My Werewolf System

Chapter 284 – Everyone Involved

Chapter 284 – Everyone Involved

Chapter 284 - Everyone Involved

The Pincers gang members, as well as Austin’s schoolmates, were told to follow the trucks for now. They had spotted four of them in total so far. However, since all four of the trucks were heading to different locations, the Howlers had to make a decision on what to do as well.

In the first place, they were unsure what happened to the rest of the children, perhaps they were even still some at the warehouse but it was unlikely.

‘Chavley is my home area, while Cipen is the main area where the Underdogs’ businesses are. If this is an attack, the largest attack force will be in that area.’ Gary concluded. ‘I don’t know what to do… but I don't think splitting up will be our best choice. For one I can’t protect everyone else if they're not close to me, and two I think this war is going to be tough on all of us.’

“Olivia, head out and check up on your two groups. We’ll trust your judgement, but please keep us updated on what you plan on doing.” Kai ordered. With that, the Lady Boss was ready to leave, but before she left, Gary had one more thing to say to her.

“Olivia… if it’s possible, prioritise saving… but if you have to engage the Grey Elephant members, don’t hold back. Do whatever you need to take them out.” Gary ordered as he clenched his fists. The Alpha Werewolf was beyond annoyed at the predicament that the Grey Elephants had put him in. These people would continue to act this way unless they were dead.

The colour gang war had already devastated a single area, but this attack could very well implicate the whole town. He could only place his trust in the Beta Werewolf and pray that she would keep the Bronton and Kidminstin area safe.

“Gary, it's your call about where we will go next. I think you know it's best if we stay together. The Grey Elephants are a big gang, after all, so chose one place.” Kai let him have the last say.

‘Amy should be safe, and I have a Mark on her to know how she is doing. The apartment is locked up, and she should stay in doors. Mum got hurt last time because she was working. They should have no interest in the residents of the area… right?’

“We need to finish this once and for all, we will finish it today. We’ll head to Cipen.” Gary decided. josei

The reason for his choice was because Cipen was also where the nightclub where Damion and the Underdogs base were to be. If things went well, then Gary could get rid of both threats of his back today.


The two groups continued to follow the large trucks. Knowing what territory they were headed in, one would think that they would stop outside some of the establishments they owned. However, this wasn't the case at all.

Instead, they had surprisingly stopped at the busiest places of each location, the end of the high streets where shops of food, drinks, bars, and others would be located. They stopped dead in the middle.

“Hey, report this to Austin.” One of the high schoolers Bo said.

The next second, they could see the driver leaving the vehicle, and strangely it looked as if he was fleeing. He didn’t look left or right, instead he only looked at the parked truck, before he increased his speed.

“Hey… you don't think they planted a bomb in that thing, did they?”Felix suggested, judging by the way the man escaping the area. However, since they were on motorbikes, they believed themselves to be relatively safe.

Once the man was far enough away from the vehicle, he pressed a particular device and the back slowly started to open.

“Arghh! Arghh!”

“Can you hear that?” Alfie asked…

Carefully listening, they could make out growls and snarls. It also seemed to catch the attention of one of those on the main street. It looked like a drunken man who had a bit too much. He was wobbling over to the vehicle. Eventually, the door fully opened, and what looked like a small person had leapt out of it, pinning the drunkard to the ground.

“ARGH! Someone help me! It’s a monster! A monster is trying to eat me!” The man began to shout in his panic.

The group of boys started to laugh at the sight. They didn’t take him seriously, believing him to just be delusional, but eventually his cries for help stopped. Standing up, they could see that the small kid had let him go, and the man on the ground, wasn't moving at all.

One of the boys noticed that the kids nails looked similar to pencils. They were looking sharp and something was dripping off them. Too far for them to see. However, the next second, more kids left the vehicle, and they immediately started to run on the street. Jumping on whoever they could see clawing at them all.

The first one who had finally got out, turned around and looked at the teenagers, smiling at them with a face full of blood. What they were looking at now really was a monster.

The same scene was happening in all the different areas. Each truck would open, and about a dozen little monsters would file out, killing whoever happened to be unlucky enough to be out on the street. Each one looked slightly different, but all of them shared traits that no normal human would possess, teeth sharp enough to crush bones, melted mouths, elongated nails and so on.

The whole town fell into chaos. Panic quickly spread, with murders happening left and right.


A few minutes later, the reports were coming out to everyone in Slough. It was no longer just an issue for the Howlers, but for everyone.

“There have been reports of mass killings going on in at least four areas of Slough. The attackers seem to be modified in some way… looking similar to Altered. Yet it is clear that their minds are not there. When asked for comments, the police advised everyone to stay indoors.

“I repeat, everyone who might be out should head home, and stay indoors until the matter is resolved.”

Watching everything happening on Tv was Amy, who was now worried for her brother.

‘Wait, didn’t Gary tell me to stay in doors as well, don’t tell me he’s involved in this.’


Underneath his house, Blake looked at the set of weapons on the wall. He quickly picked a blade from them, while packing his things and getting dressed.

‘I don't know what's going on, but the report said it themselves. Those things aren't human, which means I have a job to do. It's what Dad would do.’ The young Altered Hunter thought to himself.


Rushing out from their hotel room, wearing their grey uniforms, were a couple that didn’t look pleased at all.

“Get in contact with Anton, tell him to update us on everything that is happening.” Sadie ordered an assistant that was following them by their side. It was the communicator that would be used to talk to the police forces and the White Rose base for them.

“Get Anton to barricade the entirety of Slough! Not a single person is to leave this town. We can't let those crazed Altered out of here.”

“This is unheard of! Do you not think we should make a personal report to White Rose HQ ourselves to call for more backup?” Frank asked.

“What’s the point? We both know back up won't arrive in time. We're the only Altered here, so we have to act now! The only thing we can do is put some trust in this town’s people.”


‘People are dying left and right? This world really has gone crazy. I’m happy that my little sis is going to be leaving this place, but if I have the power to help, I should.’ Jayden thought to himself while he looked through his cupboard to see if there was any sort of disguise he could use to hide himself.

After all, a superstar like him getting involved like this would be big news, which he would rather avoid. Eventually, he pulled out a scarf and a wig that was inside for some of his photoshoots that he would take.

‘Well, it’s not as fancy as streaker boy’s, but it will have to do.’

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