My Werewolf System

Chapter 317 Infected Altered

Chapter 317 Infected Altered

Chapter 317 Infected Altered

After James Green had read the news about what had occurred in Slough, he mumbled some seemingly incoherent things to himself, before heading straight towards his lab, completely ignoring his own son.

‘What the… I know it's shocking news but aren’t you overreacting, Dad?’ Tom wondered.

He had just read the headline, so he was now curious about what the article was about. That's when he learned everything he had missed, about the crazed Altered that were seemingly orphans, the new gang named the Howlers, and on top of that, the fact that there was a ‘Wolf Altered’ in Slough.

‘I knew it!’ Tom inwardly shouted. ‘I knew that Gary was hiding something! … so he really did decide to join a gang! That's who all those other people were. Then they must have also been the ones responsible for what happened to the Grey colour gang, that means it was really him… but why?

‘Was it because he got the Werewolf powers? Did he think to himself that with great power comes great responsibility? But Gary…you don't seem like that type of person. I know you aren't. Otherwise, why would you choose to hide this secret from me?’

Tom was trying to put himself in Gary's shoes, doing his best to understand why he had not shared everything with him. After all, he had already figured out his Werewolf identity, so surely he should have been someone his best friend could trust.

‘Wait his story about how he became a Werewolf? His part time job, was he already involved in all of that?’

Ultimately, the only reason Tom could come up with, was that Gary must have stayed silent to protect him. Coming to this conclusion, a wide grin appeared on his face, and he almost got a tear in his eye.

‘Ah man, why am I welling up because he hid a secret from me? and joined a gang…I'm really strange.’ Tom chuckled at himself.

Of course, after reading the news, the high schooler was curious if he could find out more information. Using a search engine he quickly stumbled upon more devastating news, namely that Gary had not only faced Kirk, but had delivered a large blow to him.

Connecting articles had headlines such as ‘AFC rookie champion still missing!’, ‘Did the Wolf Altered kill Kirk Summerfield?’, ‘Kirk’s Summerfield’s double live as a GANG MEMBER?!’

There were too many news articles and headlines about the whole event.

‘Damn I need to text Gary… Argh, but I can’t… that NDA mentioned that they check our messages and phone conversation from all calls made here to prevent us from leaking information. They probably have some sort of device that picks up all our communications outside as well. Now that I think about it, I don’t think our apartment here is safe either. I should stop going on the Darkweb incase they keep track of all employees it could get my dad in trouble. I’ll have to wait until I’m back at Slough to talk with him. I just have to hope that he is alright until then.’ Tom thought.

A short while later, and his father had eventually returned. He looked windeed, seemingly having run back fast and he certainly wasn’t the athletic type, somewhat like his son.

“Wanna share what got you so panicked that you left your only son behind, Dad?” The short haired teenager smirked as he asked the question.

James Green needed a moment to catch his breath, but Tom noticed that his father didn't seem to be as nervous any more. It appeared that whatever the emergency matter had been, it was seemingly dealt with.

“I apologise, your news just came out of nowhere, and given the things it pertained I just had to make a report to the higher-ups about it. I needed to find out if they were already aware of it, since I was worried that it might have come from our lab.” James nervously answered, still panting, but then immediately covered up his mouth, earning him a strange look from his son.

“Shoot, that wasn’t meant for your ears… well, I guess since you’re our intern, you might as well learn a bit. Besides, you’re family, so surely you would not want your old man in trouble, right? As in, don't tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.” He chuckled nervously, hitting Tom on the shoulder as if the two of them were the closest friends.

In fact, the two Green men got along very well, yet the unfortunate reality was that ever since his parents had started working for NIRV, Tom hardly got to spend time together with them.

“You see, when researching fossils, we are unaware of what state they will come back in once hit with the Nest Crystals that you saw earlier, and at times, there have been a few… strange ones.

“The resulting Beasts came out looking a bit sick, covered in strange purple fur and sometimes with a bit of a dark shadow surrounding them. The shadow itself looked almost as if it was alive. Any crystals obtained from them are classified as ‘infected’. We don't use those batches of crystal for making Altered, because in nine out of ten cases they end up as crazed Altered..”

His father didn't have to say more, Tom had already figured it out. His father was saying somehow this special batch must have gotten out, either stolen, sold off or maybe it was the company itself, Either way he had to inform them about what he knew so far.


At the same time, a NIRV employee was standing in front of the police station. They were explaining the exact same thing to Slough’s Chief of Police, as well as the presiding White Rose agents. josei

“This is the information you are to tell the press. A gang has managed to get their hands on a corrupted batch of Altered DNA that was scheduled to be disposed of. NIRV has started an investigation to find out how that has happened, and will share details once it gets resolved.”


Similarly, in the Mayor's office, an employee of NIRV had arrived, though it wasn’t the same one as the one who had brought over the syringes.

“Are you kidding me?! The public won’t be contended with that! They will ask questions and blame ME for failing to protect Slough’s people! Do you have any idea how it makes me look that some gangs were the ones to take care of that problem? UTTERLY INCOMPETENT!!!

“The fact that you’ve come all the way here pretty much proves that your company is connected to ALL OF THIS!” Ben Clove shouted.

“Mayor Clove, how are your finances looking after you’ve purchased that second syringe of Altered DNA? Isn’t it true that the acquisition has put your family into financial burden? Sure, you might be able to keep up appearances, but how long will you be able to continue with your current lifestyle?

“Wouldn’t it help you immensely if we were to refund you the payment for that second dosage, and even scratch it off the records?” The man questioned, and saw the corpulent man quickly calm down. “Please just read out the statement our PR team has prepared, and make sure that the matter doesn’t get brought up by anyone other than us in the future.”

Although Ben Clove didn't say anything else, he was furiou internally. Sure, the freebie was nice, but he hated having to dance to someone else’s tune. Fortunately, it was only a matter of time until he was finally free to do as he wished…


After his training session with the Beta Werewolf, Gary had decided to walk home. The teenager had a lot to think about and with his head now clearer he considered this to be a good time to at least look at the new skills he could learn.

The Last Stand skill had saved him more than once already, and since he planned to attack the Underdogs tomorrow, he needed every advantage he could get. Holding back now would be stupid, if not suicidal.

Walking along the road, Gary soon heard the sound of an approaching car, but he ignored it as many cars had already passed him by. However, this car seemed to slow down, before it came to a halt, only a few metres from him.

Turning around, the bright lights from the car blinded the Werewolf, making it hard for him to see who had just got out.

“Honestly, what are the chances?” The voice sounded surprised. “Here I just decided to give it a shot, and yet I actually found you streaker boy. This must be some red string of fate between us, and not just as a brother in law. You seem to have a tendency to appear near the woods, but perhaps, I shouldn’t be surprised about that at this time.

“This makes things easier. Come with me for a ride, there are some things we need to talk about, wolfie.”


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