My Werewolf System

Chapter 271 - The Meeting (Part 3)

Chapter 271 - The Meeting (Part 3)

Chapter 271 - The Meeting (Part 3)

After speaking to Kai and how Ben Clove was involved in all of this, Gary had expected his involvement to be loosely connected. Perhaps in the same way as he was connected to the Rising Dragon gang. The mayor did seem to have a heavy interest in gangs, and it was the first time he had seen one publicly use one for his bodyguards, but there were stranger things that happened in the world.

Now, the fact that he was at this meeting itself meant there was probably more, and at the same time, Gary carefully watched him walk across the room. The large man was confident in his steps, not even caring or worried in front of all these gang leaders. Even if the Rising Dragon gang was on his side, they couldn’t stop all the gangs that were there, telling the teenager that something was definitely up.

‘Does Xin know anything about this? I doubt It, If I were to guess correctly. I don't even think the Underdogs or the Grey Elephants know about this, either. Otherwise, the red colour gang would have never even tried to target Xin.’ Gary thought. ‘If it was a meeting between all significant gangs in Slough, then they would certainly be here. It probably means that the mayor is scared of them. That or the reason for this meeting is something that he doesn’t want them to know about.’

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm glad that all of you were able to make it.” Ben started the meeting off and looked around the room at each of them. While stopping and looking at the Howlers for a few more seconds before continuing. “All of us are busy people, so I won't waste your precious time. There are two agendas for this meeting, so let's get the first one out of the way.

“The last time we met, all five gangs agreed to an alliance. It allowed you to continue your work as you wished without disturbing others, while at the same time serving as a guarantee to protect you all, while also protecting me. I'm glad that you took the time to listen to me. We had a deal that not only benefited me, but benefited you as well.

“If one of you were to get attacked by the Grey Elephants or the Underdogs, then we agreed to help out each other. Which brings up a problem. Unfortunately, the Pincers have been taken over, and replaced in a single day.” Ben then looked over to Gary’s sofa. “It was too quick for our alliance to even act.”

It was then that thoughts started to go through Gary’s head. What if all of this was a trap? Have the Howlers been invited over to try to take revenge? Kai did mention that possibility to him, which was another reason they had brought Olivia over. Seeing her should cause them to back off a little, but this wasn’t why he was worried.

The masked teenager’s heart was beating loudly, not because of his words, but Gary was worried that his mask wouldn't be enough to disguise him. It had stopped others from recognising him so far, but this wasn't one of those dumb superhero comics where people seemed blind and couldn't tell the difference between someone with glasses and without.

“The new gang called the Howlers, if I am not mistaken?” There was a pause as if he was waiting for them to say something, but since Kai stayed silent, Gary did the same. “I see that you have brought along Miss Olivia Pearl. Since she is here, can I take it that what happened was more of an agreement rather than a forceful takeover?”

Once again, the question was met with silence from the trio. Olivia’s lack of expression didn’t make it any easier for any of the others to figure anything out. They only had the rumours to go by.

“Are the Howlers willing to work with the rest of us? The fact that you guys decided to come here, rather than outright refuse this meeting, must mean you have some interest, no? So what do you say?” The mayor asked with a smile, not letting the silence disturb him.

Seeing the smile on the face of Xin’s father and this side of him, made Gary want to run a mile. In a way, gang members were more predictable than this politician who was in front of him. Who knew what he had planned? Who knew what he had done to get to the position he was in now?

The only thing he was hoping for, was that the mayor wasn’t as bad as the other gangs, himself. Otherwise, he didn’t know how he would face Xin next time. Would he be able to keep his lips sealed if her father would say something that annoyed him again? If he spoke ill of gangs when he was doing this? The man was a hypocrite and a liar!

“You said there were two agendas.” Kai mentioned without really answering any of the earlier questions.” Not only was his voice a little muffled through the mask he was wearing, but Gary felt like his upperclassman was trying to slightly change it as well. It made the teenager wonder if he should have been doing the same thing all along as well.

“From what we’ve been told, this meeting had already been planned before we made the Pincers submit to us. So before we decide anything, we would like to know what the real agenda of this meeting is.”

“If you want to be part of our meeting, then take your mask off!” Tony stood up and pointed at the masked teenager. “You think hiding your identity is going to save you after this meeting is over? We know your territory, and we will be happy to force you to comply, just like you did with the Pincers.” josei

[Skill activated Controlled Transformation]

“Is that supposed to be a threat?” Gary spoke up for the first time, as he looked towards the gang leader. When speaking, the Werewolf had tried to lower his voice, but to make sure he wouldn’t get recognised he had also used Controlled Transformation on the area around his throat.

Since Gary hadn't said anything, now that he had revealed such a deep and menacing voice, the other gang members were really taken aback. The unknown was scaring the other leaders. It was clear by Kai's words earlier that they had beaten the Pincers, just like the rumours had claimed.

The real reason Gary had been unable to hold back his tongue any longer was due to Tony announcing he would come to attack those that worked in Burnham food street. He knew during a gang war that there would be other victims, not just gang members.

“Everyone, may I remind you that we’ve gathered here simply for a talk?” Ben cleared his throat in an attempt to restore order and cool everyone’s head. “Fine, I see no problem with letting you know the details of this meeting as it is something that concerns everyone, no matter if you wish to join us or not. We can decide that afterwards, though it is something that you probably will want to comply with anyway.

“Based on all the information I have gathered, the war between the Grey Elephants and the Underdogs could start any day now. The Grey Elephants look to be making their move, and there is no doubt in my mind that it will be worse than what happened to Chavley during the colour gang war.”

Gary knew that the tensions had to be high between the Grey Elephants and the Underdogs after the attack that day, but he thought it would still be awhile before an attack had occurred. Was something pushing one side to act faster than the other?

‘This war… it could be my chance to get rid of the Grey Elephants while they are distracted or weak.’ Gary thought. He had already planned to get rid of them anyway due to what they had done to his sister, and this might be the perfect opportunity.

“Because of this, they will very likely approach you in the coming days, but if our plan is to succeed, I ask you all to refuse to make an alliance with them. One will take out the other, at which point we will strike together as a group. Then we will be the ones that take over this town!”

“The agenda of this meeting was to remind all of you to not get blinded by greed. No matter what either side might offer you, if we don’t use the chance to get rid of both gangs once and for all, it will be just a question of time until the winning side will recover and take over Slough as a whole.

“If we don’t have an agreement, then we’ll ALL have a problem. And that includes you, Howlers!”

Kai had informed Gary that this was what the other gangs might do, but the blonde teenager had originally predicted there would be a second war after the first. One between the five small gangs, yet he had clearly been unaware that those five were already in some type of secret alliance, seemingly organised by the mayor.

His upperclassman might have an answer, yet since he didn’t speak up, Gary chose to do so. Thinking back to what Kai had told him earlier, this was what the Werewolf had to say:

“No! We are going to do what we want and I’m telling you not to get involved.”

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