My Werewolf System

Chapter 420 Strange blood? (Part 1)

Chapter 420 Strange blood? (Part 1)

During this pause, Izzy was left in amazement about what she had just witnessed. ‘That girl Xin really deserves her number one rank. I’ve heard that there were beasts with elemental skills and powers, but I thought those were just baseless rumours…’

Unbeknownst to the normal viewers, the AFC was well aware that some Altered were more special than others, which was why each fighter would be informed beforehand that they were just to use the advantages the Altered forms gave them and nothing else.

This led to the belief that some Altered were actually stronger when during their official matches outside the AFC. The reports of Altered having special powers had come from those that belonged to gangs and organisations in the first place.

‘This Xin girl is the same age as us, but she has already reached such an advanced level. Just how long will it take me to catch up?’ Izzy wondered, but rather than get depressed that her own Altered wasn’t that special, she intended to use it as motivation to get better. Hoping to close the gap through training and using her brain.

After it became obvious that Gary wasn’t faking being unconscious, the teacher assistants quickly entered and carried him away in the same manner as when Sty had been hurt in the first match.

“Wait, where are you taking him?” Numba asked, getting ready to follow him.

“Don't worry,” Eddy said, stepping in between Numba and the leaving assistants. “He's going to be okay. The AFA has an incredible medical team and will make sure he’ll be up in no time. Sty should know all about it.” josei

Taking this as a type of dig, Sty just crossed his arms and looked away. “I still don't understand why that guy just wouldn’t fully transform.” The Fly Altered mumbled, though not loud enough for the others to hear.

As for Numba, he had no other choice but to watch his friend leave through those double doors, unable to stop them at all. ‘Gary… are you really going to be okay?’ He thought.

“Alright, everyone, head back to your rooms. You’re free for the rest of the day. Make sure to go to bed early, since tomorrow will officially be your first day. The teachers will know this, so they will take it easy on you. Do your best to catch up to your peers.” Eddy explained.

Before the students left, Xin came up to Eddy. She looked a bit nervous as she rubbed her arm, but it was clear she wanted to say something. “Eddy, can you… can you let me know once he wakes up? I… I want to apologise for what I did.”

“Sure.” Eddy smiled back. “I’ll let him know you were worried about him as well.”

Xin’s face went all red, as she quickly hurried off to exit the room with the others. Seeing this, Eddy was quite happy. He had been worried about her since the only thing on that girl’s mind had been fighting.

Throughout her stay, Xin had never shown to care about anything else, which was why she had been able to improve so fast. As her teacher, Eddy was happy to see that a teenage girl her age still had normal interests. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite sure about the compatibility between the two, the ‘ice queen’ and the ‘wild boy’...

‘If these two get together, the pair of them could cause trouble for whoever they meet.’ Eddy thought as he shook his head with an amused look.

There was another person who wasn't the same after his match. Ryan’s cocky attitude was nowhere to be found, and he was not speaking to anyone. At the moment, he was looking at the cage itself… and its damaged state.

It made him wonder if he hadn't moved in time, what would have happened to him, what would have the outcome been. Seeing the others leave, Ryan decided to catch up with a certain individual.

“Hey… I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” He apologised. Shingi looked at him, barely believing his ears.

“It's okay, man. I’m happy you didn’t die. If anyone beats the shit out of you, it should be me as your rival.”

The two laughed it off as they exited from the place, believing that they would never forget an event like today.


Gary was being wheeled through the facility in a hospital bed, and due to the severity of his wounds, they had decided to take him to the main facility, instead of the rooms they were in.

There, a group of experts could work on him, to patch him up until he would be good as new. He had already been attached to an IV drip on the way. When the Werewolf arrived to see the specialised doctors, they were surprised that the wounds on his body weren’t to a degree that put him in any ‘life-threatening’ condition.

His heart was beating healthy, and it looked like just patching up his wounds had made a large improvement. With the IV drip inside him, Gary felt a small spark of Energy return, yet his eyes were still blurry. He tried to open them but lacked the ability to do so.

“I’ve seen many Altered with great natural healing abilities, but it looks like he’s on another level.” A male voice said. “There’s not much else we need to do, so put him in his own private room for now. Also, make sure to lock the doors, the file explicitly mentioned that part. The supervising teacher suspects that he might be a crazed Altered.”

“Would like me to collect a blood sample and proceed with the tests, doctor?” A female voice questioned.

‘Blood sample? No, I can't let them take one… if they do…they'll find out I'm not an Altered. I don’t know what's going to happen then but I don't want to find out.’

The teenager tried to open his mouth, wanting to object and tell them that he was alright.

Alas, as someone who lacked the power to even open his eyes, he was unable to even move his lips. Everything was becoming burdensome, and before he could do anything, he lost consciousness once more.


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