My Werewolf System

Chapter 265 - The Past Resurfaces

Chapter 265 - The Past Resurfaces

Chapter 265 - The Past Resurfaces

Inside a dark room where there was very little light, a young teenager was sitting down on his own in a chair. Across from him, there was a floating head in a glass container filled with a green liquid.

‘Originally I thought that maybe you would only be gone for a day or two, but you still haven't gotten back.’ Blake thought. The head that he was looking at in front of him was none other than Billy’s. ‘At least the liquid will be able to keep it from rotting for now.’

Lately, Blake had been coming down into the Hunter's base a lot. Usually he would only have come down with his father, practising what he needed in the dojo above. However, as the days went past it became apparent that his father wasn't going to come back anytime soon, so he decided to make the most of his time.

At first, he had tried a variation of different weapons that were available. Technically, some of them belonged to his father and were things he shouldn't have used, but since his last sword had broken, he required replacements.

Still, despite him training it wasn't like Blake had been rushing out to go hunting, at least not on his own. Today was one of those days when he just didn't feel like training and instead couldn't keep his eyes off Billy's head in front of him.

‘Something… has changed in me ever since that day.’ Blake thought. ‘I’ve always wanted to live an ordinary life, but now… things that I used to enjoy, like rugby, just seem so boring in comparison.’

Another thought had entered Blake's mind, and it was when he had helped Gary fight against those red colour gang members. A certain rush had come over him, he didn't just help Gary because he needed to, Blake realised he enjoyed using his skills.

The skills he had practised over and over for years, were finally being able to be put to use, but now he was at a standstill once again. Unable to move forward.

‘Maybe I could ask Gary to go hunting with me again? See if we can find any Altered? No, that wouldn't work, Gary only hunted Billy because he was dangerous to others. He doesn’t have the same view on Altered as us, and besides I don't think getting close to him is a good idea.’ No,

Thinking of this, Blake decided to get up and instead of heading to the wall where the weapons were, he decided to head over to the bookshelf. The shelf contained countless books and journals from his ancestors, as well as other prominent hunters in the past.

Looking at the journals there were many that had been gathered from the different families, not just his, but most of them told the same history. How their group was created to slay the beasts that would take over the land.

The beasts carried with them something inside called the shadow. They were able to infect humans with the shadow as well, making them slowly decay into chaos. It was a bad time for humanity until those that bore the symbol of the red dragon had gathered to smite the beasts, ridding the land of the shadow’s presence.

Reading one of the journals again, it made Blake chuckle. The stories that were told in them really did sound like fairy tales, yet there should be some truth to them. After all, fossils of the beast those hunters used to hunt resurfaced from time to time, and that's how they created Altered in the first place.

The hunters had continued to do the same as those of red dragon’s bidding, getting rid of those that had been infected with the beast's power. Although the world might hate them in this era, theirs was a noble quest to make sure the world didn't fall into what it once was again.

‘But I guess Gary is different, he's not a beast, the test said so. We say that Altered are able to go mad as their blood starts to darken, but Gary isn't the same. I wonder if there is anything more I can find out about Werewolves in these journals? He admitted that he couldn't control himself during the full moon, and it's not that far off until the next one.

‘Maybe one of these books has something that might help him.‘Otherwise, when my father comes back, we might end up having to hunt him again, which would break my promise. Something is telling me that it would be best if I keep it if possible.’

Looking through the journals, Blake skimmed through a lot of information, trying to see if he could find anything with the word Werewolf in them. Just like before, though, most of them just told tales of the old from different views.

What he did notice reading them, though, was that even their stories didn't exactly add up into a single truth, there were only a few things that were coherent between them all. However, there was one thing that a lot of the journals mentioned, and that was one of the strongest hunters in existence that many of them looked up to.

There was a passage about him that caught Blake's eye. This man that they spoke of was praised by many of the hunters and was seen as an idol of some sort. That man was hailed by all the sources as a once in a generation genius with the sword.

Many of those tried to replicate his mastery in the sword, and it was said that he had the ability to know where to strike. The journals claimed that he attributed his gift to a seemingly innate ability to see white lines, which told him the optimal place to strike or cut. It seemed like an exaggeration, but apparently that man hadn’t been the only one among the hunters with such ability.

It was impossible to confirm or deny it. Blake only knew that he wasn’t one of those people. Still, the reason he was focusing on this person was because there were many names for him, but one of the sources had marked it as Gary.

When Blake read that passage he had to blink twice to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. It was amusing, seeing that his schoolmate had the same name. Turning the page over though, that was where he spotted something, there was something about this Gary that spoke about Werewolves. josei

{The tension between the two Alphas had been rising. We had been informed that this would happen. Gary was told to make a decision of what to do next, whether he would be involved in this war and choose to help his friend}

{After all, we and everyone knew there was a saying between all the Werewolves. Two Alphas could never coexist.}

Reading it again, Blake was trying to get his head around what it meant. It didn't really shine any light on the situation with Gary, and since he knew nothing about Werewolves, the words didn't make sense.

Unfortunately, the other pages were too worn and damaged to make out anything coherent. It was a real disappointment, as he had been hoping to learn what happened next.

‘I wonder… if I should tell Gary about this… I guess I should see if there are more first.’ Blake thought as he continued to dig in to find out what happened in the past, to know what could possibly happen in the future.

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