My Werewolf System

Chapter 485 Business Tycon

Chapter 485 Business Tycon

Everyone in the room had already watched the video that Kai was currently playing. Since they lived in Slough, they were updated with the latest, and on top of that, Kai always hammered into them that it was important to stay on top of current news.

They couldn't always rely on their informants and so on for the latest news, and this video in particular that Kai was now showing had been seen by everyone.

“What… someone was filming all of that!” Gary said as he grabbed the phone out of Kai’s hand.

It showed him, a green haried teeneager from behind, quickly dealing with a few of the Howlers members, and after that even giving direct orders to Innu who was behind the mask.

“This is partly my fault.” Innu admitted as he sulked and sat back down on the sofa. “I should have checked to see if anyone had filmed anything, but I was just so focused on punishing those guys, and so surprised to see you return.”

The video in question had been filmed by one of the shop owners, and it showed Gary not just taking out the Howlers members but giving orders as well. Based on the comments, many of them knew that the black and gold clothing was the Howlers gang, which led to many questions underneath the video.

“I'm worried for that kid, the Howlers gang now might send some big one’s after him, I mean they took over Slough, how could someone like that stand up to them.”

“Didn't you watch the video properly, he was ordering them around, and his fighting skills as well. He’s probably the son of the leader or something and the other members just didn't know who they were messing with.”action

“Who is the Green haired boy, does anyone recognise him?”

“That Green haired boy, I think it's Gary. He used to go to my school, he’s just a normal person.”

“No way, you must be mistaking him for some other green haired person.”

The comments went on and on and Gary was surprised at how much information was being dug up.

“Is it really that bad? And, what should we do about it?” Gary asked.

“Thankfully the video hasn't gone viral. It's only spread around Slough since the Howlers is really only the talk of Slough, but your face is familiar within the AFA now as well. So if it did get widespread, maybe they would find out you were a student of the AFA.

“We were planning to publicly sponsor and support you but that wasn't till you entered the AFC. Right now, while the Howlers are still new and in its expanding stage, I don't want to gather too much attention just yet.”

Kai put his finger on his chin, a habit when he was thinking quite hard, and eventually sat down.

“I do have an idea, something that I have been thinking about for a while now, that will help us and yourself. The number one thing we need to do, is make sure that other gangs don't know Gary Dem, is the leader Gary Dem of the Howlers.

“Now, we have already incorporated the masks between the higher ups of the Howlers gang, so most don't know your face, but once Gary Dem of the AFA gets well known, and your ability is out there for the world to see, some people might be able to put two and two together.

“Which is why, my plan is to make you” Kai pointed. “the Gary Dem right here, another person of greatness!”

Gary raised an eyebrow, and so did many others in the room, because they really didn’t know where he was going with this one.

“People know that the Howlers are a gang in Slough, and there are some businesses and places that are scared of us. It makes them unwilling to take our investment money or to work with us at times.

“Although sometimes companies can see the benefit of working with a gang but that is mainly the larger corporations and this is where you would come in. I would like, Gary Dem, to make his own company of sorts.

“The Dem Foundation invests in small businesses helping them thrive. A business genius who turns around companies and makes a fortune. Of course most of the funds would be moving between the Howlers corporation and yours, but the public won't know this.

“All they need to see is the public image that we project of you. In the end, people will think the Howlers listened to you, as you are a wealthy person. At the same time, your mother won't be so suspicious about where the money has come from either. You will have an answer for her.

“We can also attack business from both sides, a business has an investment opportunity from the family man Gary Dem or the Howlers, they think they will have a choice but in reality, they are both coming from the same person. This is perfect!”

Kai was rambling on, and there was such a large smile on his face that Gary was finding it hard to interrupt.

‘When do I tell him I have no clue what he's talking about? Kai is a lot smarter than me, maybe I should just trust him with all of this, and in the first place, I really do need a way to tell mum how I made all the money.'

‘At first, the Wolf’s Pool Club would have been a good answer for paying all the bills, but the apartment and a luxury car among other things.’ Gary thought.

Kai was still smirking to himself mumbling under his breath and writing on a piece of paper as if he was piecing out his plan.

“By day, you can be Gary Dem, the young Business Tycoon, and by night, the Howlers' gang leader, the bloodsucking Werewolf!”

“What do you want us to do then?” Innu asked, raising his hand. “There have already been a few people asking who Gary is.”

“That's perfect.” Kai replied. “We can start spreading the rumour within the Howlers first, if the people hear it from the Howlers gang, they will surely think that it's more credible.”

Writing on a piece of paper, Kai then handed it out to the others. They were replies they should say when other members asked, which he was sure they would do. Everything was moving a bit too fast for Gary, especially since he had just got here, but as usual he would just need to ride the wave.

“Is there anything that you need me to do?” Gary asked.

“For now, you focus on the AFA, and other things, we will sort out spreading your name.” Kai replied. “Besides, we have bigger things to worry about at the moment. Why don't we all catch up a bit on what has happened.”

The entire group started to talk about the events that had occured. Everything the members of the Howlers went through while Gary was away. He was amazed about what happened to Blake, and wondered if he should pay him a visit.

However, what he was even more surprised about was Austin who had become an Altered. Gary, after learning of this, immediately asked Asutin to transform for him, to which he did.

Austin had also asked Gary if the two of them would want a little sparring match. Gary couldn't lie he was definitely interested, especially after fighting against all the Altered at the AFA.

More than likely though, after the strength Gary had gained at the AFA, maybe he was another step ahead of them all here as well.

After that, it was Gary’s turn to tell them all that happened in the AFA. It looked like there was no easy ride for him in the entire thing either. He explained why he was unable to contact them and all of the events with others that had occured.

The only thing that Gary had decided to leave out, was all the information about the special lessons. It stated he should keep it a secret and although he trusted everyone here to never tell a soul at the same time, he didn't want them to get in trouble.

NIRV was a much larger corporation with its hands in the pockets with the biggest gangs, a gang like the Howlers, although growing, should never attempt to upset them, so it was better for him to just keep his lips sealed about that one.

“I'm happy to know that you have not just been doing well but have been doing really well. This will increase our publicity even more when you have your debut match.” Kai smirked. “But before all that, I guess we should start.

“Tomorrow will be a big day for you and the Howlers, it could be the starting point of progressing the Howlers, from a tier three town, into something more, so let me ask… are you ready?”

Gary didn’t nod straight away. He was usually up for fighting, trying his best at physical things, but something where he had to use his mouth and words, that was more up to Kai, but he knew this was a big point for them.

“I have to be. No… I am ready.” Gary answered.


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