My Werewolf System

Chapter 496 A Debut (Part 1)

Chapter 496 A Debut (Part 1)

Gary had to admit, of all the things that he thought he would be asked, this wasn’t one of them. The thing was, they were right, Gary was having an off day for more reasons than one during the time of the fight.

On top of that, if Gary was to truly show his absolute full strength in a fight like he had done against a certain supervisor teacher, then he would have to use his full transformation skill.

Wu, who was still in the room, found the conversation quite interesting, especially since for some reason a teacher was involved. So he decided to take a step to the side, with a towel placed over his head, as he listened to the conversation.

‘If Shingi had just asked the question then I could have played it off, but why is Eddy, that teacher, asking as well?’ Gary thought.

“What do you mean?� Gary replied with a smile. “I barely won that fight, and I felt really sick that day, which is why I acted like that. Honestly, I think I was barely conscious since I felt so sick.� Gary chuckled.

“If what you say is true, then you wouldn't mind having a match with me.� Shingi asked, tensing his fist. “I have to fight you, to get over this fear. Are you special, one of a kind? Maybe I’ll find out once I fight you and will be able to progress myself.�

A certain word had caused Wu to look up again.

‘Did Gary say he won his fight? I noticed that guy, so I'm guessing both my group and his group fought against the same guys, but we all lost our fights. Unless they fought against someone else, that wouldn't be possible.’

“I’m sorry.� Gary replied. “After what happened last time, I really don't have an interest in fighting others. Not when there’s no reason to, I still have a lot to learn at the academy, including how to control my powers properly.�

Shingi looked disappointed by the answer, in truth he had sought out Eddy telling him his worries, and what he was hung up over. Since Eddy had received a few hits from Gary himself, he was interested in this student as well, and agreed to help him out.

“A reason to fight.� Eddy stroked his chin. “Maybe I can give you one. You and Xin, you both know each other right? From the feeling I have, you seem to like that girl, correct?�

Gary's face made it impossible to hide this fact as he turned away. He was quite an honest person, based on his facial expressions, and a terrible liar.

“You know, I am directly in charge of Xin’s lessons before her debut match. There is a reason why you haven't seen her as much, but if you take part in this match, and do so seriously then maybe I can make some favourable situations for you.�

“Can you even do that?� Shingi whispered, questioning the morals of using one of his other students like so.josei

A little kick from Eddy quieted Shingi though, since this was all for him in the first place.

Maybe such a simple thing wouldn’t have convinced others, but the truth was half the reason why Gary had come to the AFA in the first place was because of Xin.

‘I can show my strength a little right, I already passed their checks so anything I do now isn’t so suspicious.’ Gary thought. ‘And the better I show I am, the closer I can get to Xin.’

In his head, Gary was just imagining the two of them rising through the ranks and then maybe in the future, Xin and Gary would be set up to have a match together. Before the match was to start though, Gary would bow down and forfeit the match saying the words.

‘I’m sorry, I can’t hit the one I love.’

The crowd would start to cheer and whistle, as Xin shows her cute shy side, and confesses her feelings there and then. It would be a moment for the history books.

As Gary was thinking about all of this, all the others could see was his shoudlers moving up and down, and stupid faces being made on his face as he went into a daze.

‘This guy... this guy beat one of the top students in the entire AFA... no way. I know he did quite well in the special lesson, but I still can't see too much of what Apollo sees in him.’

“Alright, fine!� Gary said. “I’ll win this fight, and teacher, you better keep your promise.�

The octagon was set up, and this time unlike the time before, Eddy would be in the cage. He was unsure if a strange occurrence would happen like last time, but Gary certainly did seem like a different person compared to the last time he entered the cage.

​ Gary was a little concerned because after consuming the beast, he was actually stronger compared to before. He didn't have the boost of the moon on his side, but he was a completely different person, one that wasn't fighting with himself, which would allow him to show the full extent of his skills.

“I have a favour to ask.� Gary said, just before the match was about to start. “I know it might sound cocky of me saying this, but if you feel like there is a large difference between the two of us, then give up straight away. For mine and your sake.�

Although Gary hadn't fought much since coming into the academy, he did realise something after turning into his werewolf self. With each fight he was growing with excitement and sometimes, he would get carried away, making it harder and harder for him to stop.

“Fine, let’s do this!� Shingi declared.


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