My Werewolf System

Chapter 414 Stand up (Updated)

Chapter 414 Stand up (Updated)

On top of that, the last lot had proven to be beyond what any of them had expected. Although nobody on the AFA’s side had lost their matches, each one of them had been forced to take those fights far more seriously than they had anticipated. Apollo and his gang had been better than some of the students that had already been studying in the AFA for a year.

In fact, with their skills, they would be able to do relatively well if they were placed in the AFC right now. After all, the AFC accepted students from all Altered academies, not just the AFA. It was just that those directly from the AFA had an advantage due to their connections.

Still, after witnessing Ian’s performance in his fight against Shingi, the others accepted that this lot was extraordinary, even though they might not be on the same level as Apollo’s group. Nevertheless, they showed a lot of potentials, and sometimes that was more important. With rank 4 being more impressive than rank 3, they were expecting a lot from the current rank 1.

‘I was informed that there were special circumstances with this group, but from what I’ve seen Gary is the one who should be fighting right now. Numba, let’s see what makes you more special than him…’ Eddy thought ot himself.

The professors had kept to their promise, and hadn’t told anyone about what exactly had occured. As such, it was natural for everyone to think that the Goat Altered had to have some secret up his sleeve.

“I'm in the ring. I'm finally here! I have to show that I deserve being here. I have to at least do something, so I can continue to help our family grow… and I want to show you, Gary, that I’m strong enough to repay you for your kindness.’ Numba thought to himself after his friend’s encouraging words.


Unlike Ian, Numba transformed straight away. Aside from the horns on his head, the base of his feet changed into goat's hooves, though most of it remained human. The change was apparent since the fighters didn’t wear anything on their feet here. His already explosive power further increased by his mastery of transformation and the Goat Altered shot off like a rocket.

‘Come on, do what the others did, I expect you to pivot. It seems like you have all been taught the same thing. So I’ll use the last few fights to my advantage.’ Numba thought, getting his fist by his side ready, his head pointed at Xin. josei

However, the female Altered didn't move out of the way, rather she remained standing, as if to make a point. Xin took a fighting stance and just as Numba's horns entered her range, she threw out the palm of her hand to the side. It hit the large horn of the Goat Altered and he could feel the energy from the palm strike rattle throughout his body. At the same time, his entire head was chucked off to the side.

The momentum in his own legs, made him crash into the cage. His horn went right through one of the mesh gaps, and bent the metal… making him stuck

‘I need to get out before she hits me!* Numba began to panic, pushing off with all his strength. As soon as his horns were free, he felt his legs shaking. They were wobbly and the next second, he fell to the ground now on one knee.

‘What… was that attack, what just happened to me? Why won't my legs work!’ He was unable to comprehend the strange situation. Confusing him even more was the fact that Xin had yet to move. She had the perfect opportunity to finish him off, yet for some reason she didn’t.

“I won’t strike you when your back is against me.” Xin said as if she could read his mind.

Laughter could be heard from down below, mainly coming from Ryan. “Are they serious, has the AFA really gone downhill? The number one student that passed through the facility is a freaking Goat Altered. What’s he going to do, spit and chew at his opponents?”

Hearing the taunts, Xin turned around, now staring at Ryan, telling him to shut up with her eyes. She had used the palm strike, with a strange inner power she had on others before, and they had been knocked out, but this one in front of her. It was clear that he had a strong will.

The question was, would he be able to stand up again?

‘Again, people are laughing at me again… I can't take it. What is wrong with these guys, who just sit there and laugh at others' hard work?’ Numba thought as he placed both hands on his knee. He pulled on it with as hard as he could, hoping that it might allow him to stand on it again.

His whole leg was shaking, he was biting down on his teeth. “ARGHHH!” Numba shouted as he successfully stood up on two feet. He stumbled a bit but got in a fighting stance again. “I did it!”

“Yes, you did.” Eddy agreed. “That’s an impressive feat… but the fight is over. You’re in no condition to fight any more. ”

The teacher was already entering the cage. Numba tried to argue his case, but when trying to move towards Eddy, he started to lean forward as if he was about to fall over. Fortunately, the adult caught him just before he made a fool of himself.

Xin returned to her seat. She sat down, folding her arms. She was ready to watch the next match, but there was one person that wanted to say something.

“You know how you always say that you only go out with those that are stronger than you?” Ryan reminded her. “You just beat their strongest guy with ease. So your old boyfriend over there can't be stronger than him. Why don't you go out with me, or was that just some type of excuse.”

“It's not an excuse.” Xin replied. “Beating me is a minimum to my requirements and as for my history with Gary, that is none of your business. Now stop bothering me, before I beat you myself.”

A tut was heard as Ryan walked away, not really thinking it was fair, but then again what could he do, he only hoped he would be fighting next, so he could let out his frustration on Gary.

“Alright, the next fight, rank 5!” Eddy declared.

It was time for Izzy to go up, and when she stood up, she looked to be the least nervous out of them all. She walked and entered the stage while the others gave her words of encouragement, even Numba who had just fought himself cheered for her.

As for her opponent, he was a silent bowl haired cut student. He had yet to say a single word since they had entered the room, and the expression on his face had stayed the same.

‘This is perfect, this is exactly what I need.’ Izzy thought.

“Begin!” Eddy called out.

Just like all the ones before them, Izzy ran out first as well. There were many disappointed faces seeing this because it was clear that the tactic of attacking first wasn’t working out, and when the female Altered threw a punch, the other student moved his head and answered with an over right counter hitting her in the face and sending her to the floor.

Izzy had a bit of blood in her mouth, yet she stayed on the ground for a full ten seconds.

“Well… I guess that's the end of that fight as well.” Eddy said, shaking his head. After Ian’s performance, he had expected more of them, making him nearly forget that this entire match up could be seen as a form of hazing for the new students.

‘There’s no chance of me winning a fight against these monsters. I tried to figure out a way, and no one else could, so what difference would I make? This was the most efficient way to lose a match, and also without revealing my Altered form. This way, I’ll have element of surprise down the line.

‘I don’t plan to make it far in the AFC like everyone else. I'm just here to make connections.’

Izzy wiped the blood from her mouth, as she returned to the others with a smile on her face. She wanted to show them all that she was not upset about the outcome, and they all understood that she must lost this way on purpose.

“There is no reason to use the random number generator. There are only two of you left. Both of you, please get into the ring.” Eddy told them.

Ryan was smiling and punching his fist into the palm of his hand, while, Gary had taken the towel off from his head and stood on his two feet.

“Let's get this over with.” Gary grumbled in a pained voice.


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