My Werewolf System

Chapter 269 - The Meeting (Part 1)

Chapter 269 - The Meeting (Part 1)


Chapter 269 - The Meeting (Part 1)

Tyler gladly accepted Gary's offer to become a driver. The teenager didn’t even have the chance to go into detail before the university student had already accepted. Whether it was because he trusted Gary or really needed a job, the high schooler wasn’t sure.

During the call, Gary had asked Kai about their financial details and if doing something like this was okay. When his upperclassman had asked why he wanted to know, the Werewolf had given him a short version of events. He had heard a sigh, but it was followed by a ‘fine, we can put him on the payroll’.

When Tyler asked about the pay, Gary told him that they would pay him the same amount that he had received at the convenience store. All the university student had to do was to be ready for a call whenever they required him. The car would be kept at the Wolf’s Pool Club anyway, so Tyler would just have to be present in that area during his on duty hours.

Since it would be his first day as a driver, Tyler excused himself, stating the need to come to work in something more presentable. Gary bid him farewell after giving him the address. After all, he needed to do things himself before the big meeting today as well.

He ended up spending some time with Amy, eating together and watching a comedy show. For a brief moment, it had felt as if things had gone back to normal. Gary was even a bit sad, when he had told his sister that he had to go. Amy hadn’t said anything, but he had noticed that she was sad about it.


“Hey, nice suit, but you don't have to dress that formally.” Gary greeted Tyler, surprised to see him at the club already. There was more than half an hour until the agreed upon time, and the university student looked like he had been waiting for a while already.

“Hey, I got in because of your recommendation, so I don't want to let you down. I need to make a good impression.” Tyler insisted.

Gary felt a bit awkward inside, because he had yet to tell his driver about their new relationship and that he was actually the one who had hired him. Still, it was good to do something that made him feel nice. For the first time, the teenager was able to help someone due to the new situation he had found himself in.

Walking ahead, Gary entered, and the others waved him hello. Business was as usual, but now rather than just teens they also had a few adults in the place having an early drink and playing pool as well. However, most of the eyes in the room seemed to be attracted to a certain someone.

One of the older men seemed so distracted that he even managed to miss the ball completely.

“Is that girl the boss of this place?” Tyler whispered.

As for the person he was talking about, it was none other than Olivia Pearl, who was sitting on her own in the back. Her presence was making it so no one wished to sit next to her. Gary didn't blame Tyler for thinking she was the boss. Her clothes screamed wealth, and she just had this air around her.

The reason she was here today was because the Lady Boss would be accompanying them to the meeting. As the ex-leader of one of these small-time gangs, Kai had stated that it would make quite the impression if she was by their side this evening.

“Just wait here and enjoy yourself. Your work will start soon.” Gary said as he walked over to Olivia because there was something that he needed to solve. The others were nervous seeing this, and the new customers who had never entered the Wolf's Pool Club before were amazed that someone had the balls to walk up to her.

“I want to make something clear. I don’t like you.” Gary didn’t mince his words.

“Well, please tell me something I didn't know.” Olivia rolled her eyes.

“However… I’m still thankful that you helped out my little sister. Even if you did it only because you were ordered to… you did a good job.” Gary thanked her.

“No problem, Boss.” Olivia replied, and carried on as she had been before.

Gary still hadn't forgotten everything Olivia had done, and he probably never would. Working for him was just a minor punishment and although she was being obedient for now, if there wasn't a solution or things started to change closer to the full moon, he didn’t feel like he would hesitate to get rid of her.

Kai had come up from the downstairs basement, and was happy to see that the two of them were there. He then called them down because he had prepared something for the two of them. Gary received his replacement uniform, and Olivia also got one of her own.

She looked at it for a while, and for the first time Kai thought he had seen a smile on her face. The Lady Boss’s outfit was all one piece. There was just a zip that would go from the belly button all the way up to the neck. It was tight-fitting and of course in the Howlers’ gang colours.

Gary's had no change, but before handing it over.

“Please don’t ruin this one.” Kai smiled. “The material for it isn’t cheap nor is it easy to procure.”

As it turned out, Olivia wasn’t exactly shy in getting naked, causing the two teenage boys to awkwardly look away. Once all of them were dressed, it was time for them to leave, but before they did, Gary placed his black wolf mask on his face. Surprisingly, Kai also had a special mask on his face, only his was a golden fox mask, though with black highlights.

“Well, I can't exactly wear the same mask as our boss, now can I? Besides, all three of us will be at this meeting. They know Olivia's face but not ours, and I would like to keep it that way.” Kai explained, noticing the underclassman’s confusion.

At this meeting, each gang leader would be present, and they were only allowed to bring two guards with them. So the others wouldn't be coming with them this time. If any gang didn't follow this rule, the meeting would be called off, and rescheduled.

However, according to Kai it would be bad for them if that happened. Although the gangs weren't working together, this meeting did bring some unison between them. It was also how they were able to survive even though there were big gangs around. And with a blooming war on the horizon, it was important to know about what the other’s planned to do.

Walking out of the Wolf's Pool Club, they exited it from the back and headed down the alleyway. This way, the customers wouldn't see them leaving in their uniforms. Gary texted Tyler to head out front as he waited, and they eventually saw the car pull up.

However, when he saw the car, Tyler thought nothing of it and continued to tap his feet waiting for Gary to introduce him. Getting out of the driver's seat was Kai.

“You must be our new driver, right? It's nice to meet you.”

“Huh?!” Tyler was speechless, but all the masked stranger did was hand him the keys, and get into the back of the car. The only thing the university student could think of, however, was that he probably should have asked for more money. Once he was in the car, he saw a second masked figure in the back, as well as the woman from before.

This just strengthened his earlier assumption of her being the owner and leader was correct. Looking through the back mirror, Tyler could also see a bit of green hair sticking out from one of the passengers.

‘Is that? … no, it couldn't be… if it is… just who the hell are you, Gary?’ Tyler thought, but not wanting to ruin his first day on the job, he kept quiet and followed the instructions to their already programmed destination.

After a few minutes they had arrived. It was time for them to attend the meeting.

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