My Werewolf System

Chapter 302 – One Down

Chapter 302 – One Down

Chapter 302 - One Down

The second Kirk and his Cheetah Squad had arrived, there was a strange new confidence that had risen in Damion. It was as if they fully believed that now they were here, there was no chance for the group to lose this war.

It was because of it, the first thing he did, rather than concentrate on the Altered that was in front of him. He chose to hit the closest Grey Elephant member. Damion somewhat knew what this would do, it would ignite the fighting between everyone once again.

No longer was it a safe duel that everyone could just watch and the sense of danger would kick into them all. Seeing this, and leaving the Altered to Kirk, Damion continued to swing his axes towards the direction of where Brandon and the rest of the Grey elephants were.

His movements were faster, and his strength was beyond what the others could handle. Each swing would hit the members before they could touch him, killing them or chopping off their limbs in one go. It looked like a robot that was possessed.

That was when Brandon, the large titan of a force that the Grey Elephants knew him as, did something that they never expected him to do… He ran away.

The large man made a beeline through the crowd of his own people, roughly shoving them out of the way, without so much as looking back.

“What's this?!” Damion almost let out a loud laughter. “The mighty Grey Elephant leader is running away, despite being surrounded by all of his men? Have you dropped your balls that you don’t dare to fight me after all you’ve done? If I had known your muscles were just for show, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago!”

Damion threw one of his axes forward trying to aim for him, but another soon got in the way, being hit. The Underdogs’ leader continued to run forward and lifted the axe from the body, not slowing down his momentum.

Due to the countless members of the Grey Elephants getting in his way, Damion was slowed down a little, allowing Brandon to further the distance. For a large person, he was surprisingly fast.

Kicking the man in front of him, causing him to slide across the ground, Damion continued to chase after, leaving the Grey Elephants wondering what to do. In the end, they didn't chase, because they had their own problem to solve.

“Don’t worry, I'm sure Brandon has a plan.” One of the members spoke up.

Running down the street, there was what looked like police who had boarded up the area. If Brandon continued to run ahead, then he would be easily stopped, and it was the same for the person who was following him.

Turning quickly right, he went through a narrow alleyway. Here there were a couple of policemen on guard at the other end. However, when he approached them, the two of them stepped to the side, allowing him to get through with no harm.

They continued to stay towards the side even as Damion went through.

‘Strange, I’m sure one of the others was supposed to be the brains behind it all. I guess that guy isn’t all muscles.’ Damion thought. Suddenly, he stopped, turned around, and headed towards the two police men, throwing his axe right towards one of their necks. It sliced halfway through before stopping.

“You scum who have been paid off, you should just do your jobs. At least I know what I am.” Damion cursed, as he kicked the other to the ground. He pulled the axe out from the deceased man’s neck before slamming it down on the other officer.

Following the trails from Brandon, Damion soon found himself in an underground car parking lot. It was dark inside, with a few lights here and there. It looked like it was going under a refurb.

“Come on! You took me down here for a reason, right?!” Damion shouted. Saying these words, he held on to his side which still hurt from being attacked by Gary.

‘I hope Kirk brings him back alive, that way I can really bring him pain when he needs it.’

An object was thrown out towards Damion, but he soon slashed it in half. Quickly after that, a kick was made right to his side, hitting him in the ribs, aimed right at his wound. Bearing through the pain and gritting his teeth, though, he quickly swung his axe to the side and found it hit against something solid, and a man screamed.

“One down…no matter how many you have brought with you, they will all fall!” Damion stated.

Looking around, the gang leader could see five more guys, as well as Brandon who now had a large smile on his face.

“You know, they say I'm the strongest of the Grey Elephants, but that's just because whoever I fight, I make sure they never live to tell the tale.” Brandon admitted while holding a riot shield in his hand, having the words police force on it.

As Damion had suspected from the earlier interaction the Grey Elephants had bought off some people in the police force, which was what had allowed them to get away with so many things. Immediately, all of them charged in, but gripping his hands tightly around the axes, Damion was ready to give it his all.

He ran forward and ignored the rest that were charging towards him, he didn't swing at them this time, and just leapt in the air with the two axes behind his head. He swung them to give himself the most momentum.

Seeing this, Brandon was confident as he lifted the right shield to block the attack.

‘Haha, what an idiot, now we'll all be able to get him at once after this attack.’ The Grey Elephant leader thought.

When the axes slammed down, they tore right through the riot shield, and did the same to Brandon’s head, causing him to fall to the ground, dead in an instant. Seconds later, the others charged in kicking and hitting Damion as much as he could, but eventually, just as he had claimed, he had managed to take them out one by one.

Now standing on his legs, he started to walk out of the place.

‘Tsk, that bastard practically made this too easy. What was he thinking, trying to use a normal shield to block these two demons? They really were worth every single penny.’

Damion continued to slowly walk out of the car park in his injured state. Half a minute later, a man in a black leather jacket walked out from a corner. He walked over to Brandon's dead body and stared at it in silence. josei

‘That’s why I told you to just lure him in, but no, you just had to try to take him out yourself.’ Raven thought to himself. ‘I’ve warned you repeatedly that Damion Hawk is a dangerous man. I have no idea how he does it, whether it’s sheer luck, perseverance, or something else, but somehow he always manages to catch a second wind when he’s on his last legs.

‘First Yoven, now you, Brandon. I guess that’s it for the Grey Elephants then. Well, I’ll just have to see the upside in all of this. I won’t have to worry about Sin, and now I have all the time I need to finish off my personal vendettas.’

A clang was heard, and still on edge, Raven turned his head, afraid that Damion had returned. Fortunately, he could see that it was only a young student. Seeing him, he let out a big sigh.

‘Too bad, kiddo, but I can’t afford any witnesses.’ The last remaining Grey Elephant leader pulled out a knife, and immediately ran towards the student that had stumbled in. Hearing footsteps, he quickly held up his hands.

“Wait, I can help you!” He spoke quickly, as he backed off. “I was part of the grey colour gang and I got kidnapped by the Underdogs! I can help you get what they want! They're looking for a boy… a boy who stole a package from them… his name is Gary… Gary Dem!”

Raven stopped immediately, because he had heard that name once before, but he had never expected to hear it here, of all places.

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