My Werewolf System

Chapter 472 New Altered

Chapter 472 New Altered

The confidence in the mayor’s voice as he revealed each and every way he had rejected the Howlers’ many attempts to expand was invigorating for the gang leaders to hear. Nevertheless, when Ben told the gang leaders that for the next step he needed their help in stopping the Howlers’ revenue streams by doing things that he, as a public figure, was unable to do, the hesitation from their side was palpable.

“You do understand that doing that is the same as crippling Slough as a whole, don’t you?” Tony from the Lock Gang pointed out the issue they all had with the mayor’s proposal.

“Mr Lock, weren’t you the one who stated that the Howlers would win without having to do anything if things continue as they are? I admit that forcing most business to pause their operation is a drastic step, but it’s necessary, though I assure you that it’s only for a limited period of time.

“I have it on good authority that the Howlers have liquidated a large amount of their buildings recently, which is a sure sign that they intended to purchase something big. In other words, their reserve is about to take a real hit soon.

“What do you think happens when their businesses, which appear to be their only reliable source of revenue, stops all of a sudden?! Without money, they will be unable to pay their people… what will happen then? There will be a large-scale revolt!”

There was a large smirk on Ben’s face as he reaches this point of his monologue. Seeing this, the leaders of each gang all subconsciously came to one shared realisation: the mayor might be an even bigger crook than any of them, because he truly cared only about one thing, and that was himself and his own well-being.

The fact that his plan would further decrease the quality of life of his constituents seemed to be merely an afterthought. A minor factor in a complicated calculation. The most sinister part of it was that he would be handing those businesses over to the gang members on a silver platter, and once things returned to normal, he intended to take credit for solving a problem he himself had instigated.

“That plan sounds great, but isn’t there a huge problem?” The little brother from the Blood Triangles asked with a small frown. “Even if we don’t account for the fact that they might not have spent that liquidated money, what do we do when the Howlers decide to take action?

They might have ignored us before, but if we go after their source of revenue so brazenly, how is this any different from an open war declaration? They’re bound to come after us and if we had the power to stand against them, we wouldn’t be meeting here in the first place.”

Ben started to laugh out loud. “Do you really think I would have suggested my plan if I didn’t account for that fact? Besides, if they were completely sure about taking us out, they would have done so already. That’s just another reason to go after them, before things chan-”

A few grunts interrupted the speech, which made all those present look at the only door on the floor. The only ones on the outside were the Tier-4 gang leader’s so-called best men, which the mayor had been forced to hire when choosing this venue as they came with the package.

Just when Ben was about to make an off-handed remark about how difficult it was to find good personal before continuing their meeting, they could hear the men outside raise their voices.

“Who the hell are you guys? You're not allowed to be up he-”

The sentence was cut short, and the next moment the double doors were swung wide open by an incoming human projectile that crashed into the wall.

“Sorry for the disturbance, but one of you must have forgotten to put our name on the VIP list.” A man with a black and gold fox mask explained with a wide grin as he stepped over a downed gang member and entered the room.

He was followed by four individuals who were also clad in black and gold clothing, with different masks on their faces to cover their identity. Ever since that day, the black and gold uniform had become a symbol for their gang, and it was already common knowledge that those with masks belonged to the inner circle of the Howlers.

“Who the hell told them about this meeting?!” The leader of the Blood Triangle shouted as he looked around, suspecting that one of the other gangs must have betrayed them, yet the confusion on the face of the other alliance members was genuine.

“Do you have a problem with us being here? Would you have rather continued cursing us behind our backs?” Kai asked calmly as his gaze slowly fell on each one of them, sending shivers down the backs of those grown men.

Ben looked over at the man that had been sent flying a few moments ago. Without a doubt, he was one of the supposed guards. When the mayor looked behind the Howlers he could also see many others in a similar or worse condition, yet none of the five newcomers had so much as a scratch on them.

Still, he also noticed that they were short one very prominent member.

“Tsk, just how lowly do you guys think of us that you just sent the B team?” Ben asked after regaining his composure. “Your leader, the guy that defeated Kirk isn't even with you. None of you match his body shape or are wearing the same mask as him!”

When he pointed that out, the others let out a sigh of relief. As impressive the feat of sending someone flying was, the person they all feared the most was the Wolf-like Altered as he had managed to take out the AFC’s Rookie Champion.

“You really think I don't recognise you, Olivia?” Tony questioned after regaining his confidence. Given their shared history, it was easy enough for him to recognise her proportions. “How low can you sink? They kicked your ar*e, yet you follow them like a loyal dog?!”

He slammed his hand into a fist, and punched the chair that he was sitting on breaking it in a single hit. His knuckles were bleeding, but with a smile he licked away the blood.

“Had you run into my Pincers headquarters and defeated all my guys, I might have considered tolerating your presence long enough for a single date. Besides, where did you get the audacity to question me working for them, when all of you rats gathered together to stand a chance against us, huh?!” Olivia retorted. The Lady Boss swung out her whip at a lightning fast speed and it wrapped around Tony's shoulders. He was lifted into the air with Olivia's strength and then slammed into the ground at full force, breaking part of the wooden flooring.


Ben began to grind his teeth as he could see that his side was losing momentum.

“You guys have annoyed me for long enough!” The mayor shouted as his body began to transform. His new status as an Altered was supposed to be their side’s trump card, and without Gary, now was the best chance for him to use his advantage to deal a critical strike to the other side.

“No wonder he grew the balls to mess with us directly. Kai thought inwardly.

“Alright, big guy, it's your time to shine.” The vice-leader ordered Austin who happily walked forward to meet the Altered.


Sorry for the lack of chapters these days. If you haven't noticed it's because of the new webtoon Just a Goblin just being released on Webtoon, as well as the Werewolf Webtoon. Just need to get to the point where things are flowing and I'm hands off so I can write my books again.

Because without the books, the webtoons would have never existed in the first place. Wish I could clone myself.

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