My Werewolf System

Chapter 461 The Hunters Choose

Chapter 461 The Hunters Choose

Chapter 461 The Hunters Choose

Given the information provided on the gangs, it appeared as if the Howlers had been selected because they were deemed a relatively easy target. For one, there was only one confirmed Altered in their group, and that was Gary. They had his appearance and still shots from the filming that day, along with a few details here and there. When Blake saw their name, he could only hope that they wouldn’t come to the auction.josei


Reality was often disappointing, and there was nothing the young Altered Hunter could do after the gang had stayed behind to pay for their purchased Altered solution. It might have been different had they bought nothing, or simply weapons, but their single purchase had, unfortunately, put them on today’s radar.

After everyone received their items, the Altered Hunters proceeded to leave the venue on black motorbikes that they had used for today’s trip. They were not only stylish but more importantly, they had been tinkered with to allow them to reach a speed surpassing the average car while fitting two people on it.

On top of that, there were weapons that were placed in cases and more were hung from the side of the bike for easy access for them. Exiting the auction house, the three of them met up with the other half of the team, stopping by on a street and entering an alleyway together.

“Okay.” Josh said, giving out a big breath. “Two groups on our list have ended purchasing an Altered solution. Usually, those gangs plan to stay here for a couple of days. The city is currently full of influential groups, gangs and corporations, making this a prime opportunity to make connections.

“Since we don't know how long they will stay here, we’ll have to act fast, especially since we want to avoid attracting another group’s attention. Should we go for the No Land Gang, or the Howlers?” Josh asked.

Everyone seemed to be in thought, but given that he knew at least some of their members, Blake obviously didn't want to go after the Howlers. He and Gary had worked together in the past, so he felt like he at least owed it to him to try and make his group consider going for the other option.

Blake knew that he would someday have to fight Gary since he was believed to be a Wolf Altered. It was impossible for him to correct that mistake in thinking, at least not without any proof or admitting that he had worked with the “enemy”.

“I think it would be for the best to go for the No Land Gang.” Blake suggested. Josh raised an eyebrow, his sign for the youngest member of their group to elaborate.

“The Howlers’ might all have been wearing masks, but according to our information their leader is known to be wearing a black and golden wolf mask. The one who bid on the items and accepted them, though, was someone in a fox mask. In other words, at the moment their group has no Altered with them.

“The main goal of us Altered Hunters in the first place is to fight Altered, ridding them off the world before they become crazed and cause more harm than good. Like our ancestors did in the past with beasts.

“Taking down a gang of normal people is not the Altered Hunters Association's goal, but police work.”

It was spoken strongly, with strong passion, and they felt like Blake had a point, yet there was also an opposing opinion.

“Isn’t that a good reason to go for them, though?” Kane questioned. “I mean, if their leader isn't with them, then there is less risk involved for us? Without an Altered stopping us, it will be child’s play getting their solution and destroying it, completing our tasks.”

Blake hadn’t considered that point, now worried because he had to agree that Kane had a good point. Judging by the other Hunters, it was more likely that Josh would take the easier approach. The three-star Hunter was considering both opinions.

“Kane is right… but so is Blake. Taking away their solution will not get us any closer to earning our stars. According to the information, there is one Altered that is here today in the No Land Group. If they have already used the solution that they have just received, then it would be two Altered. There is a chance for all of us to get closer to a promotion.

“There won't be many opportunities like this.” The older two-star Hunter mentioned. “We have to have some backbone if we want to rise.”

Blake was thankful this was relatively a young group, because the younger members of the Altered Hunter Association always wanted to improve themselves and go up the ladder in the organisation. It was the same for Blake, but given the circumstances, he wanted to avoid fighting one side.

“Alright, I have heard your opinions on the matter… and honestly I can't make a simple decision. At the end of the day, it's not just my life but yours as well that we would be risking, so I want to take that into account.

“Which is why we’ll decide this by majority vote. I’ll accept whatever decision the five of you come to.”

