t miss her licking her lips as she looked over them. However, she couldn’t approach them and do the one thing she obviously wished to do.

“I see… you must be weak, tired… and hungry, right? I guess I can’t blame you when you wake up surrounded by… such a sight. Alright, go ahead. Eat your own people.”

After saying these words, she didn’t know what came over her, but Olivia went towards her closest guard who had already passed and began to chomp down on his arm. She had only hesitated for a brief second, but those thoughts all soon left her head as the taste filled her mouth and desire.

Right now, Gary theorised that Olivia must be low on Energy, meaning she desperately needed food. Due to the Pack rules, she was unable to kill unless he gave his permission, so this might be the only chance she would get to do such a thing since they were already dead. Allowing her to follow her instincts was also the perfect way to make it clear that she was no longer completely human.

Seeing her in this state, further strengthened Gary’s theory that a newly turned Werewolf was no different from him, who had starved himself at the night of the full moon. He also remembered that after he had first turned, the Werewolf System had greeted him with a message that his bloodlust had been lowered.

Although Gary had avoided thinking about it, he was sure of it now. The men that had stabbed him when he had the package, the ones who had ended up dead the next day… the Underdogs weren’t the ones who had killed them…

“You’re now like me.” Gary explained as he moved in closer and whispered in her ear. “You are a Werewolf, and you're under my control. I'm sure you can already tell and feel it.” The teenager walked away afterwards, allowing that information to settle in. After satisfying her hunger, Olivia stopped. She had regained her Energy and was only now realising what exactly she had just done.

“I wasn’t joking when I said you would be my little experiment. However, we’re not done yet. I still have other tests I need to do.” Gary told her. “Now tell me, do you have a system of some sort? Are you able to change or use any skills?”

Since Blake had killed Billy before the green haired teenager could ask him any questions, he had lost his chance to learn more about other Werewolves. It remained a mystery if the Werewolf System was something exclusive to him, or if all those he had turned might gain something similar to it.

Turning around, though, Olivia stood up and looked at him, her eyes glowing blue, filled with anger.

[The Beta Werewolf (Olivia Pearl) has initiated a challenge for your position as Alpha Werewolf]

‘Oh, I didn’t think it would happen this soon.’

Gary wasn’t surprised at this turn of event, after all he had turned the Pincers’ gang leader against her will. He had expected that this challenge would come sooner than later, but all of it was still within his calculations.

As a newly turned Werewolf, Olivia had only just gotten her first taste of human flesh. The high schooler wasn’t even sure if it had been enough to fill up her Energy and even if she did gain a stat point because of it, there was no way she would be as strong as Billy. It would be informative to learn if she even had any clues about the powers of her changed body, or if he would have to teach her.

‘Let's get this challenge over and done with, shall we?!’

The next second, Gary ran across from the room, he could see Olivia’s hands going for him, but they were only a little faster than she had been before. Without her annoying whip, she didn’t pose any challenge whatsoever, and on top of everything, it looked like she was unable to change into her Werewolf form.

On the other hand, Gary had used Controlled Transformation on his arms, just in case. He knocked hers out of the way, and punched her in her gut. Still, he refrained from using his claws because he didn't want to risk leaving a fatal wound on her… not yet anyway.

As she leaned over from the strong, powerful blow, Gary grabbed her head and slammed it into the floor, leaving a dent in it as he covered her mouth.

“Just because you’re now like me, doesn’t mean you stand a chance against. Now, you should be aware that I can still beat you anytime I want. I hope we have our positions clear with each other.” Gary smiled.

[Congratulations, you have retained your seat as Alpha] josei

[Beta Werewolf (Olivia Pearl) will be unable to initiate another challenge until the next month]

Letting go of her mouth, Olivia stood up from the floor, her head hurting, yet not as much as she had imagined. Since it was clear she didn’t quite understand the situation, Gary decided to fill her in. He didn’t go into too much detail, though, refraining from telling her how he himself had become a Werewolf. The teenager focused on just explaining what a Werewolf was, and what would change now that she was one as well, such as her having to follow a certain set of rules.

He listed all the rules he had inputted into the system not that long ago, and Olivia just nodded along. She had already experienced that something seemed to be controlling her mind, and her body was telling her that these were indeed the rules the Beta Werewolf now had to live by.

Gary felt like it was easier this way, if she at least knew what she was now and what rules not to cross. When he repeated the question about the system, she wasn’t aware what he meant, so he described it as a message that would just float in mid-air, similar to a computer program. Olivia found this to be quite a strange question, but she just shook her head.

There were a lot of questions these two wanted to ask each other, but Gary decided they would save that for a bit later. The teenager hadn’t forgotten that he hadn’t come alone, and was worried about the others.

“Follow me… I need you to stop your men downstairs.” Gary instructed her, and Olivia started walking behind him like a loyal dog, her head held down. The Lady Boss felt humiliated, defeated, and worst of all, she didn’t know if this was because of her having seemingly become a ‘Beta Werewolf’ or if those were her true feelings. Either way, Olivia felt like she had become Gary’s slave.

Exiting the door, Gary saw that the snow-white girl was waiting for him just outside. It didn’t seem like anybody else had come in, which he took as a good sign.

At the same time, a message had appeared, informing him that he had completed the Quest, but he just closed it and planned to check out the rewards a bit later.

“Come on, we’re getting out of this place.” Gary told the girl, who hesitated when she saw Olivia come out. However, since the middle-aged woman ignored her, and the girl was scared of being left alone, she followed behind the duo, though with some distance.

Gary couldn’t imagine what the girl had been through. If he hadn’t come in, he was sure she might have ended up like Stacy… but how many had he failed to save? Thinking about the women he had met on the lower floor, he was getting angrier by the second.

Honestly, he didn't know how much longer he could allow Olivia to stay alive.

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