My Werewolf System

Chapter 274 – Becoming An Altered (Part 2)

Chapter 274 – Becoming An Altered (Part 2)

Chapter 274 - Becoming An Altered (Part 2)

The syringes in the special metallic suitcase were quite large. The needle itself was a good three inches long, which didn't exactly make Xin jump for joy when she saw them. However, she had heard that the Altered process in the past was quite the painful one.

So perhaps this was an easier alternative compared to before, which she was pleased about. When looking at them closely she could see that the liquid that was filled inside each one of them was a different colour, one green, one blue and finally the last one was a yellow colour.

“Of course, there is only so much data that we can gather based on the fossils of the beast we dig up.” The NIRV employee continued. “Still, I will try to do my best to describe the type of beast that each syringe contains to make your choice easier.”

The TV screen behind the man changed once again, bringing up a 3D render of the beast. The graphics made it look so real and alive, but the man assured them that it was all simulated by computer graphics.

On screen, there was what looked like a giant serpent-like creature. It had long hard green scales with no pattern on its body. However, its tail had two spikes sticking out from the end, making it appear like a hammer. Other than it moving around in an empty room, there was nothing else shown on screen.

“Please bear in mind that we can only help portray the appearance of the beast. We are unsure what traits will be passed on from the beast to the Altered. Perhaps they will be minimal, or there might be even something that we’ve unable to uncover.” The man explained.

Xin knew that based on her brother's experience. In Jayden’s case, his sponsor had believed that he was just consuming a normal beast that looked like a tiger. It came as a shock to everyone and the whole world when it turned out that the fossil had seemingly belonged to a special type, a white tiger. There were even more special things that the public didn’t know much about.

The video screen changed and moved onto the next beast. The scenery changed, and it looked like now there was a body of water. Xin could see a creature swimming through it. It was hard to tell the size of the creature from the scale, but to her, it looked very elegant.

Similar to the creature before, it had one long body. There were two large fins that were flat and wide on the side of its body, as well as a single long fin that allowed it to cut through the water. Aside from that, it also had a sharp horn on the top of its head.

Then there was the final one, though before they could see anything the screen went dark. At first, Xin thought that the video might have been broken, but a few seconds later she could see an outline of something. Glowing light in and out, in the shape of a large bird.

The shape of the bird was not regular, though. Its wings looked to be jagged as if it was made from pointy rocks, and it was the same for its head as well. The longer Xin stared at the beast, the more she could make out what it was, which was sending shivers running through her whole body.

With that, the presentation was over.

“What was with the last one?” Natalia Clove asked.

“Ah, that video? Well, I believe the CGI team must have gotten quite creative with that one. After all, it's quite boring just seeing the beasts in the same room all the time.” The man replied with a nervous chuckle.

It was time for Xin to pick, and she intensely looked at all three syringes, thinking back to the videos. The employee of NIRV thought he had a pretty good idea which one the lady would pick. Young girls like hers usually picked those that would be the most elegant, and he had seen the teenage girl’s eyes light up when she looked at the water type beast. After all, the appearance of the Altered forms were important to a lot of people.

“I want to go for the one that made the most impact on me. For some reason, I just can't keep forgetting about It. This one.” Xin said as she picked up the yellow syringe. “I'm serious about doing well in the AFC, so It has to be this one.”

It was safe to say that the man was shocked, but he was also happy with her choice. The man handed her a little pamphlet that explained what they were about to do. How to administer the injection, along with details of whom to contact if she were to experience any side effects.

“Can’t you administer the injection now for us?” Natalia asked.

“Sure, I was going to suggest staying a couple of days to see how she was doing anyway. It would be great to gather some data as well. Why don't you head to your room, Young Miss Clove, and get ready? I’ll be with you in a second.” The man agreed.

Xin and her mother quickly headed upstairs excited, while waiting for the man. As he packed up his suitcase, though, Ben grabbed the man’s hand before it was closed.

“Wait, since you’re already here, and you’ve brought those syringes with you, how about parting with one more?” Ben asked.

After seeing those beasts on screen, and after what had transpired at the meeting, the middle-aged man couldn’t resist this change to become an Altered himself. As the mayor, Ben Clove never wanted to go through a similar situation again. He hated having to rely on others like D for the protection of himself and his family, and these syringes could spell the end to that…

“According to your finances, you do have enough money for one syringe, but a second one would bring you close to bankruptcy. NIRV would need some type of collateral if you wish to purchase another one. With all due respect, Mr Clove, are you sure you wish to do that?” The man in a coat questioned him.

Ben Clover was a little scared about when and how that company had looked into his finances, but what he was saying was unfortunately the truth. The Clove family could afford one, but that was only because Jayden had given his father a rather large cheque, so they could afford the best treatment for Xin.

Their own funds would not suffice to pay for a second syringe… unless he used ‘other’ funds.

“There are always other ways to make money, especially as an Altered in a city like this.” Ben said. josei

“Very well, then. NIRV happens to have a contract for such a situation, which I will need you to sign. But for now, please choose whichever one you would like.” The man said with a slight smile, opening up the suitcase once again.

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