My Werewolf System

Chapter 295 – The Final Mark

Chapter 295 – The Final Mark

With everything going on, and since there was nothing they could do to help out, Suzan decided to take Kevin back to the car that was parked at the end of the high street. The group had split up between cars, one with Marie's mother driving, and the other with the gang’s newest employee, Tyler.

He couldn’t believe what was going on, everything that was happening, and was starting to wonder what type of group he and Gary were involved in. However, while in the car, since he was told to be on standby, he had decided to tune into the news channel on his phone, and he was able to hear what was being said.

Gary had his voice altered, and the teenager was trying to make it a habit whenever he donned that mask. Given his hair colour, it was the least he could do to make people doubt him being the same guy who was the leader of the Howlers. Similarly, Kai, had also decided to wear his fox mask to cover his face, while the others were clear with their faces showing.

Based on the situation that was on hand, Tyler felt like at least he was with what he believed the good guys after hearing everything out. After hearing the dreaded tale of what these Altered really were. Already on the phone screen where he was watching a red banner pop up showed underneath.

[Could the Crazed Altered really be orphans that have been experimented on?]

‘Man…how many times have I been called on today already? First I thought driving a car like this was a dream come true, but now. If I knew my job was going to be this hard, I should have asked for more cash.’ Tyler thought.

Opening the car door, Kevin and Suzan felt a bit safer from all the chaos, but couldn't help but notice that Tyler was watching what was going on, over his phone.

“Can you please turn the video up?” Suzan politely requested, and Tyler quickly complied and tilted the phone, making sure they would be able to watch with him.

“Do you think Innu will be okay?” Kevin asked, as they listened to the reporter.

“Of course. Didn’t you say it yourself, he's an adult now, someone that we can rely on. He will be okay.” She said, rubbing the top of the young teenager’s head, as all three continued to watch the news channel to find out just how this chaos would unfold and end.

‘When this is over… I’ll take you both in myself.’


With no more distractions, it was time for the Howlers to make their move, but they were concerned about one thing. They could see the Underdogs fighting against the crazed Altered, but the Grey Elephant members were nowhere to be seen.

“They should be somewhere nearby. If the Underdogs manage to survive this, they surely will try to finish them off.” Kai spoke out as if he could read Gary’s mind. “If we get involved now, we’ll just be helping the Underdogs. That being said, this could also be our perfect chance to attack.”

“Look, there’s Damion!”

Gary had noticed that Kai’s heartbeat had increased dramatically when mentioning the leader. He also hadn’t missed how much spite he had when uttering his name.

‘ I don't know why, but he seems to hate Damion as much as I do… No, that's not right. To me, he’s just someone I have to get rid of in order to protect my family, but there seems to be something personal going on between them. Was that also the reason he founded the Howlers?’

“Gary, make sure to kill him. Don’t do whatever you did to Olivia. It’s too dangerous to keep him alive, he would just find a way to backstab us. We have to take him out here and now!”

While thinking about what to do, or how to tackle the situation. The sound of screaming from the people was heard.

“What are you doing?! Get away from the door!” A woman shouted from one of the shops. However, it wasn't just one of the shops, it was multiple. As they looked at what was occurring, large groups of people were forcing their way out from the current establishments.

Dressed in all sorts of different types of clothing. They started to fill up the street bit by bit, and had now blocked the way of entrance from both high streets.

“These guys are trouble.” Austin commented, as he noticed one of them pulling a small blade from the side of his pocket.

“You're saying they’re gangsters, right?” Marie asked. “If that's the case, then why didn't they come to help out before.”

“You seem to be misunderstanding something, Marie, they’re not part of the Underdogs. Those should be the Grey Elephant members who have been here in plain sight from the beginning, watching everything carefully.” Kai answered her.

Seeing the elated look on their faces about the sorry state of the Underdogs, it looked like Kai's explanation was spot on. Their numbers were large, Cipen was full of large fancy restaurant bars and clubs and hotels. There was already a large population on this one street. It was easy for them to hide among the people, and that's exactly what they had done.

