My Werewolf System

Chapter 464 Growing quickly

Chapter 464 Growing quickly

464 Growing quickly

The Altered Hunters were used to fighting Altered. It was their main task and what they trained for, and on top of that, most of the group were two star hunters. The weapons that the other groups were using, although they were Anti Altered equipment, it just wasn’t on the same caliber.

For one, the weapons where just enhanced with some type of electrical power that anyone could use, but real Anti Altered weapons, one was able to draw power from them. A technique that was shown to all, and those single items were expensive, and was what the Altereds were trying to collect.

Because of this, fighting the everyday gang member, especially from a tier four city, was relatively easy for the group. There was only one that they needed to worry about. With his teammates fighting with the rest of the gang members, Blake was now face to face with Kit, the leader of the No Land group.

“You think I'm as easy as the rest of the guys, well that’s where you're dead wrong!” Kit shouted as he threw out a punch confidently. It was fast, but Blake was also fast having dodged the hit, and in return dashed in to create a strike vertically across his body.

The sword had ripped through the clothes, but there seemed to be some type of leather armour that was underneath. Looking down at his chest though, Kit seemed to be a little surprised because the leather like armour had been scratched as well.

“You guys, I should have known you're not just some wannabe gang that wants to take us down. Your Altered Hunters!” Kit shouted. “Well you have come to the right place, Boys!”

Most of the men had been beaten and were on the floor. The Altered Hunters had actually tried to avoid killing them when not necessary. Usually in a situation where the others were willing to kill them they didn’t hold back, but the difference in strength and skill between them, they were able to solve this without the need.

What this did mean though, was that they were still conscious, and with the weapons still next to them, they threw them over at the same time to where their leader was. Kit stretched himself and suddenly, two more arms on each side had sprouted out, giving him a total of six all together.

He grabbed two swords, two spears, but his other hands were left free so he could deal physical pain when he truly needed to, a strength of his.

‘The report was right, an altered that can create extra limbs, and it is quite skillful at using weapons. This is going to be a bit more difficult.’

On top of that, ever since Blake had started to fight against Kit the leader, the white lines, that would show him where to attack, the places of where the opponents attacks would, be had disappeared. He still didn’t know what was the difference or reason for this.

Two thrusts of the spear had gone straight towards Blake. They were powerful attacks, and Blake had no choice but to use his two red swords to try and deflect the attack. As he had done that though, two more of the swords were coming down towards him from above.josei

‘I have to avoid this.’

The quickest thing he could do in his position was to roll forward. The spears were still by the side and blocking his path, and the sword strike would possibly damage him, even with the Altered armour they were wearing.

When attempting to roll forward though, two of theleader's fists were chucked right towards his head from below and had smashed right on his helmet. Breaking it in an instant and causing him to fall back onto the ground.

“Hey, we're done over here, shouldn’t we help him?” Kane, the one star hunter asked. Seeing that it was an Altered this was what they were around for. A step closer to getting the next star.

“Don't worry, if he needs our help, then we will join in.” Josh answered with his foot on top of one of the gang members. “One has to be put in situations like these to grow, it's the kids time to shine.”

Blake was unaware that the rest of his teammates had already dealt with the gang members, instead he was focused on the opponent in front of him, and at the same time he was frustrated.

‘What was I doing before, that I'm not doing now?’ Blake thought.

However, Kit wasn’t going to give him time to think by just standing there. He came forward again, thrusting the spears, and this time, when deflecting the spear, Blake spun his body. This allowed him to avoid the strike of the other spear, and now knowing that the blades would be coming.

Blake used the momentum of him spinning to knock the two swords out of the way. Now it was time for him to deal with the next step, he charged in again with his shoulder first, and barged his body into Kit hitting him back a bit.

With his arms free, Kit went to grab Blake, but before he could, Blake pulled both his swords up from below and sliced his hands in the process.

“This is getting annoying!” Kit shouted, dropping the spear in his hand, and throwing out a hook, hitting Blake right in the side of the head, knocking him to the ground and his helmet off.

Seeing this, Kane charged forward, quickly Kit had picked up the spear off the ground and threw it right at Kane. It was a lot faster than he expected and on top of that, he thought that Kit hadn’t been paying attention to the rest of them.

They thought they would have been able to just sneak in and take this one out, but following the spear Kane knew in that moment that it would pierce his body. HIs speed wasn’t fast enough, his hand was moving but it was too slow.

‘This person isn't just an Altered, but a skilled one at that. I took him as too little of a threat after taking out the rest of the gang. This is one who rose up and took over a tier 4 city. Which means there strength could be higher.’

Planning to just take the hit and recover from it, Kane was bracing himself but at the last second, a swing of a sword had hit the spear, sending it directly to the ground. It crashed and pushed the pebbles away quite a bit as well.

“That's one way to test this sword out. It's pretty good if I do say so myself.” Josh said swinging the large thing around with a single hand. “Still, I can tell from that throw your opponent is tougher than we gave him credit for, do you want a little help?”

Blake was standing at this point, and with his helmet off his face was now In full view.

“What the hell!” Kit siad. “You're just a kid.”

“What does that even matter, if I'm the one that’s going to beat you!” Blake stated, charging in again.

This time, when the spears were thrust forward though, Blake avoided them stepping outside of the range of his swords. He wanted to go deep like before and was keeping his distance.

While watching the fight carefully, Josh felt like he already knew who the winner of the fight was going to be, it was clear that one person was improving at an incredibly fast speed during this fight and it would only be a matter of time.

“This is going well, it looks like none of us have had any injuries either. At this rate, we might be able to go after the Howlers gang as well.” Josh stated. “If the information was right, they should be crossing this bridge soon so it shouldn’t be far either.”

Hearing these words, Blake's heart thumped louder, and for some reason, he could see where to strike on the gang leader once again. Not wanting to lose this moment, Blake charged in, he could see the path of the spear that was being thrust out.

Although he could avoid it, he imagined that the white line that was going across vertically on Kit’s neck would be impossible to hit, unless he did one thing. Moving just an inch to the side, he allowed for the spear to pierce the side of his arm.

It had cut through drawing blood, then with the other sword he whacked away the other weapon. Lastly, leaping forward and vertically slashing his sword, Blake was able to cut right across Kit’s neck before he could do anything with his other weapons; it was all in one smooth motion.

‘That was incredibly impressive. This kid is going to go up the stairs in no time, I just know it.’

Kit fell to the floor holding onto his neck, trying to stop the blood from coming out, but his eyes were starting to fade and it looked like it was the end for him. When the others were going to go ahead and congratulate him though, Blake continued to run forward, and hopped onto one of the Bikes riding it away, leaving the rest of the Altered hunter’s confused.

“Let's clean up this place here, and go after Blake, something is up.” Josh ordered.


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