Gulping, it all was down to this, and just in case, Blake needed to come up with a back-up plan.


The group didn’t wish to waste their first visit to a Tier-1 city, and Kai had made a promise to a certain someone that they would be visiting a certain area before they returned to Slough, which was why the group were currently at the main shopping district in Morfan City. The group stood at one end, in complete awe, with their mouths held open. They could see stylish people walking the street, all wearing clothes that shouted ‘look at me’.

On top of that, the street itself was super impressive. The entire ground was marble and there wasn't a speck of dust or gum on it. It was reflecting some of the sunlight, making it sparkle even more, and the shopping malls were no different. Large and like palaces inside. Marie found the place so beautiful that it had brought a tear to her eye.

“I know it looks really cool and all, but do you really have to cry?” Innu asked.

“You don't understand, just going to a shopping area, where there are dozens of people around, it just makes me feel so free.” She said, smiling and hugging herself with excitement, but that excitement soon dwindled down. “And…we can’t even afford to buy anything.”

“There’s no use looking at me. I’ve already told you, the gang's funds will be sparse the next few months. Besides, all of you get paid, so time to use that money.” Kai complained.

This caused the rest of the group to stare at him deeply, because their pay for being core members wasn't exactly the best. It was similar to them working a normal 9-5 job in Slough, it certainly wasn't the high life treatment that the main members of the Underdogs had enjoyed.

Kai had cut corners to save as much money as he could, and he knew that those closest to him would be able to take the hit better than the others. If he tried cutting the pay Olivia’s gang members had grown used to, there would be uproar and they could forget about loyalty. Coincidentally, it was for this reason that Olivia was actually one of the best paid members of their group.

“If you really see something you like, I'm happy to pitch in and help you buy it.” Austin stated. “I don’t really have any need for my money in the first place, and I think you would be happier with it.”

Marie was so over the moon with these words she felt like she could kiss Austin right now. The teenager girl held his hand and thanked him, and soon looked over toward Innu.

“If you’re expecting me to do the same, you must be crazy. Did you forget that I'm using my money to look after Kevin and Suzan? And despite all my complaints, Kai won’t raise it!”

After a bit of back and forth, the group decided to let Marie drag them around through the shops. Kai stated it was best if they stayed together and because of that, the gang ended up going to a lot of shops, and got tired of looking at clothes after clothes.

At first, they enjoyed seeing the shopping malls, and the robots that were in them that would guide you to certain places, but it was getting extremely tiring and after trying all the clothes she had simply bought a small red purse.

However, the guys understood because even with Austin's money, it was the only thing that she could really afford without going broke.

After a full day of shopping, the sun was starting to set and it looked like soon it would be dark out. Getting back in the car, Tyler was ready to drive them away as their visit to Morfran City had come to an end, and they were ready to return to their home town.

The whole group was in the large limo and travelling across a large bridge that went over the river. They could see the light turn on all the buildings as the sky turned dark and it looked extremely beautiful to look at.

The bridge was mostly empty as there didn't seem to be a lot of visitors coming in or out of Morfran City, heading towards the tunnel. The Tier-1 cities were certainly different compared to the rest of the tier one cities.

While driving along the long bridge, the sound of a high revved engine could be heard. Taking a peek in the car mirror, Tyler could see something coming up to them very fast. He had decided to slow down as he didn't want to get in an accident.

“Who is driving so fast at this time, and at night? Do they want to get in an accident?” Tyler mumbled to himself.

Turning his head, Kai went to take a look at what was making that noise, but they had quickly gone straight past them. That's when they noticed it was a motorbike. After getting in front of Tyler though, it skidded to the side, and stopped side on right in front of the car.

“What the hell?!” Tyler shouted as he rammed the brakes, forcing the car to come to a halt around five metres away from the person on the bike.

“I don't like this one bit.” Kai stated. “Get ready to drive away at any second.”


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