Now, Gary and the others were surrounded by a hundred or so gang members. They had not charged in where the Underdogs were just yet, and they even took a step back as if they knew how far or close they could get to the crazed Altered before they would be attacked.

One of the Grey Elephant members looked towards the Howlers group.

“We have orders to get rid of the new troublemakers that have decided to get in-“ Midway, while he was speaking, a black boy came running out towards him. Seeing the ones responsible, Innu jumped up and kneed the man right in the face, knocking him down on the ground.

“I’ll kill every one of you bastards!” Innu shouted, as he quickly went to kick another gangster, right on the side of his arm. However, at the same time, a third one was getting ready to punch Innu to get him off his colleague.

Just before he could, though, a fist came down hitting knuckle on knuckle, but one was clearly stronger as the fist was pushed back, and a crack sound was heard.

“Hey, don’t hog them all to yourself. Let us take some of them out as well.” Austin declared.

“Gary, you take care of the Altered and Damion, find an opening, this might be your only chance.” Kai instructed him. “Don’t forget what I said.”

The next second, the fox masked teenager joined the others, making sure that Marie stayed close by his side. The group were fighting in a circle, trying their best against the gang members who had the advantage in numbers.

Gary was hesitating, since there were far more of the Grey Elephant members than had been the case with the Pincers. Even if this might have been his only chance to go after Damion, he didn’t want to sacrifice any of his friends. action

‘I can't leave them, I need to help as well. Getting rid of the Grey Elephants is just as important.” Gary thought as he was ready to run forward. He could see someone approaching Marie from behind, sneaking up on her.

A second later, though, and the man's body started to shake violently, as if he was being electrocuted. When he fell to the ground, he could see a man standing there in black robe and wearing a black mask.


“No!” The Altered Hunter shouted back. “I am here to deal with the people that caused all of this mess, and I will try my best to make sure no one gets hurt because of these guys.”

Gary was wondering how Blake knew it was him, but it must have been his special mask, or perhaps because Gary's hand was still transformed like it was before. At the same time, Gary had worn those clothes before. He also understood that this was his way of saying he would protect them without actually saying that.

On top of that, Gary could tell that there was another person close by, one that soon would be able to provide support as well.

‘I never thought I would be relying on her so much, but if they are here, then the Howlers can deal with this!’ Gary thought.

He broke off from the rest, and the first thing he did was get behind one of the crazed Altered and pulled their arms, breaking one apart. The next moment, he stabbed his claw in the back of its neck.

[+400 Exp]

There was another thing Gary realised from before, as the amount of Exp he would get for each kill was large during this quest. It was his chance to level up. Jumping into the frey, Gary also saw the hunting target he had made a long time ago among the Underdog members.

However, right now, Damion was the biggest priority. Swinging his axes like a madman, a lot of the crazed Altered were being defeated. Unfortunately, his gang members were unable to keep up, and from the dozen that had survived the first wave, there were less than half alive.

Seeing this, one of Grey Elephants members tried to charge in, yet one of the crazed Altered quickly turned around and leapt towards the said person, killing him instantly.

This caused the other Grey Elephant members to pile on and attempt to take out the Crazed as quickly as possible. They had eventually killed it, but their buddy had long since been killed.

‘They really can't control it.’ Gary thought, looking at this.

In the end, the second wave of crazed Altered had ended. All twenty had been killed, and Gary joining in had finished off five of them. They were far easier to deal with than the twins. Whether it was because he had gotten stronger or they had gotten weaker, he was unsure. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

[Congratulations, you have now reached: Level 17]

[A stat point has been granted]

[Exp 452/3245]

Still, the fight wasn't over, as it now allowed the other Grey Elephant gang members to get involved. Before that, though, Gary turned around and looked at Damion, who was huffing and panting. The gang leader looked quite strong with the two axes, though he had still taken a few scratches here and there.

‘He doesn't look so scary any more…if I get rid of him…half of my problems will be over.’ Gary thought, and with this thought, and seeing Gil who was by his side, he had made a decision.

[Bloodlust has been detected]

[Forced Bond has been activated]

[7/8 Marks have been assigned]

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